Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/ajax.php
<?php use WPML\Settings\PostType\Automatic; use WPML\UrlHandling\WPLoginUrlConverter; use WPML\AdminLanguageSwitcher\AdminLanguageSwitcher; /** * @package wpml-core * @used-by SitePress::ajax_setup */ global $wpdb, $sitepress, $sitepress_settings, $wp_rewrite; /** @var SitePress $this */ $request = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'icl_ajx_action' ); $request = $request ? $request : filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'icl_ajx_action' ); switch ( $request ) { case 'health_check': icl_set_setting( 'ajx_health_checked', true, true ); exit; case 'get_browser_language': $http_accept_language = filter_var( $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE'], FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS ); $accepted_languages = explode( ';', $http_accept_language ); $default_accepted_language = $accepted_languages[0]; $default_accepted_language_codes = explode( ',', $default_accepted_language ); wp_send_json_success( $default_accepted_language_codes ); } $request = wpml_get_authenticated_action(); $iclsettings = $this->get_settings(); $default_language = $this->get_default_language(); switch ( $request ) { case 'icl_admin_language_options': $iclsettings['admin_default_language'] = $_POST['icl_admin_default_language']; $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); echo 1; break; case 'icl_page_sync_options': $iclsettings['sync_page_ordering'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_page_ordering'] ); $iclsettings['sync_page_parent'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_page_parent'] ); $iclsettings['sync_page_template'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_page_template'] ); $iclsettings['sync_comment_status'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_comment_status'] ); $iclsettings['sync_ping_status'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_ping_status'] ); $iclsettings['sync_sticky_flag'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_sticky_flag'] ); $iclsettings['sync_password'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_password'] ); $iclsettings['sync_private_flag'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_private_flag'] ); $iclsettings['sync_post_format'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_post_format'] ); $iclsettings['sync_delete'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_delete'] ); $iclsettings['sync_delete_tax'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_delete_tax'] ); $iclsettings['sync_post_taxonomies'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_post_taxonomies'] ); $iclsettings['sync_post_date'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_post_date'] ); $iclsettings['sync_comments_on_duplicates'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_sync_comments_on_duplicates'] ); $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); $wpml_page_builder_options = new WPML_Page_Builder_Settings(); if ( array_key_exists( 'wpml_pb_translate_raw_html', $_POST ) ) { $wpml_page_builder_options->set_raw_html_translatable( filter_var( $_POST['wpml_pb_translate_raw_html'], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ) ); } else { $wpml_page_builder_options->set_raw_html_translatable( 0 ); } $wpml_page_builder_options->save(); echo 1; break; case 'icl_login_page_translation': $translateLoginPageIsEnabled = get_option( WPLoginUrlConverter::SETTINGS_KEY ); if ( ! $translateLoginPageIsEnabled && filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'login_page_translation', FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) { AdminLanguageSwitcher::enable(); } WPLoginUrlConverter::saveState( (bool) filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'login_page_translation', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ) ); AdminLanguageSwitcher::saveState( (bool) filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'show_login_page_language_switcher', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT ) ); echo 1; break; case 'language_domains': $language_domains_helper = new WPML_Lang_Domains_Box( $this ); echo $language_domains_helper->render(); break; case 'dismiss_help': icl_set_setting( 'dont_show_help_admin_notice', true ); icl_save_settings(); break; case 'dismiss_page_estimate_hint': icl_set_setting( 'dismiss_page_estimate_hint', ! icl_get_setting( 'dismiss_page_estimate_hint' ) ); icl_save_settings(); break; case 'dismiss_upgrade_notice': icl_set_setting( 'hide_upgrade_notice', implode( '.', array_slice( explode( '.', ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION ), 0, 3 ) ) ); icl_save_settings(); break; case 'toggle_show_translations': icl_set_setting( 'show_translations_flag', intval( ! icl_get_setting( 'show_translations_flag', false ) ) ); icl_save_settings(); break; case 'icl_messages': // TODO: handle with Translation Proxy if ( ! icl_get_setting( 'icl_disable_reminders' ) ) { break; } exit; case 'icl_help_links': if ( isset( $iclq ) && $iclq ) { $links = $iclq->get_help_links(); $lang = icl_get_setting( 'admin_default_language' ); if ( ! isset( $links['resources'][ $lang ] ) ) { $lang = 'en'; } if ( isset( $links['resources'][ $lang ] ) ) { $output = '<ul>'; foreach ( $links['resources'][ $lang ]['resource'] as $resource ) { if ( isset( $resource['attr'] ) ) { $title = $resource['attr']['title']; $url = $resource['attr']['url']; $icon = $resource['attr']['icon']; $icon_width = $resource['attr']['icon_width']; $icon_height = $resource['attr']['icon_height']; } else { $title = $resource['title']; $url = $resource['url']; $icon = $resource['icon']; $icon_width = $resource['icon_width']; $icon_height = $resource['icon_height']; } $output .= '<li>'; if ( $icon ) { $output .= '<img style="vertical-align: bottom; padding-right: 5px;" src="' . $icon . '"'; if ( $icon_width ) { $output .= ' width="' . $icon_width . '"'; } if ( $icon_height ) { $output .= ' height="' . $icon_height . '"'; } $output .= '>'; } $output .= '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $title . '</a></li>'; } $output .= '</ul>'; echo '1|' . $output; } else { echo '0|'; } } break; case 'icl_show_sidebar': icl_set_setting( 'icl_sidebar_minimized', $_POST['state'] == 'hide' ? 1 : 0 ); icl_save_settings(); break; case 'icl_promote_form': icl_set_setting( 'promote_wpml', @intval( $_POST['icl_promote'] ) ); icl_save_settings(); echo '1|'; break; case 'save_translator_note': update_post_meta( $_POST['post_id'], '_icl_translator_note', $_POST['note'] ); break; case 'icl_st_track_strings': foreach ( $_POST['icl_st'] as $k => $v ) { $iclsettings['st'][ $k ] = $v; } if ( array_key_exists( 'st', $iclsettings ) && array_key_exists( 'hl_color', $iclsettings['st'] ) && ! wpml_is_valid_hex_color( $iclsettings['st']['hl_color'] ) ) { $iclsettings['st']['hl_color'] = '#FFFF00'; } if ( isset( $iclsettings ) ) { $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); } do_action( 'wpml_st_strings_tracking_option_saved', (int) $_POST['icl_st']['track_strings'] ); echo 1; break; case 'icl_st_more_options': $iclsettings['st']['translated-users'] = ! empty( $_POST['users'] ) ? array_keys( $_POST['users'] ) : []; $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); if ( ! empty( $iclsettings['st']['translated-users'] ) ) { $sitepress_settings['st']['translated-users'] = $iclsettings['st']['translated-users']; icl_st_register_user_strings_all(); } echo 1; break; case 'icl_hide_languages': $iclsettings['hidden_languages'] = empty( $_POST['icl_hidden_languages'] ) ? [] : $_POST['icl_hidden_languages']; $this->set_setting( 'hidden_languages', [] ); // reset current value $active_languages = $this->get_active_languages(); if ( ! empty( $iclsettings['hidden_languages'] ) ) { if ( 1 == count( $iclsettings['hidden_languages'] ) ) { $out = sprintf( __( '%s is currently hidden to visitors.', 'sitepress' ), $active_languages[ $iclsettings['hidden_languages'][0] ]['display_name'] ); } else { foreach ( $iclsettings['hidden_languages'] as $l ) { $_hlngs[] = $active_languages[ $l ]['display_name']; } $hlangs = join( ', ', $_hlngs ); $out = sprintf( __( '%s are currently hidden to visitors.', 'sitepress' ), $hlangs ); } $out .= ' ' . sprintf( __( 'You can enable its/their display for yourself, in your <a href="%s">profile page</a>.', 'sitepress' ), 'profile.php#wpml' ); } else { $out = __( 'All languages are currently displayed.', 'sitepress' ); } $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); echo '1|' . $out; break; case 'icl_adjust_ids': $iclsettings['auto_adjust_ids'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_adjust_ids'] ); $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); echo '1|'; break; case 'icl_automatic_redirect': if ( ! isset( $_POST['icl_remember_language'] ) || $_POST['icl_remember_language'] < 24 ) { $_POST['icl_remember_language'] = 24; } $iclsettings['automatic_redirect'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_automatic_redirect'] ); $iclsettings['remember_language'] = @intval( $_POST['icl_remember_language'] ); $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); echo '1|'; break; case 'icl_troubleshooting_more_options': $iclsettings['troubleshooting_options'] = $_POST['troubleshooting_options']; $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); echo '1|'; break; case 'reset_languages': $setup_instance = wpml_get_setup_instance(); $setup_instance->reset_language_data(); $wpml_localization = new WPML_Download_Localization( $sitepress->get_active_languages(), $sitepress->get_default_language() ); $wpml_localization->download_language_packs(); $wpml_languages_notices = new WPML_Languages_Notices( wpml_get_admin_notices() ); $wpml_languages_notices->missing_languages( $wpml_localization->get_not_founds() ); break; case 'icl_support_update_ticket': if ( isset( $_POST['ticket'] ) ) { $temp = str_replace( 'icl_support_ticket_', '', $_POST['ticket'] ); $temp = explode( '_', $temp ); $id = (int) $temp[0]; $num = (int) $temp[1]; if ( $id && $num ) { if ( isset( $iclsettings['icl_support']['tickets'][ $id ] ) ) { $iclsettings['icl_support']['tickets'][ $id ]['messages'] = $num; $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); } } } break; case 'icl_custom_tax_sync_options': $new_options = ! empty( $_POST['icl_sync_tax'] ) ? $_POST['icl_sync_tax'] : []; $unlocked_options = ! empty( $_POST['icl_sync_tax_unlocked'] ) ? $_POST['icl_sync_tax_unlocked'] : []; /** @var WPML_Settings_Helper $settings_helper */ $settings_helper = wpml_load_settings_helper(); $settings_helper->update_taxonomy_unlocked_settings( $unlocked_options ); $settings_helper->update_taxonomy_sync_settings( $new_options ); echo '1|'; break; case 'icl_custom_posts_sync_options': $new_options = ! empty( $_POST['icl_sync_custom_posts'] ) ? $_POST['icl_sync_custom_posts'] : []; $unlocked_options = ! empty( $_POST['icl_sync_custom_posts_unlocked'] ) ? $_POST['icl_sync_custom_posts_unlocked'] : []; /** @var WPML_Settings_Helper $settings_helper */ $settings_helper = wpml_load_settings_helper(); $settings_helper->update_cpt_unlocked_settings( $unlocked_options ); $settings_helper->update_cpt_sync_settings( $new_options ); $customPostTypes = ( new WPML_Post_Types( $sitepress ) )->get_translatable_and_readonly(); foreach ( array_keys( $customPostTypes ) as $postType ) { if ( array_key_exists( $postType, $new_options ) ) { Automatic::set( $postType, isset( $_POST['automatic_post_type'][ $postType ] ) ); } } echo '1|'; break; case 'copy_from_original': /* * apply filtering as to add further elements * filters will have to like as such * add_filter('wpml_copy_from_original_custom_fields', 'my_copy_from_original_fields'); * * function my_copy_from_original_fields( $elements ) { * $custom_field = 'editor1'; * $elements[ 'customfields' ][ $custom_fields ] = array( * 'editor_name' => 'custom_editor_1', * 'editor_type' => 'editor', * 'value' => 'test' * ); * * $custom_field = 'editor2'; * $elements[ 'customfields' ][ $custom_fields ] = array( * 'editor_name' => 'textbox1', * 'editor_type' => 'text', * 'value' => 'testtext' * ); * * return $elements; * } * This filter would result in custom_editor_1 being populated with the value "test" * and the textfield with id #textbox1 to be populated with "testtext". * editor type is always either text when populating general fields or editor when populating * a wp editor. The editor id can be either judged from the arguments used in the wp_editor() call * or from looking at the tinyMCE.Editors object that the custom post type's editor sends to the browser. */ $content_type = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'content_type' ); $excerpt_type = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'excerpt_type' ); $trid = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'trid' ); $lang = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'lang' ); echo wp_json_encode( WPML_Post_Edit_Ajax::copy_from_original_fields( $content_type, $excerpt_type, $trid, $lang ) ); break; case 'save_user_preferences': $user_preferences = $this->get_user_preferences(); $this->set_user_preferences( array_merge_recursive( $user_preferences, $_POST['user_preferences'] ) ); $this->save_user_preferences(); break; case 'wpml_cf_translation_preferences': if ( empty( $_POST[ WPML_POST_META_SETTING_INDEX_SINGULAR ] ) ) { echo '<span style="color:#FF0000;">' . __( 'Error: No custom field', 'sitepress' ) . '</span>'; die(); } $_POST[ WPML_POST_META_SETTING_INDEX_SINGULAR ] = @strval( $_POST[ WPML_POST_META_SETTING_INDEX_SINGULAR ] ); if ( ! isset( $_POST['translate_action'] ) ) { echo '<span style="color:#FF0000;">' . __( 'Error: Please provide translation action', 'sitepress' ) . '</span>'; die(); } $_POST['translate_action'] = @intval( $_POST['translate_action'] ); if ( defined( 'WPML_TM_VERSION' ) ) { global $iclTranslationManagement; if ( ! empty( $iclTranslationManagement ) ) { $iclTranslationManagement->settings[ WPML_POST_META_SETTING_INDEX_PLURAL ][ $_POST[ WPML_POST_META_SETTING_INDEX_SINGULAR ] ] = $_POST['translate_action']; $iclTranslationManagement->save_settings(); echo '<strong><em>' . __( 'Settings updated', 'sitepress' ) . '</em></strong>'; } else { echo '<span style="color:#FF0000;">' . __( 'Error: WPML Translation Management plugin not initiated', 'sitepress' ) . '</span>'; } } else { echo '<span style="color:#FF0000;">' . __( 'Error: Please activate WPML Translation Management plugin', 'sitepress' ) . '</span>'; } break; case 'icl_seo_options': $seo = $sitepress->get_setting( 'seo', [] ); $seo['head_langs'] = isset( $_POST['icl_seo_head_langs'] ) ? (int) $_POST['icl_seo_head_langs'] : 0; $seo['canonicalization_duplicates'] = isset( $_POST['icl_seo_canonicalization_duplicates'] ) ? (int) $_POST['icl_seo_canonicalization_duplicates'] : 0; $seo['head_langs_priority'] = isset( $_POST['wpml_seo_head_langs_priority'] ) ? (int) $_POST['wpml_seo_head_langs_priority'] : 1; $sitepress->set_setting( 'seo', $seo, true ); echo '1|'; break; case 'dismiss_object_cache_warning': $iclsettings['dismiss_object_cache_warning'] = true; $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); echo '1|'; break; case 'update_option': $iclsettings[ $_REQUEST['option'] ] = $_REQUEST['value']; $this->save_settings( $iclsettings ); break; case 'connect_translations': $new_trid = $_POST['new_trid']; $post_type = $_POST['post_type']; $post_id = $_POST['post_id']; $set_as_source = $_POST['set_as_source']; $element_type = 'post_' . $post_type; $language_details = $sitepress->get_element_language_details( $post_id, $element_type ); if ( $set_as_source ) { $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations', [ 'source_language_code' => $language_details->language_code ], [ 'trid' => $new_trid, 'element_type' => $element_type, ], [ '%s' ], [ '%d', '%s' ] ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations', [ 'source_language_code' => null, 'trid' => $new_trid, ], [ 'element_id' => $post_id, 'element_type' => $element_type, ], [ '%s', '%d' ], [ '%d', '%s' ] ); do_action( 'wpml_translation_update', [ 'type' => 'update', 'trid' => $new_trid, 'element_type' => $element_type, 'context' => 'post', ] ); } else { $original_element_language = $sitepress->get_default_language(); $trid_elements = $sitepress->get_element_translations( $new_trid, $element_type ); if ( $trid_elements ) { foreach ( $trid_elements as $trid_element ) { if ( $trid_element->original ) { $original_element_language = $trid_element->language_code; break; } } } $wpdb->update( $wpdb->prefix . 'icl_translations', [ 'source_language_code' => $original_element_language, 'trid' => $new_trid, ], [ 'element_id' => $post_id, 'element_type' => $element_type, ], [ '%s', '%d' ], [ '%d', '%s' ] ); do_action( 'wpml_translation_update', [ 'type' => 'update', 'trid' => $new_trid, 'element_id' => $post_id, 'element_type' => $element_type, 'context' => 'post', ] ); } echo wp_json_encode( true ); break; case 'get_posts_from_trid': $trid = $_POST['trid']; $post_type = $_POST['post_type']; $translations = $sitepress->get_element_translations( $trid, 'post_' . $post_type ); $results = []; foreach ( $translations as $language_code => $translation ) { $post = get_post( $translation->element_id ); $title = $post->post_title ? $post->post_title : strip_shortcodes( wp_trim_words( $post->post_content, 50 ) ); $source_language_code = $translation->source_language_code; $results[] = (object) [ 'language' => $language_code, 'title' => $title, 'source_language' => $source_language_code, ]; } echo wp_json_encode( $results ); break; case 'get_orphan_posts': $trid = $_POST['trid']; $post_type = $_POST['post_type']; $source_language = $_POST['source_language']; $results = $sitepress->get_orphan_translations( $trid, $post_type, $source_language ); echo wp_json_encode( $results ); break; default: if ( function_exists( 'ajax_' . $request ) ) { $function_name = 'ajax_' . $request; $function_name(); } else { do_action( 'icl_ajx_custom_call', $request, $_REQUEST ); } } exit;
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.24 | Генерация страницы: 0 |