Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/optimole-wp/vendor/codeinwp/optimole-sdk/src/Offload/Manager.php
<?php declare(strict_types=1); /* * This file is part of Optimole PHP SDK. * * (c) Optimole Team <friends@optimole.com> * * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Optimole\Sdk\Offload; use Optimole\Sdk\Exception\BadResponseException; use Optimole\Sdk\Exception\InvalidArgumentException; use Optimole\Sdk\Exception\InvalidDashboardApiResponseException; use Optimole\Sdk\Exception\InvalidUploadApiResponseException; use Optimole\Sdk\Exception\RuntimeException; use Optimole\Sdk\Exception\UploadApiException; use Optimole\Sdk\Exception\UploadFailedException; use Optimole\Sdk\Exception\UploadLimitException; use Optimole\Sdk\Http\ClientInterface; use Optimole\Sdk\ValueObject\OffloadUsage; class Manager { /** * The HTTP client. */ private ClientInterface $httpClient; /** * The manager options. */ private array $options; /** * Constructor. */ public function __construct(ClientInterface $httpClient, array $options = []) { if (empty($options['dashboard_api_url'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing "dashboard_api_url" option'); } elseif (empty($options['upload_api_url'])) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing "upload_api_url" option'); } $this->httpClient = $httpClient; $this->options = array_merge([ 'upload_api_credentials' => [], ], $options); $this->options['dashboard_api_url'] = rtrim($this->options['dashboard_api_url'], '/'); $this->options['upload_api_url'] = rtrim($this->options['upload_api_url'], '/'); } /** * Delete the image with the given image ID. */ public function deleteImage(string $imageId): void { try { $this->requestToUploadApi([ 'id' => $imageId, 'deleteUrl' => 'true', ]); } catch (BadResponseException $exception) { } } /** * Get the image URL for the given image ID. */ public function getImageUrl(string $imageId): ?string { try { $response = $this->requestToUploadApi([ 'id' => $imageId, 'getUrl' => 'true', ]); } catch (BadResponseException $exception) { return null; } if (empty($response['getUrl'])) { throw new InvalidUploadApiResponseException('Unable to get image URL from upload API'); } return (string) $response['getUrl']; } /** * Get the offload service usage. */ public function getUsage(): OffloadUsage { $response = $this->requestToDashboardApi(); if (!isset($response['data']['offload_limit'], $response['data']['offloaded_images'])) { throw new InvalidDashboardApiResponseException('Dashboard API did not return details about the offload service usage'); } return new OffloadUsage((int) $response['data']['offloaded_images'], (int) $response['data']['offload_limit']); } /** * Update the metadata of the image with the given ID. */ public function updateImageMetadata(string $imageId, int $fileSize = 0, $height = 'auto', $width = 'auto', $originalUrl = ''): void { if ('auto' !== $height && !is_int($height)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Image height must be "auto" or an integer.'); } elseif ('auto' !== $width && !is_int($width)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('Image width must be "auto" or an integer.'); } $this->requestToUploadApi([ 'id' => $imageId, 'originalFileSize' => $fileSize, 'height' => is_int($height) ? max(0, $height) : $height, 'width' => is_int($width) ? max(0, $width) : $width, 'originalUrl' => $originalUrl, 'updateDynamo' => 'success', ]); } /** * Upload an image to Optimole and return its image ID. */ public function uploadImage(string $filename, string $imageUrl): string { if (!file_exists($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('File "%s" does not exist', $filename)); } elseif (!is_readable($filename)) { throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('File "%s" is not readable', $filename)); } $fileMimeType = $this->getMimeType($filename); try { $response = $this->requestToUploadApi([ 'originalUrl' => $imageUrl, ]); } catch (BadResponseException $exception) { throw new UploadApiException('Unable to get signed URL from upload API', 0, $exception); } if (isset($response['error']) && 'limit_exceeded' === $response['error']) { throw new UploadLimitException(new OffloadUsage((int) $response['count'], (int) $response['limit'])); } elseif (isset($response['error'])) { throw new UploadApiException(sprintf('Upload API returned an error: %s', $response['error'])); } elseif (isset($response['count'], $response['limit']) && $response['count'] >= $response['limit']) { throw new UploadLimitException(new OffloadUsage((int) $response['count'], (int) $response['limit'])); } elseif (!isset($response['tableId'], $response['uploadUrl'])) { throw new InvalidUploadApiResponseException('Upload API did not return the table ID and upload URL'); } $imageId = (string) $response['tableId']; $uploadUrl = (string) $response['uploadUrl']; $uploadUrlMimeType = preg_match('/Content-Type=([^&]*)/', urldecode($uploadUrl), $matches) ? $matches[1] : null; if (!is_string($uploadUrlMimeType)) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to parse content type from upload URL'); } elseif (strtolower($fileMimeType) !== strtolower($uploadUrlMimeType)) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('File "%s" MIME type "%s" does not match upload URL MIME type "%s"', $filename, $fileMimeType, $uploadUrlMimeType)); } $image = file_get_contents($filename); if (false === $image) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to get file "%s" content', $filename)); } try { $this->httpClient->sendRequest('PUT', $uploadUrl, $image, [ 'Content-Type' => $fileMimeType, ]); } catch (BadResponseException $exception) { throw new UploadFailedException(sprintf('Unable to upload file "%s": %s', $filename, $exception->getMessage()), 0, $exception); } $imagesize = getimagesize($filename); $this->updateImageMetadata($imageId, filesize($filename) ?: 0, $imagesize && !empty($imagesize[1]) ? $imagesize[1] : 'auto', $imagesize && !empty($imagesize[0]) ? $imagesize[0] : 'auto', $imageUrl); return $imageId; } /** * Get the MIME type of the given file. */ private function getMimeType(string $filename): string { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE); if (false === $finfo) { throw new RuntimeException('Unable to open fileinfo database'); } $mimeType = finfo_file($finfo, $filename); finfo_close($finfo); if (false === $mimeType) { throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Unable to get MIME type for file "%s"', $filename)); } return $mimeType; } /** * Get the upload API credentials from the dashboard API. */ private function getUploadApiCredentialsFromDashboardApi(): array { $response = $this->requestToDashboardApi(); if (!isset($response['data']['cdn_key'], $response['data']['cdn_secret'])) { throw new InvalidDashboardApiResponseException('Dashboard API did not return upload API credentials'); } return [ 'userKey' => $response['data']['cdn_key'], 'secret' => $response['data']['cdn_secret'], ]; } /** * Make a request to the dashboard API. */ private function requestToDashboardApi(): array { return $this->httpClient->sendRequest('POST', sprintf('%s/optml/v2/account/details', $this->options['dashboard_api_url']), null, [ 'Authorization' => sprintf('Bearer %s', $this->options['dashboard_api_key']), 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', ]); } /** * Make a request to the upload API. */ private function requestToUploadApi(array $body): array { if (!isset($this->options['upload_api_credentials']['userKey'], $this->options['upload_api_credentials']['secret'])) { $this->options['upload_api_credentials'] = $this->getUploadApiCredentialsFromDashboardApi(); } return $this->httpClient->sendRequest('POST', $this->options['upload_api_url'], array_merge($this->options['upload_api_credentials'], $body), [ 'Content-Type' => 'application/json', ]); } }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.24 | Генерация страницы: 0 |