Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/official-facebook-pixel/integration/FacebookWordpressEasyDigitalDownloads.php
<?php /* * Copyright (C) 2017-present, Meta, Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. */ /** * @package FacebookPixelPlugin */ namespace FacebookPixelPlugin\Integration; defined('ABSPATH') or die('Direct access not allowed'); use FacebookPixelPlugin\Core\FacebookPixel; use FacebookPixelPlugin\Core\FacebookPluginUtils; use FacebookPixelPlugin\Core\ServerEventFactory; use FacebookPixelPlugin\Core\FacebookServerSideEvent; use FacebookPixelPlugin\Core\PixelRenderer; use FacebookPixelPlugin\Core\FacebookWordpressOptions; use FacebookPixelPlugin\Core\EventIdGenerator; class FacebookWordpressEasyDigitalDownloads extends FacebookWordpressIntegrationBase { const PLUGIN_FILE = 'easy-digital-downloads/easy-digital-downloads.php'; const TRACKING_NAME = 'easy-digital-downloads'; private static $addToCartJS = " jQuery(document).ready(function ($) { $('.edd-add-to-cart').click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var _this = $(this), form = _this.closest('form'); var download = _this.data('download-id'); var currency = $('.edd_purchase_' + download + ' meta[itemprop=\'priceCurrency\']').attr('content'); var form = _this.parents('form').last(); var value = 0; var variable_price = _this.data('variable-price'); var event_id = form.find(\"input[name='facebook_event_id']\").val(); if( variable_price == 'yes' ) { form.find('.edd_price_option_' + download + ':checked', form).each(function(index) { value = $(this).data('price'); }); } else { if ( _this.data('price') && _this.data('price') > 0 ) { value = _this.data('price'); } } var param = { 'content_ids': [download], 'content_type': 'product', 'currency': currency, '%s': '%s', 'value': value }; fbq('set', 'agent', '%s', '%s'); if(event_id){ fbq('track', 'AddToCart', param, {'eventID': event_id}); } else{ fbq('track', 'AddToCart', param); } }); }); "; public static function injectPixelCode() { // AddToCart JS listener add_action( 'edd_after_download_content', array(__CLASS__, 'injectAddToCartListener') ); add_action( 'edd_downloads_list_after', array(__CLASS__, 'injectAddToCartListener') ); //Hooks to AddToCart ajax requests add_action( 'wp_ajax_edd_add_to_cart', array(__CLASS__, 'injectAddToCartEventAjax'), 5 ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_nopriv_edd_add_to_cart', array(__CLASS__, 'injectAddToCartEventAjax'), 5 ); //Injects a hidden field with event id to send it in AddToCart ajax request add_action( 'edd_purchase_link_top', array(__CLASS__, 'injectAddToCartEventId') ); // InitiateCheckout self::addPixelFireForHook(array( 'hook_name' => 'edd_after_checkout_cart', 'classname' => __CLASS__, 'inject_function' => 'injectInitiateCheckoutEvent')); // Purchase add_action( 'edd_payment_receipt_after', array(__CLASS__, 'trackPurchaseEvent'), 10, 2); // ViewContent add_action( 'edd_after_download_content', array(__CLASS__, 'injectViewContentEvent'), 40, 1 ); } public static function injectAddToCartEventId(){ if(FacebookPluginUtils::isInternalUser()){ return; } $eventId = EventIdGenerator::guidv4(); printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"facebook_event_id\" value=\"%s\">", $eventId); } public static function injectAddToCartEventAjax(){ if( isset($_POST['nonce']) && isset($_POST['download_id']) && isset($_POST['post_data'])){ $download_id = absint( $_POST['download_id'] ); //Adding form validations $nonce = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['nonce'] ); if( wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'edd-add-to-cart-'.$download_id) === false ){ return; } //Getting form data parse_str( $_POST['post_data'], $post_data ); if(isset($post_data['facebook_event_id'])){ //Starting Conversions API event creation $event_id = $post_data['facebook_event_id']; $server_event = ServerEventFactory::safeCreateEvent( 'AddToCart', array(__CLASS__, 'createAddToCartEvent'), array($download_id), self::TRACKING_NAME ); $server_event->setEventId($event_id); FacebookServerSideEvent::getInstance()->track($server_event); } } } public static function injectAddToCartListener($download_id) { if (FacebookPluginUtils::isInternalUser()) { return; } $listener_code = sprintf( self::$addToCartJS, FacebookPixel::FB_INTEGRATION_TRACKING_KEY, self::TRACKING_NAME, FacebookWordpressOptions::getAgentString(), FacebookWordpressOptions::getPixelId() ); printf(" <!-- Meta Pixel Event Code --> <script> %s </script> <!-- End Meta Pixel Event Code --> ", $listener_code); } public static function injectInitiateCheckoutEvent() { if (FacebookPluginUtils::isInternalUser() || !function_exists('EDD')) { return; } $server_event = ServerEventFactory::safeCreateEvent( 'InitiateCheckout', array(__CLASS__, 'createInitiateCheckoutEvent'), array(), self::TRACKING_NAME ); FacebookServerSideEvent::getInstance()->track($server_event); $code = PixelRenderer::render(array($server_event), self::TRACKING_NAME); printf(" <!-- Meta Pixel Event Code --> %s <!-- End Meta Pixel Event Code --> ", $code); } public static function trackPurchaseEvent($payment, $edd_receipt_args) { if (FacebookPluginUtils::isInternalUser() || empty($payment->ID)) { return; } $server_event = ServerEventFactory::safeCreateEvent( 'Purchase', array(__CLASS__, 'createPurchaseEvent'), array($payment), self::TRACKING_NAME ); FacebookServerSideEvent::getInstance()->track($server_event); add_action( 'wp_footer', array(__CLASS__, 'injectPurchaseEvent'), 20 ); } public static function injectPurchaseEvent() { $events = FacebookServerSideEvent::getInstance()->getTrackedEvents(); $code = PixelRenderer::render($events, self::TRACKING_NAME); printf(" <!-- Meta Pixel Event Code --> %s <!-- End Meta Pixel Event Code --> ", $code); } public static function injectViewContentEvent($download_id) { if (FacebookPluginUtils::isInternalUser() || empty($download_id)) { return; } $server_event = ServerEventFactory::safeCreateEvent( 'ViewContent', array(__CLASS__, 'createViewContentEvent'), array($download_id), self::TRACKING_NAME ); FacebookServerSideEvent::getInstance()->track($server_event); $code = PixelRenderer::render(array($server_event), self::TRACKING_NAME); printf(" <!-- Meta Pixel Event Code --> %s <!-- End Meta Pixel Event Code --> ", $code); } public static function createInitiateCheckoutEvent() { $event_data = FacebookPluginUtils::getLoggedInUserInfo(); $event_data['currency'] = EDDUtils::getCurrency(); $event_data['value'] = EDDUtils::getCartTotal(); return $event_data; } public static function createPurchaseEvent($payment) { $event_data = array(); $payment_meta = \edd_get_payment_meta($payment->ID); if (empty($payment_meta)) { return $event_data; } $event_data['email'] = $payment_meta['email']; $event_data['first_name'] = $payment_meta['user_info']['first_name']; $event_data['last_name'] = $payment_meta['user_info']['last_name']; $content_ids = array(); $value = 0; foreach ($payment_meta['cart_details'] as $item) { $content_ids[] = $item['id']; $value += $item['price']; } $event_data['currency'] = $payment_meta['currency']; $event_data['value'] = $value; $event_data['content_ids'] = $content_ids; $event_data['content_type'] = 'product'; return $event_data; } public static function createViewContentEvent($download_id){ $event_data = FacebookPluginUtils::getLoggedInUserInfo(); $currency = EDDUtils::getCurrency(); $download = edd_get_download($download_id); $title = $download ? $download->post_title : ''; if (get_post_meta($download_id, '_variable_pricing', true)) { $prices = get_post_meta($download_id, 'edd_variable_prices', true); $price = array_shift($prices); $value = $price['amount']; } else { $value = get_post_meta($download_id, 'edd_price', true); } if (!$value) { $value = 0; } $event_data['content_ids'] = [(string)$download_id]; $event_data['content_type'] = 'product'; $event_data['currency'] = $currency; $event_data['value'] = floatval($value); $event_data['content_name'] = $title; return $event_data; } public static function createAddToCartEvent($download_id){ $event_data = FacebookPluginUtils::getLoggedInUserInfo(); $currency = EDDUtils::getCurrency(); $download = edd_get_download($download_id); $title = $download ? $download->post_title : ''; if ( get_post_meta($download_id, '_variable_pricing', true) ) { $prices = get_post_meta($download_id, 'edd_variable_prices', true); $price = array_shift($prices); $value = $price['amount']; } else { $value = get_post_meta($download_id, 'edd_price', true); } if (!$value) { $value = 0; } $event_data['content_ids'] = [(string)$download_id]; $event_data['content_type'] = 'product'; $event_data['currency'] = $currency; $event_data['value'] = $value; $event_data['content_name'] = $title; return $event_data; } }
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