Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/uploads/flags/app.tar
app.php 0000644 00000015555 14717651314 0006061 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App; use Elementor\App\AdminMenuItems\Theme_Builder_Menu_Item; use Elementor\Core\Admin\Menu\Admin_Menu_Manager; use Elementor\Modules\WebCli\Module as WebCLIModule; use Elementor\Core\Base\App as BaseApp; use Elementor\Core\Settings\Manager as SettingsManager; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\TemplateLibrary\Source_Local; use Elementor\User; use Elementor\Utils; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Promotions\Filtered_Promotions_Manager; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class App extends BaseApp { const PAGE_ID = 'elementor-app'; /** * Get module name. * * Retrieve the module name. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access public * * @return string Module name. */ public function get_name() { return 'app'; } public function get_base_url() { return admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . self::PAGE_ID . '&ver=' . ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); } private function register_admin_menu( Admin_Menu_Manager $admin_menu ) { $admin_menu->register( static::PAGE_ID, new Theme_Builder_Menu_Item() ); } public function fix_submenu( $menu ) { global $submenu; if ( is_multisite() && is_network_admin() ) { return $menu; } // Non admin role / custom wp menu. if ( empty( $submenu[ Source_Local::ADMIN_MENU_SLUG ] ) ) { return $menu; } // Hack to add a link to sub menu. foreach ( $submenu[ Source_Local::ADMIN_MENU_SLUG ] as &$item ) { if ( self::PAGE_ID === $item[2] ) { $item[2] = $this->get_settings( 'menu_url' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited $item[4] = 'elementor-app-link'; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited } } return $menu; } public function is_current() { return ( ! empty( $_GET['page'] ) && self::PAGE_ID === $_GET['page'] ); } public function admin_init() { do_action( 'elementor/app/init', $this ); // Add the introduction and user settings only when it is needed (when loading the app and not in the editor or admin pages) $this->set_settings( 'user', [ 'introduction' => (object) User::get_introduction_meta(), 'is_administrator' => current_user_can( 'manage_options' ), 'restrictions' => Plugin::$instance->role_manager->get_user_restrictions_array(), ] ); $this->enqueue_assets(); // Setup default heartbeat options // TODO: Enable heartbeat. add_filter( 'heartbeat_settings', function( $settings ) { $settings['interval'] = 15; return $settings; } ); $this->render(); die; } protected function get_init_settings() { $referer = wp_get_referer(); return [ 'menu_url' => $this->get_base_url() . '#site-editor/promotion', 'assets_url' => ELEMENTOR_ASSETS_URL, 'pages_url' => admin_url( 'edit.php?post_type=page' ), 'return_url' => $referer ? $referer : admin_url(), 'hasPro' => Utils::has_pro(), 'admin_url' => admin_url(), 'login_url' => wp_login_url(), 'base_url' => $this->get_base_url(), 'promotion' => Filtered_Promotions_Manager::get_filtered_promotion_data( [ 'upgrade_url' => 'https://go.elementor.com/go-pro-theme-builder/' ], 'elementor/site-editor/promotion', 'upgrade_url' ), ]; } private function render() { require __DIR__ . '/view.php'; } /** * Get Elementor editor theme color preference. * * Retrieve the user theme color preference as defined by editor preferences manager. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private * * @return string Preferred editor theme. */ private function get_elementor_ui_theme_preference() { $editor_preferences = SettingsManager::get_settings_managers( 'editorPreferences' ); return $editor_preferences->get_model()->get_settings( 'ui_theme' ); } /** * Enqueue dark theme detection script. * * Enqueues an inline script that detects user-agent settings for dark mode and adds a complimentary class to the body tag. * * @since 3.0.0 * @access private */ private function enqueue_dark_theme_detection_script() { if ( 'auto' === $this->get_elementor_ui_theme_preference() ) { wp_add_inline_script( 'elementor-app', 'if ( window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia( `(prefers-color-scheme: dark)` ).matches ) { document.body.classList.add( `eps-theme-dark` ); }' ); } } private function enqueue_assets() { Plugin::$instance->init_common(); /** @var WebCLIModule $web_cli */ $web_cli = Plugin::$instance->modules_manager->get_modules( 'web-cli' ); $web_cli->register_scripts(); Plugin::$instance->common->register_scripts(); wp_register_style( 'select2', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'e-select2', 'assets/lib/e-select2/css/' ), [], '4.0.6-rc.1' ); Plugin::$instance->common->register_styles(); wp_register_style( 'select2', ELEMENTOR_ASSETS_URL . 'lib/e-select2/css/e-select2.css', [], '4.0.6-rc.1' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'elementor-app', $this->get_css_assets_url( 'app', null, 'default', true ), [ 'select2', 'elementor-icons', 'elementor-common', 'select2', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION ); wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-app-packages', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'app-packages' ), [ 'wp-i18n', 'react', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_register_script( 'select2', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'e-select2.full', 'assets/lib/e-select2/js/' ), [ 'jquery', ], '4.0.6-rc.1', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-app', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'app' ), [ 'wp-url', 'wp-i18n', 'react', 'react-dom', 'select2', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); $this->enqueue_dark_theme_detection_script(); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-app-packages', 'elementor' ); wp_set_script_translations( 'elementor-app', 'elementor' ); $this->print_config(); } public function enqueue_app_loader() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-app-loader', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'app-loader' ), [ 'elementor-common', ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); $this->print_config( 'elementor-app-loader' ); } public function __construct() { $this->add_component( 'site-editor', new Modules\SiteEditor\Module() ); if ( current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) || Utils::is_wp_cli() ) { $this->add_component( 'import-export', new Modules\ImportExport\Module() ); // Kit library is depended on import-export $this->add_component( 'kit-library', new Modules\KitLibrary\Module() ); } $this->add_component( 'onboarding', new Modules\Onboarding\Module() ); add_action( 'elementor/admin/menu/register', function ( Admin_Menu_Manager $admin_menu ) { $this->register_admin_menu( $admin_menu ); }, Source_Local::ADMIN_MENU_PRIORITY + 10 ); // Happens after WP plugin page validation. add_filter( 'add_menu_classes', [ $this, 'fix_submenu' ] ); if ( $this->is_current() ) { add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'admin_init' ], 0 ); } else { add_action( 'elementor/common/after_register_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_app_loader' ] ); } } } modules/import-export/wp-cli.php 0000644 00000017672 14717651314 0012777 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Collection; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Plugins_Manager; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Connect\Kit_Library; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } class Wp_Cli extends \WP_CLI_Command { const AVAILABLE_SETTINGS = [ 'include', 'overrideConditions', 'selectedCustomPostTypes', 'plugins' ]; /** * Export a Kit * * [--include] * Which type of content to include. Possible values are 'content', 'templates', 'site-settings'. * if this parameter won't be specified, All data types will be included. * * ## EXAMPLES * * 1. wp elementor kit export path/to/export-file-name.zip * - This will export all site data to the specified file name. * * 2. wp elementor kit export path/to/export-file-name.zip --include=kit-settings,content * - This will export only site settings and content. * * @param array $args * @param array $assoc_args */ public function export( $args, $assoc_args ) { if ( empty( $args[0] ) ) { \WP_CLI::error( 'Please specify a file name' ); } \WP_CLI::line( 'Kit export started.' ); $export_settings = []; foreach ( $assoc_args as $key => $value ) { if ( ! in_array( $key, static::AVAILABLE_SETTINGS, true ) ) { continue; } $export_settings[ $key ] = explode( ',', $value ); } try { /** * Running the export process through the import-export module so the export property in the module will be available to use. * * @type Module $import_export_module */ $import_export_module = Plugin::$instance->app->get_component( 'import-export' ); $result = $import_export_module->export_kit( $export_settings ); rename( $result['file_name'], $args[0] ); } catch ( \Error $error ) { \WP_CLI::error( $error->getMessage() ); } \WP_CLI::success( 'Kit exported successfully.' ); } /** * Import a Kit * * [--include] * Which type of content to include. Possible values are 'content', 'templates', 'site-settings'. * if this parameter won't be specified, All data types will be included. * * [--overrideConditions] * Templates ids to override conditions for. * * [--sourceType] * Which source type is used in the current session. Available values are 'local', 'remote', 'library'. * The default value is 'local' * * ## EXAMPLES * * 1. wp elementor kit import path/to/elementor-kit.zip * - This will import the whole kit file content. * * 2. wp elementor kit import path/to/elementor-kit.zip --include=site-settings,content * - This will import only site settings and content. * * 3. wp elementor kit import path/to/elementor-kit.zip --overrideConditions=3478,4520 * - This will import all content and will override conditions for the given template ids. * * 4. wp elementor kit import path/to/elementor-kit.zip --unfilteredFilesUpload=enable * - This will allow the import process to import unfiltered files. * * @param array $args * @param array $assoc_args */ public function import( array $args, array $assoc_args ) { if ( ! current_user_can( 'administrator' ) ) { \WP_CLI::error( 'You must run this command as an admin user' ); } if ( empty( $args[0] ) ) { \WP_CLI::error( 'Please specify a file to import' ); } \WP_CLI::line( 'Kit import started' ); $assoc_args = wp_parse_args( $assoc_args, [ 'sourceType' => 'local', ] ); $url = null; $file_path = $args[0]; $import_settings = []; $import_settings['referrer'] = Module::REFERRER_LOCAL; switch ( $assoc_args['sourceType'] ) { case 'library': $url = $this->get_url_from_library( $file_path ); $zip_path = $this->create_temp_file_from_url( $url ); $import_settings['referrer'] = Module::REFERRER_KIT_LIBRARY; break; case 'remote': $zip_path = $this->create_temp_file_from_url( $file_path ); break; case 'local': $zip_path = $file_path; break; default: \WP_CLI::error( 'Unknown source type.' ); break; } if ( 'enable' === $assoc_args['unfilteredFilesUpload'] ) { Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->enable_unfiltered_files_upload(); } foreach ( $assoc_args as $key => $value ) { if ( ! in_array( $key, static::AVAILABLE_SETTINGS, true ) ) { continue; } $import_settings[ $key ] = explode( ',', $value ); } try { \WP_CLI::line( 'Importing data...' ); /** * Running the import process through the import-export module so the import property in the module will be available to use. * * @type Module $import_export_module */ $import_export_module = Plugin::$instance->app->get_component( 'import-export' ); if ( ! $import_export_module ) { \WP_CLI::error( 'Import Export module is not available.' ); } $import = $import_export_module->import_kit( $zip_path, $import_settings ); $manifest_data = $import_export_module->import->get_manifest(); /** * Import Export Manifest Data * * Allows 3rd parties to read and edit the kit's manifest before it is used. * * @since 3.7.0 * * @param array $manifest_data The Kit's Manifest data */ $manifest_data = apply_filters( 'elementor/import-export/wp-cli/manifest_data', $manifest_data ); \WP_CLI::line( 'Removing temp files...' ); // The file was created from remote or library request, it also should be removed. if ( $url ) { Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->remove_file_or_dir( dirname( $zip_path ) ); } \WP_CLI::success( 'Kit imported successfully' ); } catch ( \Error $error ) { Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( $error->getMessage(), [ 'meta' => [ 'trace' => $error->getTraceAsString(), ], ] ); if ( $url ) { Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->remove_file_or_dir( dirname( $zip_path ) ); } \WP_CLI::error( $error->getMessage() ); } } /** * Revert last imported kit. */ public function revert() { \WP_CLI::line( 'Kit revert started.' ); try { /** * Running the revert process through the import-export module so the revert property in the module will be available to use. * * @type Module $import_export_module */ $import_export_module = Plugin::$instance->app->get_component( 'import-export' ); $import_export_module->revert_last_imported_kit(); } catch ( \Error $error ) { \WP_CLI::error( $error->getMessage() ); } \WP_CLI::success( 'Kit reverted successfully.' ); } /** * Helper to get kit url by the kit id * TODO: Maybe extract it. * * @param $kit_id * * @return string */ private function get_url_from_library( $kit_id ) { /** @var Kit_Library $app */ $app = Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'connect' )->get_app( 'kit-library' ); if ( ! $app ) { \WP_CLI::error( 'Kit library app not found' ); } $response = $app->download_link( $kit_id ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { \WP_CLI::error( "Library Response: {$response->get_error_message()}" ); } return $response->download_link; } /** * Helper to get kit zip file path by the kit url * TODO: Maybe extract it. * * @param $url * * @return string */ private function create_temp_file_from_url( $url ) { \WP_CLI::line( 'Extracting zip archive...' ); $response = wp_remote_get( $url ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { \WP_CLI::error( "Download file url: {$response->get_error_message()}" ); } if ( 200 !== $response['response']['code'] ) { \WP_CLI::error( "Download file url: {$response['response']['message']}" ); } // Set the Request's state as an Elementor upload request, in order to support unfiltered file uploads. Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( true ); $file = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->create_temp_file( $response['body'], 'kit.zip' ); // After the upload complete, set the elementor upload state back to false. Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( false ); return $file; } } modules/import-export/runners/revert/revert-runner-base.php 0000644 00000001125 14717651314 0020317 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Runner_Interface; abstract class Revert_Runner_Base implements Runner_Interface { /** * By the passed data we should decide if we want to run the revert function of the runner or not. * * @param array $data * * @return bool */ abstract public function should_revert( array $data ) : bool; /** * Main function of the runner revert process. * * @param array $data Necessary data for the revert process. */ abstract public function revert( array $data ); } modules/import-export/runners/revert/taxonomies.php 0000644 00000001415 14717651314 0016761 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert; class Taxonomies extends Revert_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'taxonomies'; } public function should_revert( array $data ) : bool { return ( isset( $data['runners'] ) && array_key_exists( static::get_name(), $data['runners'] ) ); } public function revert( array $data ) { $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(); $terms = get_terms( [ 'taxonomy' => $taxonomies, 'hide_empty' => false, 'get' => 'all', 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID, 'value' => $data['session_id'], ], ], ] ); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { wp_delete_term( $term->term_id, $term->taxonomy ); } } } modules/import-export/runners/revert/templates.php 0000644 00000000570 14717651314 0016572 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert; class Templates extends Revert_Runner_Base { /* * The implement of this runner is part of the Pro plugin. */ public static function get_name() : string { return 'templates'; } public function should_revert( array $data ) : bool { return false; } public function revert( array $data ) { } } modules/import-export/runners/revert/elementor-content.php 0000644 00000004431 14717651314 0020236 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; use Elementor\Plugin; class Elementor_Content extends Revert_Runner_Base { private $show_page_on_front; private $page_on_front_id; public function __construct() { $this->init_page_on_front_data(); } public static function get_name() : string { return 'elementor-content'; } public function should_revert( array $data ) : bool { return ( isset( $data['runners'] ) && array_key_exists( static::get_name(), $data['runners'] ) ); } public function revert( array $data ) { $elementor_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_elementor_post_types(); $query_args = [ 'post_type' => $elementor_post_types, 'post_status' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_EDIT_MODE, 'compare' => 'EXISTS', ], [ 'key' => static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID, 'value' => $data['session_id'], ], ], ]; $query = new \WP_Query( $query_args ); foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { $post_type_document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $post->ID ); $post_type_document->delete(); // Deleting the post will reset the show_on_front option. We need to set it to false, // so we can set it back to what it was. if ( $post->ID === $this->page_on_front_id ) { $this->show_page_on_front = false; } } $this->restore_page_on_front( $data ); } private function init_page_on_front_data() { $this->show_page_on_front = 'page' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ); if ( $this->show_page_on_front ) { $this->page_on_front_id = (int) get_option( 'page_on_front' ); } } private function restore_page_on_front( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['runners'][ static::get_name() ]['page_on_front'] ) ) { return; } $page_on_front = $data['runners'][ static::get_name() ]['page_on_front']; $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $page_on_front ); if ( ! $document ) { return; } $this->set_page_on_front( $document->get_main_id() ); } private function set_page_on_front( $page_id ) { update_option( 'page_on_front', $page_id ); if ( ! $this->show_page_on_front ) { update_option( 'show_on_front', 'page' ); } } } modules/import-export/runners/revert/plugins.php 0000644 00000000456 14717651314 0016260 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert; class Plugins extends Revert_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'plugins'; } public function should_revert( array $data ) : bool { return false; } public function revert( array $data ) {} } modules/import-export/runners/revert/wp-content.php 0000644 00000003415 14717651314 0016673 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; class Wp_Content extends Revert_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'wp-content'; } public function should_revert( array $data ) : bool { return ( isset( $data['runners'] ) && array_key_exists( static::get_name(), $data['runners'] ) ); } public function revert( array $data ) { $builtin_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(); $custom_post_types = $data['runners']['wp-content']['custom_post_types'] ?? []; $post_types = array_merge( $builtin_post_types, $custom_post_types ); $query_args = [ 'post_type' => $post_types, 'post_status' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_EDIT_MODE, 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS', ], [ 'key' => static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID, 'value' => $data['session_id'], ], ], ]; $query = new \WP_Query( $query_args ); foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { wp_delete_post( $post->ID, true ); } /** * Revert the nav menu terms. * BC: The nav menu in new kits will be imported as part of the taxonomies, but old kits * importing the nav menu terms as part from the wp-content import. */ $this->revert_nav_menus( $data ); } private function revert_nav_menus( array $data ) { $terms = get_terms( [ 'taxonomy' => 'nav_menu', 'hide_empty' => false, 'get' => 'all', 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID, 'value' => $data['session_id'], ], ], ] ); foreach ( $terms as $term ) { wp_delete_term( $term->term_id, $term->taxonomy ); } } } modules/import-export/runners/revert/site-settings.php 0000644 00000001226 14717651314 0017375 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert; use Elementor\Plugin; class Site_Settings extends Revert_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'site-settings'; } public function should_revert( array $data ) : bool { return ( isset( $data['runners'] ) && array_key_exists( static::get_name(), $data['runners'] ) ); } public function revert( array $data ) { Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->revert( $data['runners'][ static::get_name() ]['imported_kit_id'], $data['runners'][ static::get_name() ]['active_kit_id'], $data['runners'][ static::get_name() ]['previous_kit_id'] ); } } modules/import-export/runners/import/import-runner-base.php 0000644 00000002171 14717651314 0020327 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Runner_Interface; abstract class Import_Runner_Base implements Runner_Interface { /** * By the passed data we should decide if we want to run the import function of the runner or not. * * @param array $data * * @return bool */ abstract public function should_import( array $data ); /** * Main function of the runner import process. * * @param array $data Necessary data for the import process. * @param array $imported_data Data that already imported by previously runners. * * @return array The result of the import process */ abstract public function import( array $data, array $imported_data ); public function get_import_session_metadata() : array { return []; } public function set_session_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_value ) { update_post_meta( $post_id, static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID, $meta_value ); } public function set_session_term_meta( $term_id, $meta_value ) { update_term_meta( $term_id, static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID, $meta_value ); } } modules/import-export/runners/import/taxonomies.php 0000644 00000007365 14717651314 0016776 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; class Taxonomies extends Import_Runner_Base { private $import_session_id; public static function get_name() : string { return 'taxonomies'; } public function should_import( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'content', $data['include'], true ) && ! empty( $data['extracted_directory_path'] ) && ! empty( $data['manifest']['taxonomies'] ) ); } public function import( array $data, array $imported_data ) { $path = $data['extracted_directory_path'] . 'taxonomies/'; $this->import_session_id = $data['session_id']; $wp_builtin_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(); $selected_custom_post_types = isset( $data['selected_custom_post_types'] ) ? $data['selected_custom_post_types'] : []; $post_types = array_merge( $wp_builtin_post_types, $selected_custom_post_types ); $result = []; foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { if ( empty( $data['manifest']['taxonomies'][ $post_type ] ) ) { continue; } $result['taxonomies'][ $post_type ] = $this->import_taxonomies( $data['manifest']['taxonomies'][ $post_type ], $path ); } return $result; } private function import_taxonomies( array $taxonomies, $path ) { $result = []; $imported_taxonomies = []; foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { if ( ! taxonomy_exists( $taxonomy ) ) { continue; } if ( ! empty( $imported_taxonomies[ $taxonomy ] ) ) { $result[ $taxonomy ] = $imported_taxonomies[ $taxonomy ]; continue; } $taxonomy_data = ImportExportUtils::read_json_file( $path . $taxonomy ); if ( empty( $taxonomy_data ) ) { continue; } $import = $this->import_taxonomy( $taxonomy_data ); $result[ $taxonomy ] = $import; $imported_taxonomies[ $taxonomy ] = $import; } return $result; } private function import_taxonomy( array $taxonomy_data ) { $terms = []; foreach ( $taxonomy_data as $term ) { $old_slug = $term['slug']; $existing_term = term_exists( $term['slug'], $term['taxonomy'] ); if ( $existing_term ) { if ( 'nav_menu' === $term['taxonomy'] ) { $term = $this->handle_duplicated_nav_menu_term( $term ); } else { $terms[] = [ 'old_id' => (int) $term['term_id'], 'new_id' => (int) $existing_term['term_id'], 'old_slug' => $old_slug, 'new_slug' => $term['slug'], ]; continue; } } $parent = $this->get_term_parent( $term, $terms ); $args = [ 'slug' => $term['slug'], 'description' => wp_slash( $term['description'] ), 'parent' => (int) $parent, ]; $new_term = wp_insert_term( wp_slash( $term['name'] ), $term['taxonomy'], $args ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $new_term ) ) { $this->set_session_term_meta( (int) $new_term['term_id'], $this->import_session_id ); $terms[] = [ 'old_id' => $term['term_id'], 'new_id' => (int) $new_term['term_id'], 'old_slug' => $old_slug, 'new_slug' => $term['slug'], ]; } } return $terms; } private function handle_duplicated_nav_menu_term( $term ) { do { $term['slug'] = $term['slug'] . '-duplicate'; $term['name'] = $term['name'] . ' duplicate'; } while ( term_exists( $term['slug'], 'nav_menu' ) ); return $term; } private function get_term_parent( $term, array $imported_terms ) { $parent = $term['parent']; if ( 0 !== $parent && ! empty( $imported_terms ) ) { foreach ( $imported_terms as $imported_term ) { if ( $parent === $imported_term['old_id'] ) { $parent_term = term_exists( $imported_term['new_id'], $term['taxonomy'] ); break; } } if ( isset( $parent_term['term_id'] ) ) { return $parent_term['term_id']; } } return 0; } } modules/import-export/runners/import/templates.php 0000644 00000004572 14717651314 0016603 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\TemplateLibrary\Source_Local; use Elementor\Utils; class Templates extends Import_Runner_Base { private $import_session_id; public static function get_name() : string { return 'templates'; } public function should_import( array $data ) { return ( Utils::has_pro() && isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'templates', $data['include'], true ) && ! empty( $data['extracted_directory_path'] ) && ! empty( $data['manifest']['templates'] ) ); } public function import( array $data, array $imported_data ) { $this->import_session_id = $data['session_id']; $path = $data['extracted_directory_path'] . 'templates/'; $templates = $data['manifest']['templates']; $result['templates'] = [ 'succeed' => [], 'failed' => [], ]; foreach ( $templates as $id => $template_settings ) { try { $template_data = ImportExportUtils::read_json_file( $path . $id ); $import = $this->import_template( $id, $template_settings, $template_data ); $result['templates']['succeed'][ $id ] = $import; } catch ( \Exception $error ) { $result['templates']['failed'][ $id ] = $error->getMessage(); } } return $result; } private function import_template( $id, array $template_settings, array $template_data ) { $doc_type = $template_settings['doc_type']; $new_document = Plugin::$instance->documents->create( $doc_type, [ 'post_title' => $template_settings['title'], 'post_type' => Source_Local::CPT, 'post_status' => 'publish', ] ); if ( is_wp_error( $new_document ) ) { throw new \Exception( $new_document->get_error_message() ); } $template_data['import_settings'] = $template_settings; $template_data['id'] = $id; $new_attachment_callback = function( $attachment_id ) { $this->set_session_post_meta( $attachment_id, $this->import_session_id ); }; add_filter( 'elementor/template_library/import_images/new_attachment', $new_attachment_callback ); $new_document->import( $template_data ); remove_filter( 'elementor/template_library/import_images/new_attachment', $new_attachment_callback ); $document_id = $new_document->get_main_id(); $this->set_session_post_meta( $document_id, $this->import_session_id ); return $document_id; } } modules/import-export/runners/import/elementor-content.php 0000644 00000010517 14717651314 0020243 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; use Elementor\Plugin; class Elementor_Content extends Import_Runner_Base { private $show_page_on_front; private $page_on_front_id; private $import_session_id; public function __construct() { $this->init_page_on_front_data(); } public static function get_name() : string { return 'elementor-content'; } public function should_import( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'content', $data['include'], true ) && ! empty( $data['manifest']['content'] ) && ! empty( $data['extracted_directory_path'] ) ); } public function import( array $data, array $imported_data ) { $result['content'] = []; $this->import_session_id = $data['session_id']; $elementor_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_elementor_post_types(); foreach ( $elementor_post_types as $post_type ) { if ( empty( $data['manifest']['content'][ $post_type ] ) ) { continue; } $posts_settings = $data['manifest']['content'][ $post_type ]; $path = $data['extracted_directory_path'] . 'content/' . $post_type . '/'; $imported_terms = ! empty( $imported_data['taxonomies'] ) ? ImportExportUtils::map_old_new_term_ids( $imported_data ) : []; $result['content'][ $post_type ] = $this->import_elementor_post_type( $posts_settings, $path, $post_type, $imported_terms ); } return $result; } private function import_elementor_post_type( array $posts_settings, $path, $post_type, array $imported_terms ) { $result = [ 'succeed' => [], 'failed' => [], ]; foreach ( $posts_settings as $id => $post_settings ) { try { $post_data = ImportExportUtils::read_json_file( $path . $id ); $import = $this->import_post( $post_settings, $post_data, $post_type, $imported_terms ); if ( is_wp_error( $import ) ) { $result['failed'][ $id ] = $import->get_error_message(); continue; } $result['succeed'][ $id ] = $import; } catch ( \Exception $error ) { $result['failed'][ $id ] = $error->getMessage(); } } return $result; } private function import_post( array $post_settings, array $post_data, $post_type, array $imported_terms ) { $post_attributes = [ 'post_title' => $post_settings['title'], 'post_type' => $post_type, 'post_status' => 'publish', ]; if ( ! empty( $post_settings['excerpt'] ) ) { $post_attributes['post_excerpt'] = $post_settings['excerpt']; } $new_document = Plugin::$instance->documents->create( $post_settings['doc_type'], $post_attributes ); if ( is_wp_error( $new_document ) ) { throw new \Exception( $new_document->get_error_message() ); } $post_data['import_settings'] = $post_settings; $new_attachment_callback = function( $attachment_id ) { $this->set_session_post_meta( $attachment_id, $this->import_session_id ); }; add_filter( 'elementor/template_library/import_images/new_attachment', $new_attachment_callback ); $new_document->import( $post_data ); remove_filter( 'elementor/template_library/import_images/new_attachment', $new_attachment_callback ); $new_post_id = $new_document->get_main_id(); if ( ! empty( $post_settings['terms'] ) ) { $this->set_post_terms( $new_post_id, $post_settings['terms'], $imported_terms ); } if ( ! empty( $post_settings['show_on_front'] ) ) { $this->set_page_on_front( $new_post_id ); } $this->set_session_post_meta( $new_post_id, $this->import_session_id ); return $new_post_id; } private function set_post_terms( $post_id, array $terms, array $imported_terms ) { foreach ( $terms as $term ) { if ( ! isset( $imported_terms[ $term['term_id'] ] ) ) { continue; } wp_set_post_terms( $post_id, [ $imported_terms[ $term['term_id'] ] ], $term['taxonomy'], false ); } } private function init_page_on_front_data() { $this->show_page_on_front = 'page' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ); if ( $this->show_page_on_front ) { $this->page_on_front_id = (int) get_option( 'page_on_front' ); } } private function set_page_on_front( $page_id ) { update_option( 'page_on_front', $page_id ); if ( ! $this->show_page_on_front ) { update_option( 'show_on_front', 'page' ); } } public function get_import_session_metadata() : array { return [ 'page_on_front' => $this->page_on_front_id ?? 0, ]; } } modules/import-export/runners/import/plugins.php 0000644 00000003227 14717651314 0016262 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Collection; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Plugins_Manager; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Str; class Plugins extends Import_Runner_Base { /** * @var Plugins_Manager */ private $plugins_manager; public function __construct( $plugins_manager = null ) { if ( $plugins_manager ) { $this->plugins_manager = $plugins_manager; } else { $this->plugins_manager = new Plugins_Manager(); } } public static function get_name() : string { return 'plugins'; } public function should_import( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'plugins', $data['include'], true ) && ! empty( $data['manifest']['plugins'] ) && ! empty( $data['selected_plugins'] ) ); } public function import( array $data, array $imported_data ) { $plugins = $data['selected_plugins']; $plugins_collection = ( new Collection( $plugins ) ) ->map( function ( $item ) { if ( ! Str::ends_with( $item['plugin'], '.php' ) ) { $item['plugin'] .= '.php'; } return $item; } ); $slugs = $plugins_collection ->map( function ( $item ) { return $item['plugin']; } ) ->all(); $installed = $this->plugins_manager->install( $slugs ); $activated = $this->plugins_manager->activate( $installed['succeeded'] ); $ordered_activated_plugins = $plugins_collection ->filter( function ( $item ) use ( $activated ) { return in_array( $item['plugin'], $activated['succeeded'], true ); } ) ->map( function ( $item ) { return $item['name']; } ) ->all(); $result['plugins'] = $ordered_activated_plugins; return $result; } } modules/import-export/runners/import/wp-content.php 0000644 00000006451 14717651314 0016701 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; use Elementor\Core\Utils\ImportExport\WP_Import; class Wp_Content extends Import_Runner_Base { private $import_session_id; /** * @var array */ private $selected_custom_post_types = []; public static function get_name() : string { return 'wp-content'; } public function should_import( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'content', $data['include'], true ) && ! empty( $data['extracted_directory_path'] ) && ! empty( $data['manifest']['wp-content'] ) ); } public function import( array $data, array $imported_data ) { $this->import_session_id = $data['session_id']; $path = $data['extracted_directory_path'] . 'wp-content/'; $post_types = $this->filter_post_types( $data['selected_custom_post_types'] ); $taxonomies = $imported_data['taxonomies'] ?? []; $imported_terms = ImportExportUtils::map_old_new_term_ids( $imported_data ); $result['wp-content'] = []; foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $import = $this->import_wp_post_type( $path, $post_type, $imported_data, $taxonomies, $imported_terms ); if ( empty( $import ) ) { continue; } $result['wp-content'][ $post_type ] = $import; $imported_data = array_merge( $imported_data, $result ); } return $result; } private function import_wp_post_type( $path, $post_type, array $imported_data, array $taxonomies, array $imported_terms ) { $args = [ 'fetch_attachments' => true, 'posts' => ImportExportUtils::map_old_new_post_ids( $imported_data ), 'terms' => $imported_terms, 'taxonomies' => ! empty( $taxonomies[ $post_type ] ) ? $taxonomies[ $post_type ] : [], 'posts_meta' => [ static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID => $this->import_session_id, ], 'terms_meta' => [ static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID => $this->import_session_id, ], ]; $file = $path . $post_type . '/' . $post_type . '.xml'; if ( ! file_exists( $file ) ) { return []; } $wp_importer = new WP_Import( $file, $args ); $result = $wp_importer->run(); return $result['summary']['posts']; } private function filter_post_types( $selected_custom_post_types = [] ) { $wp_builtin_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(); foreach ( $selected_custom_post_types as $custom_post_type ) { if ( post_type_exists( $custom_post_type ) ) { $this->selected_custom_post_types[] = $custom_post_type; } } $post_types = array_merge( $wp_builtin_post_types, $this->selected_custom_post_types ); $post_types = $this->force_element_to_be_last_by_value( $post_types, 'nav_menu_item' ); return $post_types; } public function get_import_session_metadata() : array { return [ 'custom_post_types' => $this->selected_custom_post_types, ]; } /** * @param $array array The array we want to relocate his element. * @param $element mixed The value of the element in the array we want to shift to end of the array. * @return mixed */ private function force_element_to_be_last_by_value( array $array, $element ) { $index = array_search( $element, $array, true ); if ( false !== $index ) { unset( $array[ $index ] ); $array[] = $element; } return $array; } } modules/import-export/runners/import/site-settings.php 0000644 00000004400 14717651314 0017375 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\Core\Settings\Page\Manager as PageManager; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils; class Site_Settings extends Import_Runner_Base { /** * @var int */ private $previous_kit_id; /** * @var int */ private $active_kit_id; /** * @var int */ private $imported_kit_id; public static function get_name() : string { return 'site-settings'; } public function should_import( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'settings', $data['include'], true ) && ! empty( $data['site_settings']['settings'] ) ); } public function import( array $data, array $imported_data ) { $new_site_settings = $data['site_settings']['settings']; $title = $data['manifest']['title'] ?? 'Imported Kit'; $active_kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit(); $this->active_kit_id = (int) $active_kit->get_id(); $this->previous_kit_id = (int) Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_previous_id(); $result = []; $old_settings = $active_kit->get_meta( PageManager::META_KEY ); if ( ! $old_settings ) { $old_settings = []; } if ( ! empty( $old_settings['custom_colors'] ) ) { $new_site_settings['custom_colors'] = array_merge( $old_settings['custom_colors'], $new_site_settings['custom_colors'] ); } if ( ! empty( $old_settings['custom_typography'] ) ) { $new_site_settings['custom_typography'] = array_merge( $old_settings['custom_typography'], $new_site_settings['custom_typography'] ); } if ( ! empty( $new_site_settings['space_between_widgets'] ) ) { $new_site_settings['space_between_widgets'] = Utils::update_space_between_widgets_values( $new_site_settings['space_between_widgets'] ); } $new_site_settings = array_replace_recursive( $old_settings, $new_site_settings ); $new_kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->create_new_kit( $title, $new_site_settings ); $this->imported_kit_id = (int) $new_kit; $result['site-settings'] = (bool) $new_kit; return $result; } public function get_import_session_metadata() : array { return [ 'previous_kit_id' => $this->previous_kit_id, 'active_kit_id' => $this->active_kit_id, 'imported_kit_id' => $this->imported_kit_id, ]; } } modules/import-export/runners/runner-interface.php 0000644 00000001020 14717651314 0016523 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Module; interface Runner_Interface { const META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID = Module::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID; const META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_EDIT_MODE = Module::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_EDIT_MODE; /** * Get the name of the runners, used to identify the runner. * The name should be unique, unless you want to run over existing runner. * * @return string */ public static function get_name() : string; } modules/import-export/runners/export/export-runner-base.php 0000644 00000001320 14717651314 0020340 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Runner_Interface; abstract class Export_Runner_Base implements Runner_Interface { /** * By the passed data we should decide if we want to run the export function of the runner or not. * * @param array $data * * @return bool */ abstract public function should_export( array $data ); /** * Main function of the runner export process. * * @param array $data Necessary data for the export process. * * @return array{files: array, manifest: array} * The files that should be part of the kit and the relevant manifest data. */ abstract public function export( array $data ); } modules/import-export/runners/export/taxonomies.php 0000644 00000005167 14717651314 0017003 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; class Taxonomies extends Export_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'taxonomies'; } public function should_export( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'content', $data['include'], true ) ); } public function export( array $data ) { $wp_builtin_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(); $selected_custom_post_types = isset( $data['selected_custom_post_types'] ) ? $data['selected_custom_post_types'] : []; $post_types = array_merge( $wp_builtin_post_types, $selected_custom_post_types ); $export = $this->export_taxonomies( $post_types ); $manifest_data['taxonomies'] = $export['manifest']; return [ 'files' => $export['files'], 'manifest' => [ $manifest_data, ], ]; } private function export_taxonomies( array $post_types ) { $files = []; $manifest = []; $taxonomies = get_taxonomies(); foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $taxonomy_post_types = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy )->object_type; $intersected_post_types = array_intersect( $taxonomy_post_types, $post_types ); if ( empty( $intersected_post_types ) ) { continue; } $data = $this->export_terms( $taxonomy ); if ( empty( $data ) ) { continue; } foreach ( $intersected_post_types as $post_type ) { $manifest[ $post_type ][] = $taxonomy; } $files[] = [ 'path' => 'taxonomies/' . $taxonomy, 'data' => $data, ]; } return [ 'files' => $files, 'manifest' => $manifest, ]; } private function export_terms( $taxonomy ) { $terms = get_terms( [ 'taxonomy' => (array) $taxonomy, 'hide_empty' => true, 'get' => 'all', ] ); $ordered_terms = $this->order_terms( $terms ); if ( empty( $ordered_terms ) ) { return []; } $data = []; foreach ( $ordered_terms as $term ) { $data[] = [ 'term_id' => $term->term_id, 'name' => $term->name, 'slug' => $term->slug, 'taxonomy' => $term->taxonomy, 'description' => $term->description, 'parent' => $term->parent, ]; } return $data; } // Put terms in order with no child going before its parent. private function order_terms( array $terms ) { $ordered_terms = []; while ( $term = array_shift( $terms ) ) { $is_top_level = 0 === $term->parent; $is_parent_exits = isset( $ordered_terms[ $term->parent ] ); if ( $is_top_level || $is_parent_exits ) { $ordered_terms[ $term->term_id ] = $term; } else { $terms[] = $term; } } return $ordered_terms; } } modules/import-export/runners/export/templates.php 0000644 00000002665 14717651314 0016613 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export; use Elementor\Core\Base\Document; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\TemplateLibrary\Source_Local; use Elementor\Utils; class Templates extends Export_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'templates'; } public function should_export( array $data ) { return ( Utils::has_pro() && isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'templates', $data['include'], true ) ); } public function export( array $data ) { $template_types = array_values( Source_Local::get_template_types() ); $query_args = [ 'post_type' => Source_Local::CPT, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => Document::TYPE_META_KEY, 'value' => $template_types, ], ], ]; $templates_query = new \WP_Query( $query_args ); $templates_manifest_data = []; $files = []; foreach ( $templates_query->posts as $template_post ) { $template_id = $template_post->ID; $template_document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $template_id ); $templates_manifest_data[ $template_id ] = $template_document->get_export_summary(); $files[] = [ 'path' => 'templates/' . $template_id, 'data' => $template_document->get_export_data(), ]; } $manifest_data['templates'] = $templates_manifest_data; return [ 'files' => $files, 'manifest' => [ $manifest_data, ], ]; } } modules/import-export/runners/export/elementor-content.php 0000644 00000006263 14717651314 0020255 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; use Elementor\Plugin; class Elementor_Content extends Export_Runner_Base { private $page_on_front_id; public function __construct() { $this->init_page_on_front_data(); } public static function get_name() : string { return 'elementor-content'; } public function should_export( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'content', $data['include'], true ) ); } public function export( array $data ) { $elementor_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_elementor_post_types(); $files = []; $manifest = []; foreach ( $elementor_post_types as $post_type ) { $export = $this->export_elementor_post_type( $post_type ); $files = array_merge( $files, $export['files'] ); $manifest[ $post_type ] = $export['manifest_data']; } $manifest_data['content'] = $manifest; return [ 'files' => $files, 'manifest' => [ $manifest_data, ], ]; } private function export_elementor_post_type( $post_type ) { $query_args = [ 'post_type' => $post_type, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_EDIT_MODE, 'compare' => 'EXISTS', ], [ 'key' => '_elementor_data', 'compare' => 'EXISTS', ], [ 'key' => '_elementor_data', 'compare' => '!=', 'value' => '[]', ], ], ]; $query = new \WP_Query( $query_args ); if ( empty( $query ) ) { return [ 'files' => [], 'manifest_data' => [], ]; } $post_type_taxonomies = $this->get_post_type_taxonomies( $post_type ); $manifest_data = []; $files = []; foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $post->ID ); $terms = ! empty( $post_type_taxonomies ) ? $this->get_post_terms( $post->ID, $post_type_taxonomies ) : []; $post_manifest_data = [ 'title' => $post->post_title, 'excerpt' => $post->post_excerpt, 'doc_type' => $document->get_name(), 'thumbnail' => get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $post ), 'url' => get_permalink( $post ), 'terms' => $terms, ]; if ( $post->ID === $this->page_on_front_id ) { $post_manifest_data['show_on_front'] = true; } $manifest_data[ $post->ID ] = $post_manifest_data; $files[] = [ 'path' => 'content/' . $post_type . '/' . $post->ID, 'data' => $document->get_export_data(), ]; } return [ 'files' => $files, 'manifest_data' => $manifest_data, ]; } private function get_post_type_taxonomies( $post_type ) { return get_object_taxonomies( $post_type ); } private function get_post_terms( $post_id, array $taxonomies ) { $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $post_id, $taxonomies ); $result = []; foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $result[] = [ 'term_id' => $term->term_id, 'taxonomy' => $term->taxonomy, 'slug' => $term->slug, ]; } return $result; } private function init_page_on_front_data() { $show_page_on_front = 'page' === get_option( 'show_on_front' ); if ( $show_page_on_front ) { $this->page_on_front_id = (int) get_option( 'page_on_front' ); } } } modules/import-export/runners/export/plugins.php 0000644 00000001057 14717651314 0016270 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export; class Plugins extends Export_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'plugins'; } public function should_export( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'plugins', $data['include'], true ) && is_array( $data['selected_plugins'] ) ); } public function export( array $data ) { $manifest_data['plugins'] = $data['selected_plugins']; return [ 'manifest' => [ $manifest_data, ], 'files' => [], ]; } } modules/import-export/runners/export/wp-content.php 0000644 00000003740 14717651314 0016706 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; use Elementor\Core\Utils\ImportExport\WP_Exporter; class Wp_Content extends Export_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'wp-content'; } public function should_export( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'content', $data['include'], true ) ); } public function export( array $data ) { $post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(); $custom_post_types = isset( $data['selected_custom_post_types'] ) ? $data['selected_custom_post_types'] : []; $files = []; $manifest_data = []; foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $export = $this->export_wp_post_type( $post_type ); $files[] = $export['file']; $manifest_data['wp-content'][ $post_type ] = $export['manifest_data']; } foreach ( $custom_post_types as $post_type ) { $export = $this->export_wp_post_type( $post_type ); $files[] = $export['file']; $manifest_data['wp-content'][ $post_type ] = $export['manifest_data']; $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $manifest_data['custom-post-type-title'][ $post_type ] = [ 'name' => $post_type_object->name, 'label' => $post_type_object->label, ]; } return [ 'files' => $files, 'manifest' => [ $manifest_data, ], ]; } private function export_wp_post_type( $post_type ) { $wp_exporter = new WP_Exporter( [ 'content' => $post_type, 'status' => 'publish', 'limit' => 20, 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => static::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_EDIT_MODE, 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS', ], ], 'include_post_featured_image_as_attachment' => true, ] ); $export_result = $wp_exporter->run(); return [ 'file' => [ 'path' => 'wp-content/' . $post_type . '/' . $post_type . '.xml', 'data' => $export_result['xml'], ], 'manifest_data' => $export_result['ids'], ]; } } modules/import-export/runners/export/site-settings.php 0000644 00000002032 14717651314 0017403 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export; use Elementor\Plugin; class Site_Settings extends Export_Runner_Base { public static function get_name() : string { return 'site-settings'; } public function should_export( array $data ) { return ( isset( $data['include'] ) && in_array( 'settings', $data['include'], true ) ); } public function export( array $data ) { $kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit(); $kit_data = $kit->get_export_data(); $kit_tabs = $kit->get_tabs(); $excluded_kit_settings_keys = [ 'site_name', 'site_description', 'site_logo', 'site_favicon', ]; foreach ( $excluded_kit_settings_keys as $setting_key ) { unset( $kit_data['settings'][ $setting_key ] ); } unset( $kit_tabs['settings-site-identity'] ); $kit_tabs = array_keys( $kit_tabs ); $manifest_data['site-settings'] = $kit_tabs; return [ 'files' => [ 'path' => 'site-settings', 'data' => $kit_data, ], 'manifest' => [ $manifest_data, ], ]; } } modules/import-export/module.php 0000644 00000070766 14717651314 0013074 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Export; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Import; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Revert; use Elementor\Core\Base\Module as BaseModule; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Ajax\Module as Ajax; use Elementor\Core\Files\Uploads_Manager; use Elementor\Modules\System_Info\Reporters\Server; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\Tools; use Elementor\Utils as ElementorUtils; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } /** * Import Export Module * * Responsible for initializing Elementor App functionality */ class Module extends BaseModule { const FORMAT_VERSION = '2.0'; const EXPORT_TRIGGER_KEY = 'elementor_export_kit'; const UPLOAD_TRIGGER_KEY = 'elementor_upload_kit'; const IMPORT_TRIGGER_KEY = 'elementor_import_kit'; const IMPORT_RUNNER_TRIGGER_KEY = 'elementor_import_kit__runner'; const REFERRER_KIT_LIBRARY = 'kit-library'; const REFERRER_LOCAL = 'local'; const PLUGIN_PERMISSIONS_ERROR_KEY = 'plugin-installation-permissions-error'; const KIT_LIBRARY_ERROR_KEY = 'invalid-kit-library-zip-error'; const NO_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY = 'no-write-permissions'; const THIRD_PARTY_ERROR = 'third-party-error'; const DOMDOCUMENT_MISSING = 'domdocument-missing'; const OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS = 'elementor_import_sessions'; const OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_REVERT_SESSIONS = 'elementor_revert_sessions'; const META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID = '_elementor_import_session_id'; const META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_EDIT_MODE = '_elementor_edit_mode'; const IMPORT_PLUGINS_ACTION = 'import-plugins'; /** * Assigning the export process to a property, so we can use the process from outside the class. * * @var Export */ public $export; /** * Assigning the import process to a property, so we can use the process from outside the class. * * @var Import */ public $import; /** * Assigning the revert process to a property, so we can use the process from outside the class. * * @var Revert */ public $revert; /** * Get name. * * @access public * * @return string */ public function get_name() { return 'import-export'; } public function __construct() { $this->register_actions(); if ( ElementorUtils::is_wp_cli() ) { \WP_CLI::add_command( 'elementor kit', WP_CLI::class ); } ( new Usage() )->register(); $this->revert = new Revert(); } public function get_init_settings() { if ( ! Plugin::$instance->app->is_current() ) { return []; } return $this->get_config_data(); } /** * Register the import/export tab in elementor tools. */ public function register_settings_tab( Tools $tools ) { $tools->add_tab( 'import-export-kit', [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Import / Export Kit', 'elementor' ), 'sections' => [ 'intro' => [ 'label' => esc_html__( 'Template Kits', 'elementor' ), 'callback' => function() { $this->render_import_export_tab_content(); }, 'fields' => [], ], ], ] ); } /** * Render the import/export tab content. */ private function render_import_export_tab_content() { $intro_text_link = sprintf( '<a href="https://go.elementor.com/wp-dash-import-export-general/" target="_blank">%s</a>', esc_html__( 'Learn more', 'elementor' ) ); $intro_text = sprintf( /* translators: 1: New line break, 2: Learn more link. */ __( 'Design sites faster with a template kit that contains some or all components of a complete site, like templates, content & site settings.%1$sYou can import a kit and apply it to your site, or export the elements from this site to be used anywhere else. %2$s', 'elementor' ), '<br>', $intro_text_link ); $content_data = [ 'export' => [ 'title' => esc_html__( 'Export a Template Kit', 'elementor' ), 'button' => [ 'url' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/export', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Start Export', 'elementor' ), ], 'description' => esc_html__( 'Bundle your whole site - or just some of its elements - to be used for another website.', 'elementor' ), 'link' => [ 'url' => 'https://go.elementor.com/wp-dash-import-export-export-flow/', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Learn More', 'elementor' ), ], ], 'import' => [ 'title' => esc_html__( 'Import a Template Kit', 'elementor' ), 'button' => [ 'url' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/import', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Start Import', 'elementor' ), ], 'description' => esc_html__( 'Apply the design and settings of another site to this one.', 'elementor' ), 'link' => [ 'url' => 'https://go.elementor.com/wp-dash-import-export-import-flow/', 'text' => esc_html__( 'Learn More', 'elementor' ), ], ], ]; $last_imported_kit = $this->revert->get_last_import_session(); $penultimate_imported_kit = $this->revert->get_penultimate_import_session(); $user_date_format = get_option( 'date_format' ); $user_time_format = get_option( 'time_format' ); $date_format = $user_date_format . ' ' . $user_time_format; $should_show_revert_section = $this->should_show_revert_section( $last_imported_kit ); if ( $should_show_revert_section ) { if ( ! empty( $penultimate_imported_kit ) ) { $revert_text = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Remove all the content and site settings that came with "%1$s" on %2$s %3$s and revert to the site setting that came with "%4$s" on %5$s.', 'elementor' ), ! empty( $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] ) ? $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] : esc_html__( 'imported kit', 'elementor' ), gmdate( $date_format, $last_imported_kit['start_timestamp'] ), '<br>', ! empty( $penultimate_imported_kit['kit_title'] ) ? $penultimate_imported_kit['kit_title'] : esc_html__( 'imported kit', 'elementor' ), gmdate( $date_format, $penultimate_imported_kit['start_timestamp'] ) ); } else { $revert_text = sprintf( esc_html__( 'Remove all the content and site settings that came with "%1$s" on %2$s.%3$s Your original site settings will be restored.', 'elementor' ), ! empty( $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] ) ? $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] : esc_html__( 'imported kit', 'elementor' ), gmdate( $date_format, $last_imported_kit['start_timestamp'] ), '<br>' ); } } ?> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__content"> <p class="tab-import-export-kit__info"><?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $intro_text ); ?></p> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__wrapper"> <?php foreach ( $content_data as $data ) { ?> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__container"> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__box"> <h2><?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['title'] ); ?></h2> <a href="<?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['button']['url'] ); ?>" class="elementor-button e-primary"> <?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['button']['text'] ); ?> </a> </div> <p><?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['description'] ); ?></p> <a href="<?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['link']['url'] ); ?>" target="_blank"><?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $data['link']['text'] ); ?></a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if ( $should_show_revert_section ) { $link_attributes = [ 'href' => $this->get_revert_href(), 'id' => 'elementor-import-export__revert_kit', 'class' => 'button', ]; ?> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__revert"> <h2> <?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( esc_html__( 'Remove the most recent Kit', 'elementor' ) ); ?> </h2> <p class="tab-import-export-kit__info"> <?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $revert_text ); ?> </p> <?php $this->render_last_kit_thumbnail( $last_imported_kit ); ?> <a <?php ElementorUtils::print_html_attributes( $link_attributes ); ?> > <?php ElementorUtils::print_unescaped_internal_string( esc_html__( 'Remove Kit', 'elementor' ) ); ?> </a> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } private function get_revert_href(): string { $admin_post_url = admin_url( 'admin-post.php?action=elementor_revert_kit' ); $nonced_admin_post_url = wp_nonce_url( $admin_post_url, 'elementor_revert_kit' ); return $this->maybe_add_referrer_param( $nonced_admin_post_url ); } /** * Checks if referred by a kit and adds the referrer ID to the href * * @param string $href * * @return string */ private function maybe_add_referrer_param( string $href ): string { $param_name = 'referrer_kit'; if ( empty( $_GET[ $param_name ] ) ) { return $href; } return add_query_arg( $param_name, sanitize_key( $_GET[ $param_name ] ), $href ); } /** * Render the last kit thumbnail if exists * * @param $last_imported_kit * * @return void */ private function render_last_kit_thumbnail( $last_imported_kit ) { if ( empty( $last_imported_kit['kit_thumbnail'] ) ) { return; } ?> <div class="tab-import-export-kit__kit-item-row"> <article class="tab-import-export-kit__kit-item"> <header> <h3> <?php echo esc_html( $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] ); ?> </h3> </header> <img src="<?php echo esc_url( $last_imported_kit['kit_thumbnail'] ); ?>" alt="<?php echo esc_attr( $last_imported_kit['kit_title'] ); ?>" loading="lazy" > </article> </div> <?php } /** * Upload a kit zip file and get the kit data. * * Assigning the Import process to the 'import' property, * so it will be available to use in different places such as: WP_Cli, Pro, etc. * * @param string $file Path to the file. * @param string $referrer Referrer of the file 'local' or 'kit-library'. * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function upload_kit( $file, $referrer ) { $this->ensure_writing_permissions(); $this->import = new Import( $file, [ 'referrer' => $referrer ] ); return [ 'session' => $this->import->get_session_id(), 'manifest' => $this->import->get_manifest(), 'conflicts' => $this->import->get_settings_conflicts(), ]; } /** * Import a kit by session_id. * Upload and import a kit by kit zip file. * * If the split_to_chunks flag is true, the process won't start * It will initialize the import process and return the session_id and the runners. * * Assigning the Import process to the 'import' property, * so it will be available to use in different places such as: WP_Cli, Pro, etc. * * @param string $path Path to the file or session_id. * @param array $settings Settings the import use to determine which content to import. * (e.g: include, selected_plugins, selected_cpt, selected_override_conditions, etc.) * @param bool $split_to_chunks Determine if the import process should be split into chunks. * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function import_kit( string $path, array $settings, bool $split_to_chunks = false ): array { $this->ensure_writing_permissions(); $this->ensure_DOMDocument_exists(); $this->import = new Import( $path, $settings ); $this->import->register_default_runners(); remove_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ Plugin::$instance->modules_manager->get_modules( 'content-sanitizer' ), 'sanitize_content' ] ); do_action( 'elementor/import-export/import-kit', $this->import ); if ( $split_to_chunks ) { $this->import->init_import_session( true ); return [ 'session' => $this->import->get_session_id(), 'runners' => $this->import->get_runners_name(), ]; } return $this->import->run(); } /** * Resuming import process by re-creating the import instance and running the specific runner. * * @param string $session_id The id off the import session. * @param string $runner_name The specific runner that we want to run. * * @return array Two types of response. * 1. The status and the runner name. * 2. The imported data. (Only if the runner is the last one in the import process) * @throws \Exception */ public function import_kit_by_runner( string $session_id, string $runner_name ): array { // Check session_id $this->import = Import::from_session( $session_id ); $runners = $this->import->get_runners_name(); $run = $this->import->run_runner( $runner_name ); if ( end( $runners ) === $run['runner'] ) { return $this->import->get_imported_data(); } return $run; } /** * Export a kit. * * Assigning the Export process to the 'export' property, * so it will be available to use in different places such as: WP_Cli, Pro, etc. * * @param array $settings Settings the export use to determine which content to export. * (e.g: include, kit_info, selected_plugins, selected_cpt, etc.) * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function export_kit( array $settings ) { $this->ensure_writing_permissions(); $this->export = new Export( $settings ); $this->export->register_default_runners(); do_action( 'elementor/import-export/export-kit', $this->export ); return $this->export->run(); } /** * Handle revert kit ajax request. */ public function revert_last_imported_kit() { $this->revert = new Revert(); $this->revert->register_default_runners(); do_action( 'elementor/import-export/revert-kit', $this->revert ); $this->revert->run(); } /** * Handle revert last imported kit ajax request. */ public function handle_revert_last_imported_kit() { check_admin_referer( 'elementor_revert_kit' ); $this->revert_last_imported_kit(); wp_safe_redirect( admin_url( 'admin.php?page=' . Tools::PAGE_ID . '#tab-import-export-kit' ) ); die; } /** * Register appropriate actions. */ private function register_actions() { add_action( 'admin_init', function() { if ( wp_doing_ajax() && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, '_nonce' ), Ajax::NONCE_KEY ) && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { $this->maybe_handle_ajax(); } } ); add_action( 'admin_post_elementor_revert_kit', [ $this, 'handle_revert_last_imported_kit' ] ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ] ); $page_id = Tools::PAGE_ID; add_action( "elementor/admin/after_create_settings/{$page_id}", [ $this, 'register_settings_tab' ] ); // TODO 18/04/2023 : This needs to be moved to the runner itself after https://elementor.atlassian.net/browse/HTS-434 is done. if ( self::IMPORT_PLUGINS_ACTION === ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_SERVER, 'HTTP_X_ELEMENTOR_ACTION' ) ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_create_pages', [ $this, 'empty_pages' ], 10, 0 ); } // TODO ^^^ } /** * Prevent the creation of the default WooCommerce pages (Cart, Checkout, etc.) * * TODO 18/04/2023 : This needs to be moved to the runner itself after https://elementor.atlassian.net/browse/HTS-434 is done. * @return array */ public function empty_pages(): array { return []; } private function ensure_writing_permissions() { $server = new Server(); $paths_to_check = [ Server::KEY_PATH_WP_CONTENT_DIR => $server->get_system_path( Server::KEY_PATH_WP_CONTENT_DIR ), Server::KEY_PATH_UPLOADS_DIR => $server->get_system_path( Server::KEY_PATH_UPLOADS_DIR ), Server::KEY_PATH_ELEMENTOR_UPLOADS_DIR => $server->get_system_path( Server::KEY_PATH_ELEMENTOR_UPLOADS_DIR ), ]; $permissions = $server->get_paths_permissions( $paths_to_check ); // WP Content dir has to be exists and writable. if ( ! $permissions[ Server::KEY_PATH_WP_CONTENT_DIR ]['write'] ) { throw new \Error( self::NO_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY ); } // WP Uploads dir has to be exists and writable. if ( ! $permissions[ Server::KEY_PATH_UPLOADS_DIR ]['write'] ) { throw new \Error( self::NO_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY ); } // Elementor uploads dir permissions is divided to 2 cases: // 1. If the dir exists, it has to be writable. // 2. If the dir doesn't exist, the parent dir has to be writable (wp uploads dir), so we can create it. if ( $permissions[ Server::KEY_PATH_ELEMENTOR_UPLOADS_DIR ]['exists'] && ! $permissions[ Server::KEY_PATH_ELEMENTOR_UPLOADS_DIR ]['write'] ) { throw new \Error( self::NO_WRITE_PERMISSIONS_KEY ); } } private function ensure_DOMDocument_exists() { if ( ! class_exists( 'DOMDocument' ) ) { throw new \Error( self::DOMDOCUMENT_MISSING ); } } /** * Enqueue admin scripts */ public function enqueue_scripts() { wp_enqueue_script( 'elementor-import-export-admin', $this->get_js_assets_url( 'import-export-admin' ), [ 'elementor-common' ], ELEMENTOR_VERSION, true ); wp_localize_script( 'elementor-import-export-admin', 'elementorImportExport', [ 'lastImportedSession' => $this->revert->get_last_import_session(), 'appUrl' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/kit-library', ] ); } /** * Assign each ajax action to a method. */ private function maybe_handle_ajax() { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $action = ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'action' ); try { switch ( $action ) { case static::EXPORT_TRIGGER_KEY: $this->handle_export_kit(); break; case static::UPLOAD_TRIGGER_KEY: $this->handle_upload_kit(); break; case static::IMPORT_TRIGGER_KEY: $this->handle_import_kit(); break; case static::IMPORT_RUNNER_TRIGGER_KEY: $this->handle_import_kit__runner(); break; default: break; } } catch ( \Error $e ) { if ( isset( $this->import ) ) { $this->import->finalize_import_session_option(); } Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( $e->getMessage(), [ 'meta' => [ 'trace' => $e->getTraceAsString(), ], ] ); if ( isset( $this->import ) && $this->is_third_party_class( $e->getTrace()[0]['class'] ) ) { wp_send_json_error( self::THIRD_PARTY_ERROR, 500 ); } wp_send_json_error( $e->getMessage(), 500 ); } } /** * Handle upload kit ajax request. */ private function handle_upload_kit() { // PHPCS - A URL that should contain special chars (auth headers information). $file_url = isset( $_POST['e_import_file'] ) // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.ValidatedSanitizedInput.InputNotSanitized ? wp_unslash( $_POST['e_import_file'] ) : ''; // Import from kit library if ( ! empty( $file_url ) ) { if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'e_kit_library_nonce' ), 'kit-library-import' ) ) { throw new \Error( 'Invalid kit library nonce.' ); } if ( ! filter_var( $file_url, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL ) || 0 !== strpos( $file_url, 'http' ) ) { throw new \Error( static::KIT_LIBRARY_ERROR_KEY ); } $remote_zip_request = wp_safe_remote_get( $file_url ); if ( is_wp_error( $remote_zip_request ) ) { Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( $remote_zip_request->get_error_message() ); throw new \Error( static::KIT_LIBRARY_ERROR_KEY ); } if ( 200 !== $remote_zip_request['response']['code'] ) { Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( $remote_zip_request['response']['message'] ); throw new \Error( static::KIT_LIBRARY_ERROR_KEY ); } $file_name = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->create_temp_file( $remote_zip_request['body'], 'kit.zip' ); $referrer = static::REFERRER_KIT_LIBRARY; } else { // PHPCS - Already validated in caller function. $file_name = ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_FILES, 'e_import_file' )['tmp_name']; $referrer = static::REFERRER_LOCAL; } Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->info( 'Uploading Kit: ', [ 'meta' => [ 'kit_id' => ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'kit_id' ), 'referrer' => $referrer, ], ] ); $uploaded_kit = $this->upload_kit( $file_name, $referrer ); $session_dir = $uploaded_kit['session']; $manifest = $uploaded_kit['manifest']; $conflicts = $uploaded_kit['conflicts']; if ( ! empty( $file_url ) ) { Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->remove_file_or_dir( dirname( $file_name ) ); } if ( isset( $manifest['plugins'] ) && ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) ) { throw new \Error( static::PLUGIN_PERMISSIONS_ERROR_KEY ); } $result = [ 'session' => $session_dir, 'manifest' => $manifest, ]; if ( ! empty( $conflicts ) ) { $result['conflicts'] = $conflicts; } else { // Moved into the IE process \Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Import::get_default_settings_conflicts // TODO: remove in 3.10.0 $result = apply_filters( 'elementor/import/stage_1/result', $result ); } wp_send_json_success( $result ); } /** * Handle import kit ajax request. */ private function handle_import_kit() { // PHPCS - Already validated in caller function $settings = json_decode( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ), true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $tmp_folder_id = $settings['session']; $import = $this->import_kit( $tmp_folder_id, $settings, true ); // get_settings_config() added manually because the frontend Ajax request doesn't trigger the get_init_settings(). $import['configData'] = $this->get_config_data(); Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->info( sprintf( 'Selected import runners: %1$s', implode( ', ', $import['runners'] ) ) ); wp_send_json_success( $import ); } /** * Handle ajax request for running specific runner in the import kit process. */ private function handle_import_kit__runner() { // PHPCS - Already validated in caller function $settings = json_decode( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ), true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $session_id = $settings['session']; $runner = $settings['runner']; $import = $this->import_kit_by_runner( $session_id, $runner ); // get_settings_config() added manually because the frontend Ajax request doesn't trigger the get_init_settings(). $import['configData'] = $this->get_config_data(); if ( ! empty( $import['status'] ) ) { Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->info( sprintf( 'Import runner completed: %1$s %2$s', $import['runner'], ( 'success' === $import['status'] ? '✓' : '✗' ) ) ); } wp_send_json_success( $import ); } /** * Handle export kit ajax request. */ private function handle_export_kit() { // PHPCS - Already validated in caller function $settings = json_decode( ElementorUtils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ), true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $export = $this->export_kit( $settings ); $file_name = $export['file_name']; $file = ElementorUtils::file_get_contents( $file_name ); if ( ! $file ) { throw new \Error( 'Could not read the exported file.' ); } Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->remove_file_or_dir( dirname( $file_name ) ); $result = [ 'manifest' => $export['manifest'], 'file' => base64_encode( $file ), ]; wp_send_json_success( $result ); } /** * Get config data that will be exposed to the frontend. */ private function get_config_data() { $export_nonce = wp_create_nonce( 'elementor_export' ); $export_url = add_query_arg( [ '_nonce' => $export_nonce ], Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() ); return [ 'exportURL' => $export_url, 'summaryTitles' => $this->get_summary_titles(), 'builtinWpPostTypes' => ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(), 'elementorPostTypes' => ImportExportUtils::get_elementor_post_types(), 'isUnfilteredFilesEnabled' => Uploads_Manager::are_unfiltered_uploads_enabled(), 'elementorHomePageUrl' => $this->get_elementor_home_page_url(), 'recentlyEditedElementorPageUrl' => $this->get_recently_edited_elementor_page_url(), 'tools_url' => Tools::get_url(), 'importSessions' => Revert::get_import_sessions(), 'lastImportedSession' => $this->revert->get_last_import_session(), ]; } /** * Get labels of Elementor document types, Elementor Post types, WordPress Post types and Custom Post types. */ private function get_summary_titles() { $summary_titles = []; $document_types = Plugin::$instance->documents->get_document_types(); foreach ( $document_types as $name => $document_type ) { $summary_titles['templates'][ $name ] = [ 'single' => $document_type::get_title(), 'plural' => $document_type::get_plural_title(), ]; } $elementor_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_elementor_post_types(); $wp_builtin_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_builtin_wp_post_types(); $post_types = array_merge( $elementor_post_types, $wp_builtin_post_types ); foreach ( $post_types as $post_type ) { $post_type_object = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); $summary_titles['content'][ $post_type ] = [ 'single' => $post_type_object->labels->singular_name ?? '', 'plural' => $post_type_object->label ?? '', ]; } $custom_post_types = ImportExportUtils::get_registered_cpt_names(); if ( ! empty( $custom_post_types ) ) { foreach ( $custom_post_types as $custom_post_type ) { $custom_post_types_object = get_post_type_object( $custom_post_type ); // CPT data appears in two arrays: // 1. content object: in order to show the export summary when completed in getLabel function $summary_titles['content'][ $custom_post_type ] = [ 'single' => $custom_post_types_object->labels->singular_name ?? '', 'plural' => $custom_post_types_object->label ?? '', ]; // 2. customPostTypes object: in order to actually export the data $summary_titles['content']['customPostTypes'][ $custom_post_type ] = [ 'single' => $custom_post_types_object->labels->singular_name ?? '', 'plural' => $custom_post_types_object->label ?? '', ]; } } $active_kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit(); foreach ( $active_kit->get_tabs() as $key => $tab ) { $summary_titles['site-settings'][ $key ] = $tab->get_title(); } return $summary_titles; } public function should_show_revert_section( $last_imported_kit ) { if ( empty( $last_imported_kit ) ) { return false; } // TODO: BC - remove in the future // The 'templates' runner was in core and moved to the Pro plugin. (Part of it still exits in the Core for BC) // The runner that is in the core version is missing the revert functionality, // therefore we shouldn't display the revert section if the import process done with the core version. $is_import_templates_ran = isset( $last_imported_kit['runners']['templates'] ); if ( $this->has_pro() && $is_import_templates_ran ) { $has_imported_templates = ! empty( $last_imported_kit['runners']['templates'] ); return $has_imported_templates; } return true; } public function has_pro(): bool { return ElementorUtils::has_pro(); } private function get_elementor_editor_home_page_url() { if ( 'page' !== get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) { return ''; } $frontpage_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); return $this->get_elementor_editor_page_url( $frontpage_id ); } private function get_elementor_home_page_url() { if ( 'page' !== get_option( 'show_on_front' ) ) { return ''; } $frontpage_id = get_option( 'page_on_front' ); return $this->get_elementor_page_url( $frontpage_id ); } private function get_recently_edited_elementor_page_url() { $query = ElementorUtils::get_recently_edited_posts_query( [ 'posts_per_page' => 1 ] ); if ( ! isset( $query->post ) ) { return ''; } return $this->get_elementor_page_url( $query->post->ID ); } private function get_recently_edited_elementor_editor_page_url() { $query = ElementorUtils::get_recently_edited_posts_query( [ 'posts_per_page' => 1 ] ); if ( ! isset( $query->post ) ) { return ''; } return $this->get_elementor_editor_page_url( $query->post->ID ); } private function get_elementor_document( $page_id ) { $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $page_id ); if ( ! $document || ! $document->is_built_with_elementor() ) { return false; } return $document; } private function get_elementor_page_url( $page_id ) { $document = $this->get_elementor_document( $page_id ); return $document ? $document->get_preview_url() : ''; } private function get_elementor_editor_page_url( $page_id ) { $document = $this->get_elementor_document( $page_id ); return $document ? $document->get_edit_url() : ''; } /** * @param string $class * * @return bool */ public function is_third_party_class( $class ) { $allowed_classes = [ 'Elementor\\', 'ElementorPro\\', 'WP_', 'wp_', ]; foreach ( $allowed_classes as $allowed_class ) { if ( str_starts_with( $class, $allowed_class ) ) { return false; } } return true; } } modules/import-export/usage.php 0000644 00000002014 14717651314 0012670 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes\Revert; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } class Usage { /** * Register hooks. * * @return void */ public function register() { add_filter( 'elementor/tracker/send_tracking_data_params', function ( array $params ) { $params['usages']['import_export']['revert'] = $this->get_revert_usage_data(); return $params; } ); } /** * Get the Revert usage data. * * @return array */ private function get_revert_usage_data() { $revert_sessions = ( new Revert() )->get_revert_sessions(); $data = []; foreach ( $revert_sessions as $revert_session ) { $data[] = [ 'kit_name' => $revert_session['kit_name'], 'source' => $revert_session['source'], 'revert_timestamp' => (int) $revert_session['revert_timestamp'], 'total_time' => ( (int) $revert_session['revert_timestamp'] - (int) $revert_session['import_timestamp'] ), ]; } return $data; } } modules/import-export/compatibility/envato.php 0000644 00000005711 14717651314 0015740 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils as ImportExportUtils; use Elementor\Plugin; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } class Envato extends Base_Adapter { public static function is_compatibility_needed( array $manifest_data, array $meta ) { return ! empty( $manifest_data['manifest_version'] ); } public function adapt_manifest( array $manifest_data ) { $templates = $manifest_data['templates']; $manifest_data['templates'] = []; foreach ( $templates as $template ) { // Envato store their global kit styles as a 'global.json' template file. // We need to be able to know the path to this specific 'global.json' since it functions as the site-settings.json $is_global = ! empty( $template['metadata']['template_type'] ) && 'global-styles' === $template['metadata']['template_type']; if ( $is_global ) { // Adding the path of the 'global.json' template to the manifest which will be used in the future. $manifest_data['path-to-envto-site-settings'] = $template['source']; // Getting the site-settings because Envato stores them in one of the posts. $kit = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit(); $kit_tabs = $kit->get_tabs(); unset( $kit_tabs['settings-site-identity'] ); $manifest_data['site-settings'] = array_keys( $kit_tabs ); continue; } // Evanto uses "type" instead of "doc_type" $template['doc_type'] = $template['type']; // Evanto uses for "name" instead of "title" $template['title'] = $template['name']; // Envato specifying an exact path to the template rather than using its "ID" as an index. // This extracts the "file name" part out of our exact source list and we treat that as an ID. $file_name_without_extension = str_replace( '.json', '', basename( $template['source'] ) ); // Append the template to the global list: $manifest_data['templates'][ $file_name_without_extension ] = $template; } $manifest_data['name'] = $manifest_data['title']; return $manifest_data; } public function adapt_site_settings( array $site_settings, array $manifest_data, $path ) { if ( empty( $manifest_data['path-to-envto-site-settings'] ) ) { return $site_settings; } $global_file_path = $path . $manifest_data['path-to-envto-site-settings']; $global_file_data = ImportExportUtils::read_json_file( $global_file_path ); return [ 'settings' => $global_file_data['page_settings'], ]; } public function adapt_template( array $template_data, array $template_settings ) { if ( ! empty( $template_data['metadata']['elementor_pro_conditions'] ) ) { foreach ( $template_data['metadata']['elementor_pro_conditions'] as $condition ) { list ( $type, $name, $sub_name, $sub_id ) = array_pad( explode( '/', $condition ), 4, '' ); $template_data['import_settings']['conditions'][] = compact( 'type', 'name', 'sub_name', 'sub_id' ); } } return $template_data; } } modules/import-export/compatibility/kit-library.php 0000644 00000001361 14717651314 0016672 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } class Kit_Library extends Base_Adapter { public static function is_compatibility_needed( array $manifest_data, array $meta ) { return ! empty( $meta['referrer'] ) && 'kit-library' === $meta['referrer']; } public function adapt_manifest( array $manifest_data ) { if ( ! empty( $manifest_data['content']['page'] ) ) { foreach ( $manifest_data['content']['page'] as & $page ) { $page['thumbnail'] = false; } } if ( ! empty( $manifest_data['templates'] ) ) { foreach ( $manifest_data['templates'] as & $template ) { $template['thumbnail'] = false; } } return $manifest_data; } } modules/import-export/compatibility/base-adapter.php 0000644 00000001377 14717651314 0017000 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Import; use Elementor\Core\Base\Base_Object; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } abstract class Base_Adapter { /** * @param array $manifest_data * @param array $meta * @return false */ public static function is_compatibility_needed( array $manifest_data, array $meta ) { return false; } public function adapt_manifest( array $manifest_data ) { return $manifest_data; } public function adapt_site_settings( array $site_settings, array $manifest_data, $path ) { return $site_settings; } public function adapt_template( array $template_data, array $template_settings ) { return $template_data; } } modules/import-export/processes/export.php 0000644 00000021767 14717651314 0015133 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Module; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Str; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Elementor_Content; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Export_Runner_Base; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Plugins; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Site_Settings; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Taxonomies; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Templates; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Export\Wp_Content; class Export { const ZIP_ARCHIVE_MODULE_MISSING = 'zip-archive-module-is-missing'; /** * @var Export_Runner_Base[] */ protected $runners = []; /** * Selected content types to export. * * @var array */ private $settings_include; /** * The kit information. (e.g: title, description) * * @var array $export_data */ private $settings_kit_info; /** * Selected plugins to export. * Contains the plugins essential data for export. (e.g: name, path, version, etc.) * * @var array */ private $settings_selected_plugins; /** * Selected custom post types to export. * * @var array */ private $settings_selected_custom_post_types; /** * The output data of the export process. * Will be written into the manifest.json file. * * @var array */ private $manifest_data; /** * The zip archive object. * * @var \ZipArchive */ private $zip; public function __construct( $settings = [] ) { $this->settings_include = ! empty( $settings['include'] ) ? $settings['include'] : null; $this->settings_kit_info = ! empty( $settings['kitInfo'] ) ? $settings['kitInfo'] : null; $this->settings_selected_plugins = isset( $settings['plugins'] ) ? $settings['plugins'] : null; $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = isset( $settings['selectedCustomPostTypes'] ) ? $settings['selectedCustomPostTypes'] : null; } /** * Register a runner. * * @param Export_Runner_Base $runner_instance */ public function register( Export_Runner_Base $runner_instance ) { $this->runners[ $runner_instance::get_name() ] = $runner_instance; } public function register_default_runners() { $this->register( new Site_Settings() ); $this->register( new Plugins() ); $this->register( new Templates() ); $this->register( new Taxonomies() ); $this->register( new Elementor_Content() ); $this->register( new Wp_Content() ); } /** * Execute the export process. * * @return array The export data output. * * @throws \Exception If no export runners have been specified. */ public function run() { if ( empty( $this->runners ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the export process because no export runners have been specified. Try again by specifying export runners.' ); } $this->set_default_settings(); $this->init_zip_archive(); $this->init_manifest_data(); $data = [ 'include' => $this->settings_include, 'selected_plugins' => $this->settings_selected_plugins, 'selected_custom_post_types' => $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types, ]; foreach ( $this->runners as $runner ) { if ( $runner->should_export( $data ) ) { $export_result = $runner->export( $data ); $this->handle_export_result( $export_result ); } } $this->add_json_file( 'manifest', $this->manifest_data ); $zip_file_name = $this->zip->filename; $this->zip->close(); return [ 'manifest' => $this->manifest_data, 'file_name' => $zip_file_name, ]; } /** * Set default settings for the export. */ private function set_default_settings() { if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_include() ) ) { $this->settings_include( $this->get_default_settings_include() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_kit_info() ) ) { $this->settings_kit_info( $this->get_default_settings_kit_info() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_custom_post_types() ) && in_array( 'content', $this->settings_include, true ) ) { $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types( $this->get_default_settings_custom_post_types() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_plugins() ) && in_array( 'plugins', $this->settings_include, true ) ) { $this->settings_selected_plugins( $this->get_default_settings_selected_plugins() ); } } public function settings_include( $include ) { $this->settings_include = $include; } public function get_settings_include() { return $this->settings_include; } private function settings_kit_info( $kit_info ) { $this->settings_kit_info = $kit_info; } private function get_settings_kit_info() { return $this->settings_kit_info; } public function settings_selected_custom_post_types( $selected_custom_post_types ) { $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = $selected_custom_post_types; } public function get_settings_selected_custom_post_types() { return $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types; } public function settings_selected_plugins( $plugins ) { $this->settings_selected_plugins = $plugins; } public function get_settings_selected_plugins() { return $this->settings_selected_plugins; } /** * Get the default settings of which content types should be exported. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_include() { return [ 'templates', 'content', 'settings', 'plugins' ]; } /** * Get the default settings of the kit info. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_kit_info() { return [ 'title' => 'kit', 'description' => '', ]; } /** * Get the default settings of the plugins that should be exported. * * @return array{name: string, plugin:string, pluginUri: string, version: string} */ private function get_default_settings_selected_plugins() { $installed_plugins = Plugin::$instance->wp->get_plugins(); return $installed_plugins->map( function ( $item, $key ) { return [ 'name' => $item['Name'], 'plugin' => $key, 'pluginUri' => $item['PluginURI'], 'version' => $item['Version'], ]; } )->all(); } /** * Get the default settings of all the custom post types that should be exported. * Should be all the custom post types that are not built in to WordPress and not part of Elementor. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_custom_post_types() { return Utils::get_registered_cpt_names(); } /** * Init the zip archive. */ private function init_zip_archive() { if ( ! class_exists( '\ZipArchive' ) ) { throw new \Error( static::ZIP_ARCHIVE_MODULE_MISSING ); } $zip = new \ZipArchive(); $temp_dir = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->create_unique_dir(); $zip_file_name = $temp_dir . sanitize_title( $this->settings_kit_info['title'] ) . '.zip'; $zip->open( $zip_file_name, \ZipArchive::CREATE | \ZipArchive::OVERWRITE ); $this->zip = $zip; } /** * Init the manifest data and add some basic info to it. */ private function init_manifest_data() { $kit_post = Plugin::$instance->kits_manager->get_active_kit()->get_post(); $manifest_data = [ 'name' => sanitize_title( $this->settings_kit_info['title'] ), 'title' => $this->settings_kit_info['title'], 'description' => $this->settings_kit_info['description'], 'author' => get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $kit_post->post_author ), 'version' => Module::FORMAT_VERSION, 'elementor_version' => ELEMENTOR_VERSION, 'created' => gmdate( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ), 'thumbnail' => get_the_post_thumbnail_url( $kit_post ), 'site' => get_site_url(), ]; $this->manifest_data = $manifest_data; } /** * Handle the export process output. * Add the manifest data from the runner to the manifest.json file. * Create files according to the files array that should be exported by the runner. * * @param array $export_result */ private function handle_export_result( $export_result ) { foreach ( $export_result['manifest'] as $data ) { $this->manifest_data += $data; } if ( isset( $export_result['files']['path'] ) ) { $export_result['files'] = [ $export_result['files'] ]; } foreach ( $export_result['files'] as $file ) { $file_extension = pathinfo( $file['path'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); if ( empty( $file_extension ) ) { $this->add_json_file( $file['path'], $file['data'] ); } else { $this->add_file( $file['path'], $file['data'] ); } } } /** * Add json file to the zip archive. * * @param string $path The relative path to the file. * @param array $content The content of the file. * @param int $json_flags */ private function add_json_file( $path, array $content, $json_flags = 0 ) { if ( ! Str::ends_with( $path, '.json' ) ) { $path .= '.json'; } $this->add_file( $path, wp_json_encode( $content, $json_flags ) ); } /** * Add file to the zip archive. * * @param string $file * @param string $content The content of the file. */ private function add_file( $file, $content ) { $this->zip->addFromString( $file, $content ); } } modules/import-export/processes/import.php 0000644 00000057567 14717651314 0015133 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility\Base_Adapter; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility\Envato; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Compatibility\Kit_Library; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils; use Elementor\Core\Base\Document; use Elementor\Core\Kits\Documents\Kit; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Elementor_Content; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Import_Runner_Base; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Plugins; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Site_Settings; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Taxonomies; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Templates; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Import\Wp_Content; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Module; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Connect\Kit_Library as Kit_Library_Api; class Import { const MANIFEST_ERROR_KEY = 'manifest-error'; const ZIP_FILE_ERROR_KEY = 'invalid-zip-file'; const ZIP_ARCHIVE_ERROR_KEY = 'zip-archive-module-missing'; /** * @var Import_Runner_Base[] */ protected $runners = []; /** * The session ID of the import process. * This ID is uniquely generated for each import process (by the temp folder which contains the extracted kit files). * * @var string */ private $session_id; /** * The Kit ID. * * @var string */ private $kit_id; /** * Adapter for the kit compatibility. * * @var Base_Adapter[] */ private $adapters; /** * Document's data (elements and settings) that was imported during the process. * * @var array { [document_id] => { "elements": array , "settings": array } } */ private $documents_data = []; /** * Path to the extracted kit files. * * @var string */ private $extracted_directory_path; /** * Imported kit manifest. * * @var array */ private $manifest; /** * Imported kit site settings. (e.g: custom_colors, custom_typography, etc.) * * @var array */ private $site_settings; /** * Selected content types to import. * * @var array */ private $settings_include; /** * Referer of the import. (e.g: kit-library, local, etc.) * * @var string */ private $settings_referrer; /** * All the conflict between the exited templates and the kit templates. * * @var array */ private $settings_conflicts; /** * Selected elementor templates conditions to override. * * @var array */ private $settings_selected_override_conditions; /** * Selected custom post types to import. * * @var array */ private $settings_selected_custom_post_types; /** * Selected plugins to import. * * @var array */ private $settings_selected_plugins; /** * The imported data output. * * @var array */ private $imported_data = []; /** * The metadata output of the import runners. * Will be saved in the import_session and will be used to revert the import process. * * @var array */ private $runners_import_metadata = []; /** * @param string $path session_id | zip_file_path * @param array $settings Use to determine which content to import. * (e.g: include, selected_plugins, selected_cpt, selected_override_conditions, etc.) * @param array|null $old_instance An array of old instance parameters that will be used for creating new instance. * We are using it for quick creation of the instance when the import process is being split into chunks. * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct( string $path, array $settings = [], array $old_instance = null ) { if ( ! empty( $old_instance ) ) { $this->set_import_object( $old_instance ); } else { if ( is_file( $path ) ) { $this->extracted_directory_path = $this->extract_zip( $path ); } else { $elementor_tmp_directory = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->get_temp_dir(); $path = $elementor_tmp_directory . basename( $path ); if ( ! is_dir( $path ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because the import session does not exist.' ); } $this->extracted_directory_path = $path . '/'; } $this->session_id = basename( $this->extracted_directory_path ); $this->kit_id = $settings['id'] ?? ''; $this->settings_referrer = ! empty( $settings['referrer'] ) ? $settings['referrer'] : 'local'; $this->settings_include = ! empty( $settings['include'] ) ? $settings['include'] : null; // Using isset and not empty is important since empty array is valid option. $this->settings_selected_override_conditions = $settings['overrideConditions'] ?? null; $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = $settings['selectedCustomPostTypes'] ?? null; $this->settings_selected_plugins = $settings['plugins'] ?? null; $this->manifest = $this->read_manifest_json(); $this->site_settings = $this->read_site_settings_json(); $this->set_default_settings(); } add_filter( 'wp_php_error_args', function ( $args, $error ) { return $this->filter_php_error_args( $args, $error ); }, 10, 2 ); } /** * Set the import object parameters. * * @param array $instance * @return void */ private function set_import_object( array $instance ) { $this->session_id = $instance['session_id']; $instance_data = $instance['instance_data']; $this->extracted_directory_path = $instance_data['extracted_directory_path']; $this->runners = $instance_data['runners']; $this->adapters = $instance_data['adapters']; $this->manifest = $instance_data['manifest']; $this->site_settings = $instance_data['site_settings']; $this->settings_include = $instance_data['settings_include']; $this->settings_referrer = $instance_data['settings_referrer']; $this->settings_conflicts = $instance_data['settings_conflicts']; $this->settings_selected_override_conditions = $instance_data['settings_selected_override_conditions']; $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = $instance_data['settings_selected_custom_post_types']; $this->settings_selected_plugins = $instance_data['settings_selected_plugins']; $this->documents_data = $instance_data['documents_data']; $this->imported_data = $instance_data['imported_data']; $this->runners_import_metadata = $instance_data['runners_import_metadata']; } /** * Creating a new instance of the import process by the id of the old import session. * * @param string $session_id * * @return Import * @throws \Exception */ public static function from_session( string $session_id ): Import { $import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions(); if ( ! $import_sessions || ! isset( $import_sessions[ $session_id ] ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because the import session does not exist.' ); } $import_session = $import_sessions[ $session_id ]; return new self( $session_id, [], $import_session ); } /** * Register a runner. * Be aware that the runner will be executed in the order of registration, the order is crucial for the import process. * * @param Import_Runner_Base $runner_instance */ public function register( Import_Runner_Base $runner_instance ) { $this->runners[ $runner_instance::get_name() ] = $runner_instance; } public function register_default_runners() { $this->register( new Site_Settings() ); $this->register( new Plugins() ); $this->register( new Templates() ); $this->register( new Taxonomies() ); $this->register( new Elementor_Content() ); $this->register( new Wp_Content() ); } /** * Set default settings for the import. */ private function set_default_settings() { if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_include() ) ) { $this->settings_include( $this->get_default_settings_include() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_conflicts() ) ) { $this->settings_conflicts( $this->get_default_settings_conflicts() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_override_conditions() ) ) { $this->settings_selected_override_conditions( $this->get_default_settings_override_conditions() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_custom_post_types() ) ) { $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types( $this->get_default_settings_custom_post_types() ); } if ( ! is_array( $this->get_settings_selected_plugins() ) ) { $this->settings_selected_plugins( $this->get_default_settings_plugins() ); } } /** * Execute the import process. * * @return array The imported data output. * * @throws \Exception If no import runners have been specified. */ public function run() { if ( empty( $this->runners ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because no import runners have been specified. Try again by specifying import runners.' ); } $data = [ 'session_id' => $this->session_id, 'include' => $this->settings_include, 'manifest' => $this->manifest, 'site_settings' => $this->site_settings, 'selected_plugins' => $this->settings_selected_plugins, 'extracted_directory_path' => $this->extracted_directory_path, 'selected_custom_post_types' => $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types, ]; $this->init_import_session(); remove_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ Plugin::$instance->modules_manager->get_modules( 'content-sanitizer' ), 'sanitize_content' ] ); add_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ $this, 'prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation' ], 10, 2 ); // Set the Request's state as an Elementor upload request, in order to support unfiltered file uploads. Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( true ); foreach ( $this->runners as $runner ) { if ( $runner->should_import( $data ) ) { $import = $runner->import( $data, $this->imported_data ); $this->imported_data = array_merge_recursive( $this->imported_data, $import ); $this->runners_import_metadata[ $runner::get_name() ] = $runner->get_import_session_metadata(); } } // After the upload complete, set the elementor upload state back to false. Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( false ); remove_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ $this, 'prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation' ], 10 ); $this->finalize_import_session_option(); $this->save_elements_of_imported_posts(); Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->remove_file_or_dir( $this->extracted_directory_path ); return $this->imported_data; } /** * Run specific runner by runner_name * * @param string $runner_name * * @return array * * @throws \Exception If no export runners have been specified. */ public function run_runner( string $runner_name ): array { if ( empty( $this->runners ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because no import runners have been specified. Try again by specifying import runners.' ); } $data = [ 'session_id' => $this->session_id, 'include' => $this->settings_include, 'manifest' => $this->manifest, 'site_settings' => $this->site_settings, 'selected_plugins' => $this->settings_selected_plugins, 'extracted_directory_path' => $this->extracted_directory_path, 'selected_custom_post_types' => $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types, ]; add_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ $this, 'prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation' ], 10, 2 ); // Set the Request's state as an Elementor upload request, in order to support unfiltered file uploads. Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( true ); $runner = $this->runners[ $runner_name ]; if ( empty( $runner ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the import process because the import runner was not found. Try again by specifying an import runner.' ); } if ( $runner->should_import( $data ) ) { $import = $runner->import( $data, $this->imported_data ); $this->imported_data = array_merge_recursive( $this->imported_data, $import ); $this->runners_import_metadata[ $runner::get_name() ] = $runner->get_import_session_metadata(); } // After the upload complete, set the elementor upload state back to false. Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( false ); remove_filter( 'elementor/document/save/data', [ $this, 'prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation' ], 10 ); $is_last_runner = key( array_slice( $this->runners, -1, 1, true ) ) === $runner_name; if ( $is_last_runner ) { $this->finalize_import_session_option(); $this->save_elements_of_imported_posts(); } else { $this->update_instance_data_in_import_session_option(); } return [ 'status' => 'success', 'runner' => $runner_name, ]; } /** * Create and save all the instance data to the import sessions option. * * @return void */ public function init_import_session( $save_instance_data = false ) { $import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions( true ); $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ] = [ 'session_id' => $this->session_id, 'kit_title' => $this->manifest['title'] ?? '', 'kit_name' => $this->manifest['name'] ?? '', 'kit_thumbnail' => $this->get_kit_thumbnail(), 'kit_source' => $this->settings_referrer, 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'start_timestamp' => current_time( 'timestamp' ), ]; if ( $save_instance_data ) { $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data'] = [ 'extracted_directory_path' => $this->extracted_directory_path, 'runners' => $this->runners, 'adapters' => $this->adapters, 'manifest' => $this->manifest, 'site_settings' => $this->site_settings, 'settings_include' => $this->settings_include, 'settings_referrer' => $this->settings_referrer, 'settings_conflicts' => $this->settings_conflicts, 'settings_selected_override_conditions' => $this->settings_selected_override_conditions, 'settings_selected_custom_post_types' => $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types, 'settings_selected_plugins' => $this->settings_selected_plugins, 'documents_data' => $this->documents_data, 'imported_data' => $this->imported_data, 'runners_import_metadata' => $this->runners_import_metadata, ]; } update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, $import_sessions, false ); } /** * Get the Kit thumbnail, goes to the home page thumbnail if main doesn't exist * * @return string */ private function get_kit_thumbnail(): string { if ( ! empty( $this->manifest['thumbnail'] ) ) { return $this->manifest['thumbnail']; } if ( empty( $this->kit_id ) ) { return ''; } $api = new Kit_Library_Api(); $kit = $api->get_by_id( $this->kit_id ); if ( is_wp_error( $kit ) ) { return ''; } return $kit->thumbnail; } public function get_runners_name(): array { return array_keys( $this->runners ); } public function get_manifest() { return $this->manifest; } public function get_extracted_directory_path() { return $this->extracted_directory_path; } public function get_session_id() { return $this->session_id; } public function get_adapters() { return $this->adapters; } public function get_imported_data() { return $this->imported_data; } /** * Get settings by key. * Used for backward compatibility. * * @param string $key The key of the setting. */ public function get_settings( $key ) { switch ( $key ) { case 'include': return $this->get_settings_include(); case 'overrideConditions': return $this->get_settings_selected_override_conditions(); case 'selectedCustomPostTypes': return $this->get_settings_selected_custom_post_types(); case 'plugins': return $this->get_settings_selected_plugins(); default: return []; } } public function settings_include( array $settings_include ) { $this->settings_include = $settings_include; return $this; } public function get_settings_include() { return $this->settings_include; } public function settings_referrer( $settings_referrer ) { $this->settings_referrer = $settings_referrer; return $this; } public function get_settings_referrer() { return $this->settings_referrer; } public function settings_conflicts( array $settings_conflicts ) { $this->settings_conflicts = $settings_conflicts; return $this; } public function get_settings_conflicts() { return $this->settings_conflicts; } public function settings_selected_override_conditions( array $settings_selected_override_conditions ) { $this->settings_selected_override_conditions = $settings_selected_override_conditions; return $this; } public function get_settings_selected_override_conditions() { return $this->settings_selected_override_conditions; } public function settings_selected_custom_post_types( array $settings_selected_custom_post_types ) { $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types = $settings_selected_custom_post_types; return $this; } public function get_settings_selected_custom_post_types() { return $this->settings_selected_custom_post_types; } public function settings_selected_plugins( array $settings_selected_plugins ) { $this->settings_selected_plugins = $settings_selected_plugins; return $this; } public function get_settings_selected_plugins() { return $this->settings_selected_plugins; } /** * Prevent saving elements on elementor post creation. * * @param array $data * @param Document $document * * @return array */ public function prevent_saving_elements_on_post_creation( array $data, Document $document ) { if ( isset( $data['elements'] ) ) { $this->documents_data[ $document->get_main_id() ] = [ 'elements' => $data['elements'] ]; $data['elements'] = []; } if ( isset( $data['settings'] ) ) { $this->documents_data[ $document->get_main_id() ]['settings'] = $data['settings']; } return $data; } /** * Extract the zip file. * * @param string $zip_path The path to the zip file. * @return string The extracted directory path. */ private function extract_zip( $zip_path ) { $extraction_result = Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->extract_and_validate_zip( $zip_path, [ 'json', 'xml' ] ); if ( is_wp_error( $extraction_result ) ) { if ( isset( $extraction_result->errors['zip_error'] ) ) { throw new \Error( static::ZIP_ARCHIVE_ERROR_KEY ); } throw new \Error( static::ZIP_FILE_ERROR_KEY ); } return $extraction_result['extraction_directory']; } /** * Get the manifest file from the extracted directory and adapt it if needed. * * @return string The manifest file content. */ private function read_manifest_json() { $manifest = Utils::read_json_file( $this->extracted_directory_path . 'manifest' ); if ( ! $manifest ) { Plugin::$instance->logger->get_logger()->error( static::MANIFEST_ERROR_KEY ); throw new \Error( static::ZIP_FILE_ERROR_KEY ); } $this->init_adapters( $manifest ); foreach ( $this->adapters as $adapter ) { $manifest = $adapter->adapt_manifest( $manifest ); } return $manifest; } /** * Init the adapters and determine which ones to use. * * @param array $manifest_data The manifest file content. */ private function init_adapters( array $manifest_data ) { $this->adapters = []; /** @var Base_Adapter[] $adapter_types */ $adapter_types = [ Envato::class, Kit_Library::class ]; foreach ( $adapter_types as $adapter_type ) { if ( $adapter_type::is_compatibility_needed( $manifest_data, [ 'referrer' => $this->get_settings_referrer() ] ) ) { $this->adapters[] = new $adapter_type( $this ); } } } /** * Get the site settings file from the extracted directory and adapt it if needed. * * @return string The site settings file content. */ private function read_site_settings_json() { $site_settings = Utils::read_json_file( $this->extracted_directory_path . 'site-settings' ); foreach ( $this->adapters as $adapter ) { $site_settings = $adapter->adapt_site_settings( $site_settings, $this->manifest, $this->extracted_directory_path ); } return $site_settings; } /** * Get all the custom post types in the kit. * * @return array Custom post types names. */ private function get_default_settings_custom_post_types() { if ( empty( $this->manifest['custom-post-type-title'] ) ) { return []; } $manifest_post_types = array_keys( $this->manifest['custom-post-type-title'] ); return array_diff( $manifest_post_types, Utils::get_builtin_wp_post_types() ); } /** * Get the default settings of elementor templates conditions to override. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_conflicts() { if ( empty( $this->manifest['templates'] ) ) { return []; } return apply_filters( 'elementor/import/get_default_settings_conflicts', [], $this->manifest['templates'] ); } /** * Get the default settings of elementor templates conditions to override. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_override_conditions() { if ( empty( $this->settings_conflicts ) ) { return []; } return array_keys( $this->settings_conflicts ); } /** * Get the default settings of the plugins that should be imported. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_plugins() { return ! empty( $this->manifest['plugins'] ) ? $this->manifest['plugins'] : []; } /** * Get the default settings of which content types should be imported. * * @return array */ private function get_default_settings_include() { return [ 'templates', 'plugins', 'content', 'settings' ]; } /** * Get the data that requires updating/replacement when imported. * * @return array{post_ids: array, term_ids: array} */ private function get_imported_data_replacements() : array { return [ 'post_ids' => Utils::map_old_new_post_ids( $this->imported_data ), 'term_ids' => Utils::map_old_new_term_ids( $this->imported_data ), ]; } /** * Save the prevented elements on elementor post creation elements. * Handle the replacement of all the dynamic content of the elements that probably have been changed during the import. */ private function save_elements_of_imported_posts() { $imported_data_replacements = $this->get_imported_data_replacements(); foreach ( $this->documents_data as $new_id => $data ) { $document = Plugin::$instance->documents->get( $new_id ); if ( isset( $data['elements'] ) ) { $data['elements'] = $document->on_import_update_dynamic_content( $data['elements'], $imported_data_replacements ); } if ( isset( $data['settings'] ) ) { if ( $document instanceof Kit ) { // Without post_status certain tabs in the Kit will not save properly. $data['settings']['post_status'] = get_post_status( $new_id ); } $data['settings'] = $document->on_import_update_settings( $data['settings'], $imported_data_replacements ); } $document->save( $data ); } } private function update_instance_data_in_import_session_option() { $import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions(); $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data']['documents_data'] = $this->documents_data; $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data']['imported_data'] = $this->imported_data; $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data']['runners_import_metadata'] = $this->runners_import_metadata; update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, $import_sessions, false ); } public function finalize_import_session_option() { $import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions(); if ( ! isset( $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ] ) ) { return; } unset( $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['instance_data'] ); $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['end_timestamp'] = current_time( 'timestamp' ); $import_sessions[ $this->session_id ]['runners'] = $this->runners_import_metadata; update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, $import_sessions, false ); } /** * Filter the php error args and return 408 status code if the error is a timeout. * * @param array $args * @param array $error * @return array */ private function filter_php_error_args( $args, $error ) { if ( strpos( $error['message'], 'Maximum execution time' ) !== false ) { $args['response'] = 408; } return $args; } } modules/import-export/processes/revert.php 0000644 00000011525 14717651314 0015110 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Processes; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Module; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert\Elementor_Content; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert\Revert_Runner_Base; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert\Plugins; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert\Site_Settings; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert\Taxonomies; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert\Templates; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Runners\Revert\Wp_Content; use Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport\Utils; class Revert { /** * @var Revert_Runner_Base[] */ protected $runners = []; private $import_sessions; private $revert_sessions; /** * @throws \Exception */ public function __construct() { $this->import_sessions = self::get_import_sessions(); $this->revert_sessions = self::get_revert_sessions(); } /** * Register a runner. * * @param Revert_Runner_Base $runner_instance */ public function register( Revert_Runner_Base $runner_instance ) { $this->runners[ $runner_instance::get_name() ] = $runner_instance; } public function register_default_runners() { $this->register( new Site_Settings() ); $this->register( new Plugins() ); $this->register( new Templates() ); $this->register( new Taxonomies() ); $this->register( new Elementor_Content() ); $this->register( new Wp_Content() ); } /** * Execute the revert process. * * @throws \Exception If no revert runners have been specified. */ public function run() { if ( empty( $this->runners ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the revert process because no revert runners have been specified. Try again by specifying revert runners.' ); } $import_session = $this->get_last_import_session(); if ( empty( $import_session ) ) { throw new \Exception( 'Couldn’t execute the revert process because there are no import sessions to revert.' ); } // fallback if the import session failed and doesn't have the runners metadata if ( ! isset( $import_session['runners'] ) && isset( $import_session['instance_data'] ) ) { $import_session['runners'] = $import_session['instance_data']['runners_import_metadata'] ?? []; } foreach ( $this->runners as $runner ) { if ( $runner->should_revert( $import_session ) ) { $runner->revert( $import_session ); } } $this->revert_attachments( $import_session ); $this->delete_last_import_data(); } public static function get_import_sessions() { $import_sessions = Utils::get_import_sessions(); if ( ! $import_sessions ) { return []; } usort( $import_sessions, function( $a, $b ) { return strcmp( $a['start_timestamp'], $b['start_timestamp'] ); } ); return $import_sessions; } public static function get_revert_sessions() { $revert_sessions = get_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_REVERT_SESSIONS ); if ( ! $revert_sessions ) { return []; } return $revert_sessions; } public function get_last_import_session() { $import_sessions = $this->import_sessions; if ( empty( $import_sessions ) ) { return []; } return end( $import_sessions ); } public function get_penultimate_import_session() { $sessions_data = $this->import_sessions; $penultimate_element_value = []; if ( empty( $sessions_data ) ) { return []; } end( $sessions_data ); prev( $sessions_data ); if ( ! is_null( key( $sessions_data ) ) ) { $penultimate_element_value = current( $sessions_data ); } return $penultimate_element_value; } private function delete_last_import_data() { $import_sessions = $this->import_sessions; $revert_sessions = $this->revert_sessions; $reverted_session = array_pop( $import_sessions ); $revert_sessions[] = [ 'session_id' => $reverted_session['session_id'], 'kit_title' => $reverted_session['kit_title'], 'kit_name' => $reverted_session['kit_name'], 'kit_thumbnail' => $reverted_session['kit_thumbnail'], 'source' => $reverted_session['kit_source'], 'user_id' => get_current_user_id(), 'import_timestamp' => $reverted_session['start_timestamp'], 'revert_timestamp' => current_time( 'timestamp' ), ]; update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, $import_sessions, false ); update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_REVERT_SESSIONS, $revert_sessions, false ); $this->import_sessions = $import_sessions; $this->revert_sessions = $revert_sessions; } private function revert_attachments( $data ) { $query_args = [ 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_status' => 'any', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'meta_query' => [ [ 'key' => Module::META_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSION_ID, 'value' => $data['session_id'], ], ], ]; $query = new \WP_Query( $query_args ); foreach ( $query->posts as $post ) { wp_delete_attachment( $post->ID, true ); } } } modules/import-export/utils.php 0000644 00000007237 14717651314 0012740 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\ImportExport; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Str; use Elementor\Modules\LandingPages\Module as Landing_Pages_Module; use \Elementor\Modules\FloatingButtons\Module as Floating_Buttons_Module; use Elementor\TemplateLibrary\Source_Local; use Elementor\Utils as ElementorUtils; class Utils { public static function read_json_file( $path ) { if ( ! Str::ends_with( $path, '.json' ) ) { $path .= '.json'; } $file_content = ElementorUtils::file_get_contents( $path, true ); return $file_content ? json_decode( $file_content, true ) : []; } public static function map_old_new_post_ids( array $imported_data ) { $result = []; $result += $imported_data['templates']['succeed'] ?? []; if ( isset( $imported_data['content'] ) ) { foreach ( $imported_data['content'] as $post_type ) { $result += $post_type['succeed'] ?? []; } } if ( isset( $imported_data['wp-content'] ) ) { foreach ( $imported_data['wp-content'] as $post_type ) { $result += $post_type['succeed'] ?? []; } } return $result; } public static function map_old_new_term_ids( array $imported_data ) { $result = []; if ( ! isset( $imported_data['taxonomies'] ) ) { return $result; } foreach ( $imported_data['taxonomies'] as $post_type_taxonomies ) { foreach ( $post_type_taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { foreach ( $taxonomy as $term ) { $result[ $term['old_id'] ] = $term['new_id']; } } } return $result; } public static function get_elementor_post_types() { $elementor_post_types = get_post_types_by_support( 'elementor' ); return array_filter( $elementor_post_types, function ( $value ) { // Templates are handled in a separate process. return 'elementor_library' !== $value; } ); } public static function get_builtin_wp_post_types() { return [ 'post', 'page', 'nav_menu_item' ]; } public static function get_registered_cpt_names() { $post_types = get_post_types( [ 'public' => true, 'can_export' => true, '_builtin' => false, ] ); unset( $post_types[ Landing_Pages_Module::CPT ], $post_types[ Source_Local::CPT ], $post_types[ Floating_Buttons_Module::CPT_FLOATING_BUTTONS ] ); return array_keys( $post_types ); } /** * Transform a string name to title format. * * @param $name * * @return string */ public static function transform_name_to_title( $name ): string { if ( empty( $name ) ) { return ''; } $title = str_replace( [ '-', '_' ], ' ', $name ); return ucwords( $title ); } public static function get_import_sessions( $should_run_cleanup = false ) { $import_sessions = get_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, [] ); if ( $should_run_cleanup ) { foreach ( $import_sessions as $session_id => $import_session ) { if ( ! isset( $import_session['runners'] ) && isset( $import_session['instance_data'] ) ) { $import_sessions[ $session_id ]['runners'] = $import_session['instance_data']['runners_import_metadata'] ?? []; unset( $import_sessions[ $session_id ]['instance_data'] ); } } update_option( Module::OPTION_KEY_ELEMENTOR_IMPORT_SESSIONS, $import_sessions ); } return $import_sessions; } public static function update_space_between_widgets_values( $space_between_widgets ) { $setting_exist = isset( $space_between_widgets['size'] ); $already_processed = isset( $space_between_widgets['column'] ); if ( ! $setting_exist || $already_processed ) { return $space_between_widgets; } $size = strval( $space_between_widgets['size'] ); $space_between_widgets['column'] = $size; $space_between_widgets['row'] = $size; $space_between_widgets['isLinked'] = true; return $space_between_widgets; } } modules/kit-library/data/repository.php 0000644 00000021324 14717651314 0014321 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Connect\Module as ConnectModule; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Collection; use Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Exceptions\Error_404; use Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Exceptions\WP_Error_Exception; use Elementor\Modules\Library\User_Favorites; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Connect\Kit_Library; use Elementor\Plugin; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Repository { /** * There is no label for subscription plan with access_level=0 + it should not * be translated. */ const SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN_FREE_TAG = 'Free'; const TAXONOMIES_KEYS = [ 'tags', 'categories', 'main_category', 'third_category', 'features', 'types' ]; const KITS_CACHE_KEY = 'elementor_remote_kits'; const KITS_TAXONOMIES_CACHE_KEY = 'elementor_remote_kits_taxonomies'; const KITS_CACHE_TTL_HOURS = 12; const KITS_TAXONOMIES_CACHE_TTL_HOURS = 12; /** * @var Kit_Library */ protected $api; /** * @var User_Favorites */ protected $user_favorites; /** * @var Collection */ protected $subscription_plans; /** * Get all kits. * * @param false $force_api_request * * @return Collection */ public function get_all( $force_api_request = false ) { return $this->get_kits_data( $force_api_request ) ->map( function ( $kit ) { return $this->transform_kit_api_response( $kit ); } ); } /** * Get specific kit. * * @param $id * @param array $options * * @return array|null */ public function find( $id, $options = [] ) { $options = wp_parse_args( $options, [ 'manifest_included' => true, ] ); $item = $this->get_kits_data() ->find( function ( $kit ) use ( $id ) { return $kit->_id === $id; } ); if ( ! $item ) { return null; } $manifest = null; if ( $options['manifest_included'] ) { $manifest = $this->api->get_manifest( $id ); if ( is_wp_error( $manifest ) ) { throw new WP_Error_Exception( $manifest ); } } return $this->transform_kit_api_response( $item, $manifest ); } /** * @param false $force_api_request * * @return Collection */ public function get_taxonomies( $force_api_request = false ) { return $this->get_taxonomies_data( $force_api_request ) ->only( static::TAXONOMIES_KEYS ) ->reduce( function ( Collection $carry, $taxonomies, $type ) { return $carry->merge( array_map( function ( $taxonomy ) use ( $type ) { return [ 'text' => $taxonomy->name, 'type' => $type, ]; }, $taxonomies ) ); }, new Collection( [] ) ) ->merge( $this->subscription_plans->map( function ( $label ) { return [ 'text' => $label ? $label : self::SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN_FREE_TAG, 'type' => 'subscription_plans', ]; } ) ) ->unique( [ 'text', 'type' ] ); } /** * @param $id * * @return array */ public function get_download_link( $id ) { $response = $this->api->download_link( $id ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { throw new WP_Error_Exception( $response ); } return [ 'download_link' => $response->download_link ]; } /** * @param $id * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function add_to_favorites( $id ) { $kit = $this->find( $id, [ 'manifest_included' => false ] ); if ( ! $kit ) { throw new Error_404( esc_html__( 'Kit not found', 'elementor' ), 'kit_not_found' ); } $this->user_favorites->add( 'elementor', 'kits', $kit['id'] ); $kit['is_favorite'] = true; return $kit; } /** * @param $id * * @return array * @throws \Exception */ public function remove_from_favorites( $id ) { $kit = $this->find( $id, [ 'manifest_included' => false ] ); if ( ! $kit ) { throw new Error_404( esc_html__( 'Kit not found', 'elementor' ), 'kit_not_found' ); } $this->user_favorites->remove( 'elementor', 'kits', $kit['id'] ); $kit['is_favorite'] = false; return $kit; } /** * @param bool $force_api_request * * @return Collection */ private function get_kits_data( $force_api_request = false ) { $data = get_transient( static::KITS_CACHE_KEY ); $experiments_manager = Plugin::$instance->experiments; $kits_editor_layout_type = $experiments_manager->is_feature_active( 'container' ) ? 'container_flexbox' : ''; if ( ! $data || $force_api_request ) { $args = [ 'body' => [ 'editor_layout_type' => $kits_editor_layout_type, ], ]; /** * Filters arguments for the request to the Kits API. * * @since 3.11.0 * * @param array[] $args Array of http arguments. */ $args = apply_filters( 'elementor/kit-library/get-kits-data/args', $args ); $data = $this->api->get_all( $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) { throw new WP_Error_Exception( $data ); } set_transient( static::KITS_CACHE_KEY, $data, static::KITS_CACHE_TTL_HOURS * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } return new Collection( $data ); } /** * @param bool $force_api_request * * @return Collection */ private function get_taxonomies_data( $force_api_request = false ) { $data = get_transient( static::KITS_TAXONOMIES_CACHE_KEY ); if ( ! $data || $force_api_request ) { $data = $this->api->get_taxonomies(); if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) { throw new WP_Error_Exception( $data ); } set_transient( static::KITS_TAXONOMIES_CACHE_KEY, $data, static::KITS_TAXONOMIES_CACHE_TTL_HOURS * HOUR_IN_SECONDS ); } return new Collection( (array) $data ); } /** * @param $kit * @param null $manifest * * @return array */ private function transform_kit_api_response( $kit, $manifest = null ) { // BC: Support legacy APIs that don't have access tiers. if ( isset( $kit->access_tier ) ) { $access_tier = $kit->access_tier; } else { $access_tier = 0 === $kit->access_level ? ConnectModule::ACCESS_TIER_FREE : ConnectModule::ACCESS_TIER_ESSENTIAL; } $subscription_plan_tag = $this->subscription_plans->get( $access_tier ); $taxonomies = ( new Collection( ( (array) $kit )['taxonomies'] ) ) ->filter( function ( $taxonomy ) { return in_array( $taxonomy->type, self::TAXONOMIES_KEYS ); } ) ->flatten() ->pluck( 'name' ) ->push( $subscription_plan_tag ? $subscription_plan_tag : self::SUBSCRIPTION_PLAN_FREE_TAG ); return array_merge( [ 'id' => $kit->_id, 'title' => $kit->title, 'thumbnail_url' => $kit->thumbnail, 'access_level' => $kit->access_level, 'access_tier' => $access_tier, 'keywords' => $kit->keywords, 'taxonomies' => $taxonomies->values(), 'is_favorite' => $this->user_favorites->exists( 'elementor', 'kits', $kit->_id ), // TODO: Remove all the isset when the API stable. 'trend_index' => isset( $kit->trend_index ) ? $kit->trend_index : 0, 'featured_index' => isset( $kit->featured_index ) ? $kit->featured_index : 0, 'popularity_index' => isset( $kit->popularity_index ) ? $kit->popularity_index : 0, 'created_at' => isset( $kit->created_at ) ? $kit->created_at : null, 'updated_at' => isset( $kit->updated_at ) ? $kit->updated_at : null, // ], $manifest ? $this->transform_manifest_api_response( $manifest ) : [] ); } /** * @param $manifest * * @return array */ private function transform_manifest_api_response( $manifest ) { $manifest_content = ( new Collection( (array) $manifest->content ) ) ->reduce( function ( $carry, $content, $type ) { $mapped_documents = array_map( function ( $document ) use ( $type ) { // TODO: Fix it! // Hack to override a bug when a document with type of 'wp-page' is declared as 'wp-post'. if ( 'page' === $type ) { $document->doc_type = 'wp-page'; } return $document; }, (array) $content ); return $carry + $mapped_documents; }, [] ); $content = ( new Collection( (array) $manifest->templates ) ) ->union( $manifest_content ) ->map( function ( $manifest_item, $key ) { return [ 'id' => isset( $manifest_item->id ) ? $manifest_item->id : $key, 'title' => $manifest_item->title, 'doc_type' => $manifest_item->doc_type, 'thumbnail_url' => $manifest_item->thumbnail, 'preview_url' => isset( $manifest_item->url ) ? $manifest_item->url : null, ]; } ); return [ 'description' => $manifest->description, 'preview_url' => isset( $manifest->site ) ? $manifest->site : '', 'documents' => $content->values(), ]; } /** * @param Kit_Library $kit_library * @param User_Favorites $user_favorites * @param Collection $subscription_plans */ public function __construct( Kit_Library $kit_library, User_Favorites $user_favorites, Collection $subscription_plans ) { $this->api = $kit_library; $this->user_favorites = $user_favorites; $this->subscription_plans = $subscription_plans; } public static function clear_cache() { delete_transient( static::KITS_CACHE_KEY ); } } modules/kit-library/data/taxonomies/controller.php 0000644 00000001453 14717651314 0016454 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Taxonomies; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Base_Controller; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Controller extends Base_Controller { public function get_name() { return 'kit-taxonomies'; } public function get_collection_params() { return [ 'force' => [ 'description' => 'Force an API request and skip the cache.', 'required' => false, 'default' => false, 'type' => 'boolean', ], ]; } public function get_items( $request ) { $data = $this->get_repository()->get_taxonomies( $request->get_param( 'force' ) ); return [ 'data' => $data->values(), ]; } public function get_permission_callback( $request ) { return current_user_can( 'administrator' ); } } modules/kit-library/data/base-controller.php 0000644 00000001710 14717651314 0015172 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Controller; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Collection; use Elementor\Modules\Library\User_Favorites; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } abstract class Base_Controller extends Controller { /** * @var Repository */ private $repository; /** * @return Repository */ public function get_repository() { if ( ! $this->repository ) { /** @var \Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Connect\Module $connect */ $connect = Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'connect' ); $subscription_plans = ( new Collection( $connect->get_subscription_plans() ) ) ->map( function ( $value ) { return $value['label']; } ); $this->repository = new Repository( $connect->get_app( 'kit-library' ), new User_Favorites( get_current_user_id() ), $subscription_plans ); } return $this->repository; } } modules/kit-library/data/kits/controller.php 0000644 00000002764 14717651314 0015246 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Kits; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Base_Controller; use Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Exceptions\Error_404; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Controller extends Base_Controller { public function get_name() { return 'kits'; } public function get_items( $request ) { $data = $this->get_repository()->get_all( $request->get_param( 'force' ) ); return [ 'data' => $data->values(), ]; } public function get_item( $request ) { $data = $this->get_repository()->find( $request->get_param( 'id' ) ); if ( ! $data ) { return new Error_404( esc_html__( 'Kit not exists.', 'elementor' ), 'kit_not_exists' ); } return [ 'data' => $data, ]; } public function get_collection_params() { return [ 'force' => [ 'description' => 'Force an API request and skip the cache.', 'required' => false, 'default' => false, 'type' => 'boolean', ], ]; } public function register_endpoints() { $this->index_endpoint->register_item_route( \WP_REST_Server::READABLE, [ 'id' => [ 'description' => 'Unique identifier for the object.', 'type' => 'string', 'required' => true, ], 'id_arg_type_regex' => '[\w]+', ] ); $this->register_endpoint( new Endpoints\Download_Link( $this ) ); $this->register_endpoint( new Endpoints\Favorites( $this ) ); } public function get_permission_callback( $request ) { return current_user_can( 'administrator' ); } } modules/kit-library/data/kits/endpoints/download-link.php 0000644 00000001533 14717651314 0017621 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Kits\Endpoints; use Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Endpoint; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Kits\Controller; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } /** * @property Controller $controller */ class Download_Link extends Endpoint { public function get_name() { return 'download-link'; } public function get_format() { return 'kits/download-link/{id}'; } protected function register() { $this->register_item_route( \WP_REST_Server::READABLE, [ 'id_arg_type_regex' => '[\w]+', ] ); } public function get_item( $id, $request ) { $repository = $this->controller->get_repository(); $data = $repository->get_download_link( $id ); return [ 'data' => $data, 'meta' => [ 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'kit-library-import' ), ], ]; } } modules/kit-library/data/kits/endpoints/favorites.php 0000644 00000002032 14717651314 0017054 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Kits\Endpoints; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Kits\Controller; use Elementor\Data\V2\Base\Endpoint; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } /** * @property Controller $controller */ class Favorites extends Endpoint { public function get_name() { return 'favorites'; } public function get_format() { return 'kits/favorites/{id}'; } protected function register() { $args = [ 'id_arg_type_regex' => '[\w]+', ]; $this->register_item_route( \WP_REST_Server::CREATABLE, $args ); $this->register_item_route( \WP_REST_Server::DELETABLE, $args ); } public function create_item( $id, $request ) { $repository = $this->controller->get_repository(); $kit = $repository->add_to_favorites( $id ); return [ 'data' => $kit, ]; } public function delete_item( $id, $request ) { $repository = $this->controller->get_repository(); $kit = $repository->remove_from_favorites( $id ); return [ 'data' => $kit, ]; } } modules/kit-library/module.php 0000644 00000007646 14717651314 0012471 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Repository; use Elementor\Core\Admin\Menu\Admin_Menu_Manager; use Elementor\Core\Admin\Menu\Main as MainMenu; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\TemplateLibrary\Source_Local; use Elementor\Core\Base\Module as BaseModule; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Connect\Kit_Library; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Connect\Module as ConnectModule; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Kits\Controller as Kits_Controller; use Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Data\Taxonomies\Controller as Taxonomies_Controller; use Elementor\Core\Utils\Promotions\Filtered_Promotions_Manager; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } class Module extends BaseModule { /** * Get name. * * @access public * * @return string */ public function get_name() { return 'kit-library'; } private function register_admin_menu( MainMenu $menu ) { $menu->add_submenu( [ 'page_title' => esc_html__( 'Kit Library', 'elementor' ), 'menu_title' => '<span id="e-admin-menu__kit-library">' . esc_html__( 'Kit Library', 'elementor' ) . '</span>', 'menu_slug' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/kit-library', 'index' => 40, ] ); } /** * Register the admin menu the old way. */ private function register_admin_menu_legacy( Admin_Menu_Manager $admin_menu ) { $admin_menu->register( Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/kit-library', new Kit_Library_Menu_Item() ); } private function set_kit_library_settings() { if ( ! Plugin::$instance->common ) { return; } /** @var ConnectModule $connect */ $connect = Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'connect' ); /** @var Kit_Library $kit_library */ $kit_library = $connect->get_app( 'kit-library' ); Plugin::$instance->app->set_settings( 'kit-library', [ 'has_access_to_module' => current_user_can( 'administrator' ), 'subscription_plans' => $this->apply_filter_subscription_plans( $connect->get_subscription_plans( 'kit-library' ) ), 'is_pro' => false, 'is_library_connected' => $kit_library->is_connected(), 'library_connect_url' => $kit_library->get_admin_url( 'authorize', [ 'utm_source' => 'kit-library', 'utm_medium' => 'wp-dash', 'utm_campaign' => 'library-connect', 'utm_term' => '%%page%%', // Will be replaced in the frontend. ] ), 'access_level' => ConnectModule::ACCESS_LEVEL_CORE, 'access_tier' => ConnectModule::ACCESS_TIER_FREE, 'app_url' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/' . $this->get_name(), ] ); } private function apply_filter_subscription_plans( array $subscription_plans ): array { foreach ( $subscription_plans as $key => $plan ) { if ( null === $plan['promotion_url'] ) { continue; } $subscription_plans[ $key ] = Filtered_Promotions_Manager::get_filtered_promotion_data( $plan, 'elementor/kit_library/' . $key . '/promotion', 'promotion_url' ); } return $subscription_plans; } /** * Module constructor. */ public function __construct() { Plugin::$instance->data_manager_v2->register_controller( new Kits_Controller() ); Plugin::$instance->data_manager_v2->register_controller( new Taxonomies_Controller() ); // Assigning this action here since the repository is being loaded by demand. add_action( 'elementor/experiments/feature-state-change/container', [ Repository::class, 'clear_cache' ], 10, 0 ); add_action( 'elementor/admin/menu/register', function( Admin_Menu_Manager $admin_menu ) { $this->register_admin_menu_legacy( $admin_menu ); }, Source_Local::ADMIN_MENU_PRIORITY + 30 ); add_action( 'elementor/connect/apps/register', function ( ConnectModule $connect_module ) { $connect_module->register_app( 'kit-library', Kit_Library::get_class_name() ); } ); add_action( 'elementor/init', function () { $this->set_kit_library_settings(); }, 12 /** after the initiation of the connect kit library */ ); } } modules/kit-library/kit-library-menu-item.php 0000644 00000001072 14717651314 0015316 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary; use Elementor\Core\Admin\Menu\Interfaces\Admin_Menu_Item; use Elementor\TemplateLibrary\Source_Local; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Kit_Library_Menu_Item implements Admin_Menu_Item { public function is_visible() { return true; } public function get_parent_slug() { return Source_Local::ADMIN_MENU_SLUG; } public function get_label() { return esc_html__( 'Kit Library', 'elementor' ); } public function get_capability() { return 'manage_options'; } } modules/kit-library/connect/kit-library.php 0000644 00000004030 14717651314 0015046 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Connect; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Connect\Apps\Base_App; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Connect\Apps\Library; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } class Kit_Library extends Library { const DEFAULT_BASE_ENDPOINT = 'https://my.elementor.com/api/v1/kits-library'; const FALLBACK_BASE_ENDPOINT = 'https://ms-8874.elementor.com/api/v1/kits-library'; public function get_title() { return esc_html__( 'Kit Library', 'elementor' ); } public function get_all( $args = [] ) { return $this->http_request( 'GET', 'kits/plugin-version/' . ELEMENTOR_VERSION, $args ); } public function get_by_id( $id ) { return $this->http_request( 'GET', 'kits/' . $id ); } public function get_taxonomies() { return $this->http_request( 'GET', 'taxonomies' ); } public function get_manifest( $id ) { return $this->http_request( 'GET', "kits/{$id}/manifest" ); } public function download_link( $id ) { return $this->http_request( 'GET', "kits/{$id}/download-link" ); } protected function get_api_url() { return [ static::DEFAULT_BASE_ENDPOINT, static::FALLBACK_BASE_ENDPOINT, ]; } /** * Get all the connect information * * @return array */ protected function get_connect_info() { $connect_info = $this->get_base_connect_info(); $additional_info = []; // BC Support. $old_kit_library = new \Elementor\Core\App\Modules\KitLibrary\Connect\Kit_Library(); /** * Additional connect info. * * Filters the connection information when connecting to Elementor servers. * This hook can be used to add more information or add more data. * * @param array $additional_info Additional connecting information array. * @param Base_App $this The base app instance. */ $additional_info = apply_filters( 'elementor/connect/additional-connect-info', $additional_info, $old_kit_library ); return array_merge( $connect_info, $additional_info ); } protected function init() { // Remove parent init actions. } } modules/onboarding/module.php 0000644 00000033504 14717651314 0012352 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\Onboarding; use Automatic_Upgrader_Skin; use Elementor\Core\Base\Module as BaseModule; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Ajax\Module as Ajax; use Elementor\Core\Common\Modules\Connect\Apps\Library; use Elementor\Core\Files\Uploads_Manager; use Elementor\Plugin; use Elementor\Utils; use Plugin_Upgrader; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } /** * Onboarding Module * * Responsible for initializing Elementor App functionality * * @since 3.6.0 */ class Module extends BaseModule { const VERSION = '1.0.0'; const ONBOARDING_OPTION = 'elementor_onboarded'; /** * Get name. * * @since 3.6.0 * @access public * * @return string */ public function get_name() { return 'onboarding'; } /** * Set Onboarding Settings * * Creates an array of module settings that is localized into the JS App config. * * @since 3.6.0 */ private function set_onboarding_settings() { if ( ! Plugin::$instance->common ) { return; } // Get the published pages and posts $pages_and_posts = new \WP_Query( [ 'post_type' => [ 'page', 'post' ], 'post_status' => 'publish', 'update_post_meta_cache' => false, 'update_post_term_cache' => false, 'no_found_rows' => true, ] ); $custom_site_logo_id = get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' ); $custom_logo_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $custom_site_logo_id, 'full' ); $site_name = get_option( 'blogname', '' ); $hello_theme = wp_get_theme( 'hello-elementor' ); $hello_theme_errors = is_object( $hello_theme->errors() ) ? $hello_theme->errors()->errors : []; /** @var Library $library */ $library = Plugin::$instance->common->get_component( 'connect' )->get_app( 'library' ); Plugin::$instance->app->set_settings( 'onboarding', [ 'eventPlacement' => 'Onboarding wizard', 'onboardingAlreadyRan' => get_option( self::ONBOARDING_OPTION ), 'onboardingVersion' => self::VERSION, 'isLibraryConnected' => $library->is_connected(), // Used to check if the Hello Elementor theme is installed but not activated. 'helloInstalled' => empty( $hello_theme_errors['theme_not_found'] ), 'helloActivated' => 'hello-elementor' === get_option( 'template' ), // The "Use Hello theme on my site" checkbox should be checked by default only if this condition is met. 'helloOptOut' => count( $pages_and_posts->posts ) < 5, 'siteName' => esc_html( $site_name ), 'isUnfilteredFilesEnabled' => Uploads_Manager::are_unfiltered_uploads_enabled(), 'urls' => [ 'kitLibrary' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/kit-library?order[direction]=desc&order[by]=featuredIndex', 'createNewPage' => Plugin::$instance->documents->get_create_new_post_url(), 'connect' => $library->get_admin_url( 'authorize', [ 'utm_source' => 'onboarding-wizard', 'utm_campaign' => 'connect-account', 'utm_medium' => 'wp-dash', 'utm_term' => self::VERSION, 'source' => 'generic', ] ), 'upgrade' => 'https://go.elementor.com/go-pro-onboarding-wizard-upgrade/', 'signUp' => $library->get_admin_url( 'authorize', [ 'utm_source' => 'onboarding-wizard', 'utm_campaign' => 'connect-account', 'utm_medium' => 'wp-dash', 'utm_term' => self::VERSION, 'source' => 'generic', 'screen_hint' => 'signup', ] ), 'uploadPro' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_base_url() . '#/onboarding/uploadAndInstallPro?mode=popup', ], 'siteLogo' => [ 'id' => $custom_site_logo_id, 'url' => $custom_logo_src ? $custom_logo_src[0] : '', ], 'utms' => [ 'connectTopBar' => '&utm_content=top-bar', 'connectCta' => '&utm_content=cta-button', 'connectCtaLink' => '&utm_content=cta-link', 'downloadPro' => '?utm_source=onboarding-wizard&utm_campaign=my-account-subscriptions&utm_medium=wp-dash&utm_content=import-pro-plugin&utm_term=' . self::VERSION, ], 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'onboarding' ), 'experiment' => Plugin::$instance->experiments->is_feature_active( 'e_onboarding' ), ] ); } /** * Get Permission Error Response * * Returns the response that is returned when the user's capabilities are not sufficient for performing an action. * * @since 3.6.4 * * @return array */ private function get_permission_error_response() { return [ 'status' => 'error', 'payload' => [ 'error_message' => esc_html__( 'You do not have permission to perform this action.', 'elementor' ), ], ]; } /** * Maybe Update Site Logo * * If a new name is provided, it will be updated as the Site Name. * * @since 3.6.0 * * @return array */ private function maybe_update_site_name() { $problem_error = [ 'status' => 'error', 'payload' => [ 'error_message' => esc_html__( 'There was a problem setting your site name.', 'elementor' ), ], ]; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing if ( empty( $_POST['data'] ) ) { return $problem_error; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $data = json_decode( Utils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ), true ); if ( ! isset( $data['siteName'] ) ) { return $problem_error; } /** * Onboarding Site Name * * Filters the new site name passed by the user to update in Elementor's onboarding process. * Elementor runs `esc_html()` on the Site Name passed by the user for security reasons. If a user wants to * include special characters in their site name, they can use this filter to override it. * * @since 3.6.0 * * @param string Escaped new site name */ $new_site_name = apply_filters( 'elementor/onboarding/site-name', $data['siteName'] ); // The site name is sanitized in `update_options()` update_option( 'blogname', $new_site_name ); return [ 'status' => 'success', 'payload' => [ 'siteNameUpdated' => true, ], ]; } /** * Maybe Update Site Logo * * If an image attachment ID is provided, it will be updated as the Site Logo Theme Mod. * * @since 3.6.0 * * @return array */ private function maybe_update_site_logo() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'edit_theme_options' ) ) { return $this->get_permission_error_response(); } $data_error = [ 'status' => 'error', 'payload' => [ 'error_message' => esc_html__( 'There was a problem setting your site logo.', 'elementor' ), ], ]; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing if ( empty( $_POST['data'] ) ) { return $data_error; } // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $data = json_decode( Utils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ), true ); // If there is no attachment ID passed or it is not a valid ID, exit here. if ( empty( $data['attachmentId'] ) ) { return $data_error; } $absint_attachment_id = absint( $data['attachmentId'] ); if ( 0 === $absint_attachment_id ) { return $data_error; } $attachment_url = wp_get_attachment_url( $data['attachmentId'] ); // Check if the attachment exists. If it does not, exit here. if ( ! $attachment_url ) { return $data_error; } set_theme_mod( 'custom_logo', $absint_attachment_id ); return [ 'status' => 'success', 'payload' => [ 'siteLogoUpdated' => true, ], ]; } /** * Maybe Upload Logo Image * * If an image file upload is provided, and it passes validation, it will be uploaded to the site's Media Library. * * @since 3.6.0 * * @return array */ private function maybe_upload_logo_image() { $error_message = esc_html__( 'There was a problem uploading your file.', 'elementor' ); $file = Utils::get_super_global_value( $_FILES, 'fileToUpload' ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing if ( ! is_array( $file ) || empty( $file['type'] ) ) { return [ 'status' => 'error', 'payload' => [ 'error_message' => $error_message, ], ]; } // If the user has allowed it, set the Request's state as an "Elementor Upload" request, in order to add // support for non-standard file uploads. if ( 'image/svg+xml' === $file['type'] ) { if ( Uploads_Manager::are_unfiltered_uploads_enabled() ) { Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( true ); } else { wp_send_json_error( 'To upload SVG files, you must allow uploading unfiltered files.' ); } } // If the image is an SVG file, sanitation is performed during the import (upload) process. $image_attachment = Plugin::$instance->templates_manager->get_import_images_instance()->import( $file ); if ( 'image/svg+xml' === $file['type'] && Uploads_Manager::are_unfiltered_uploads_enabled() ) { // Reset Upload state. Plugin::$instance->uploads_manager->set_elementor_upload_state( false ); } if ( $image_attachment && ! is_wp_error( $image_attachment ) ) { $result = [ 'status' => 'success', 'payload' => [ 'imageAttachment' => $image_attachment, ], ]; } else { $result = [ 'status' => 'error', 'payload' => [ 'error_message' => $error_message, ], ]; } return $result; } /** * Activate Hello Theme * * @since 3.6.0 * * @return array */ private function maybe_activate_hello_theme() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) { return $this->get_permission_error_response(); } switch_theme( 'hello-elementor' ); return [ 'status' => 'success', 'payload' => [ 'helloThemeActivated' => true, ], ]; } /** * Upload and Install Elementor Pro * * @since 3.6.0 * * @return array */ private function upload_and_install_pro() { if ( ! current_user_can( 'install_plugins' ) || ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { return $this->get_permission_error_response(); } $error_message = esc_html__( 'There was a problem uploading your file.', 'elementor' ); $file = Utils::get_super_global_value( $_FILES, 'fileToUpload' ) ?? []; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing if ( ! is_array( $file ) || empty( $file['type'] ) ) { return [ 'status' => 'error', 'payload' => [ 'error_message' => $error_message, ], ]; } $result = []; if ( ! class_exists( 'Automatic_Upgrader_Skin' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'; } $skin = new Automatic_Upgrader_Skin(); $upgrader = new Plugin_Upgrader( $skin ); $upload_result = $upgrader->install( $file['tmp_name'], [ 'overwrite_package' => false ] ); if ( ! $upload_result || is_wp_error( $upload_result ) ) { $result = [ 'status' => 'error', 'payload' => [ 'error_message' => $error_message, ], ]; } else { $activated = activate_plugin( WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/elementor-pro/elementor-pro.php', false, false, true ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $activated ) ) { $result = [ 'status' => 'success', 'payload' => [ 'elementorProInstalled' => true, ], ]; } else { $result = [ 'status' => 'error', 'payload' => [ 'error_message' => $error_message, 'elementorProInstalled' => false, ], ]; } } return $result; } private function maybe_update_onboarding_db_option() { $db_option = get_option( self::ONBOARDING_OPTION ); if ( ! $db_option ) { update_option( self::ONBOARDING_OPTION, true ); } return [ 'status' => 'success', 'payload' => 'onboarding DB', ]; } /** * Maybe Handle Ajax * * This method checks if there are any AJAX actions being * @since 3.6.0 * * @return array|null */ private function maybe_handle_ajax() { $result = []; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing switch ( Utils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'action' ) ) { case 'elementor_update_site_name': // If no value is passed for any reason, no need to update the site name. $result = $this->maybe_update_site_name(); break; case 'elementor_update_site_logo': $result = $this->maybe_update_site_logo(); break; case 'elementor_upload_site_logo': $result = $this->maybe_upload_logo_image(); break; case 'elementor_activate_hello_theme': $result = $this->maybe_activate_hello_theme(); break; case 'elementor_upload_and_install_pro': $result = $this->upload_and_install_pro(); break; case 'elementor_update_onboarding_option': $result = $this->maybe_update_onboarding_db_option(); break; case 'elementor_save_onboarding_features': // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.Missing $result = $this->get_component( 'features_usage' )->save_onboarding_features( Utils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, 'data' ) ?? [] ); } if ( ! empty( $result ) ) { if ( 'success' === $result['status'] ) { wp_send_json_success( $result['payload'] ); } else { wp_send_json_error( $result['payload'] ); } } } public function __construct() { $this->add_component( 'features_usage', new Features_Usage() ); add_action( 'elementor/init', function() { // Only load when viewing the onboarding app. if ( Plugin::$instance->app->is_current() ) { $this->set_onboarding_settings(); // Needed for installing the Hello Elementor theme. wp_enqueue_script( 'updates' ); // Needed for uploading Logo from WP Media Library. wp_enqueue_media(); } }, 12 ); // Needed for uploading Logo from WP Media Library. The 'admin_menu' hook is used because it runs before // 'admin_init', and the App triggers printing footer scripts on 'admin_init' at priority 0. add_action( 'admin_menu', function () { add_action( 'wp_print_footer_scripts', function () { if ( function_exists( 'wp_print_media_templates' ) ) { wp_print_media_templates(); } } ); } ); add_action( 'admin_init', function() { if ( wp_doing_ajax() && isset( $_POST['action'] ) && isset( $_POST['_nonce'] ) && wp_verify_nonce( Utils::get_super_global_value( $_POST, '_nonce' ), Ajax::NONCE_KEY ) && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { $this->maybe_handle_ajax(); } } ); $this->get_component( 'features_usage' )->register(); } } modules/onboarding/features-usage.php 0000644 00000001743 14717651314 0014005 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\Onboarding; use Elementor\Tracker; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } class Features_Usage { const ONBOARDING_FEATURES_OPTION = '_elementor_onboarding_features'; public function register() { if ( ! Tracker::is_allow_track() ) { return; } add_filter( 'elementor/tracker/send_tracking_data_params', function ( array $params ) { $params['usages']['onboarding_features'] = $this->get_usage_data(); return $params; } ); } public function save_onboarding_features( $raw_post_data ) { if ( empty( $raw_post_data ) ) { return; } $post_data = json_decode( $raw_post_data, true ); if ( empty( $post_data['features'] ) ) { return; } update_option( static::ONBOARDING_FEATURES_OPTION, $post_data['features'] ); return [ 'status' => 'success', 'payload' => [], ]; } private function get_usage_data() { return get_option( static::ONBOARDING_FEATURES_OPTION, [] ); } } modules/site-editor/module.php 0000644 00000002054 14717651314 0012454 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\Modules\SiteEditor; use Elementor\Core\Base\Module as BaseModule; use Elementor\Plugin; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly } /** * Site Editor Module * * Responsible for initializing Elementor App functionality */ class Module extends BaseModule { /** * Get name. * * @access public * * @return string */ public function get_name() { return 'site-editor'; } public function add_menu_in_admin_bar( $admin_bar_config ) { $admin_bar_config['elementor_edit_page']['children'][] = [ 'id' => 'elementor_app_site_editor', 'title' => esc_html__( 'Theme Builder', 'elementor' ), 'sub_title' => esc_html__( 'Site', 'elementor' ), 'href' => Plugin::$instance->app->get_settings( 'menu_url' ), 'class' => 'elementor-app-link', 'parent_class' => 'elementor-second-section', ]; return $admin_bar_config; } public function __construct() { add_filter( 'elementor/frontend/admin_bar/settings', [ $this, 'add_menu_in_admin_bar' ] ); // After kit (Site settings) } } view.php 0000644 00000001324 14717651314 0006240 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App; use Elementor\Utils; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } /** * @var App $this */ $theme_class = 'dark' === $this->get_elementor_ui_theme_preference() ? 'eps-theme-dark' : ''; ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html <?php language_attributes(); ?>> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title><?php echo esc_html__( 'Elementor', 'elementor' ) . ' ... '; ?></title> <base target="_parent"> <?php wp_print_styles(); ?> </head> <body class="<?php Utils::print_unescaped_internal_string( $theme_class ); ?>"> <div id="e-app"></div> <?php wp_print_footer_scripts(); ?> </body> </html> admin-menu-items/theme-builder-menu-item.php 0000644 00000001072 14717651314 0015063 0 ustar 00 <?php namespace Elementor\App\AdminMenuItems; use Elementor\Core\Admin\Menu\Interfaces\Admin_Menu_Item; use Elementor\TemplateLibrary\Source_Local; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Theme_Builder_Menu_Item implements Admin_Menu_Item { public function is_visible() { return true; } public function get_parent_slug() { return Source_Local::ADMIN_MENU_SLUG; } public function get_label() { return esc_html__( 'Theme Builder', 'elementor' ); } public function get_capability() { return 'manage_options'; } }
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