Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/otgs-installer-plugin/vendor/otgs/installer/templates/channel-selector.php
<div class="installer-channel-selector-wrap"> <label> <?php esc_html_e('Updates channel:', 'installer'); ?> <select class="installer-channel-selector" data-repository-id="<?php echo $repository_id ?>"<?php if( !$can_switch ): ?> disabled<?php endif ?>> <?php foreach( $channels as $channel_id => $channel_name ): ?> <option value="<?php echo $channel_id ?>" <?php if( $channel_id == $current_channel ): ?>selected="selected"<?php endif; ?>><?php echo $channel_name ?></option> <?php endforeach ?> </select> <span class="installer-status-note" <?php if( $can_switch ): ?>style="display:none" <?php endif; ?>> <?php _e("To select different update channels (beta, development) you must update your existing products to their most recent stable versions.", 'installer') ?> </span> <span class="spinner spinner-with-text"> <?php _e( "Updating the plugins on your site. Please don't close this page or navigate away.", 'installer' ); ?> </span> <span class="installer-channel-update-ok" data-text="<?php esc_attr_e( sprintf("Update completed. You are now using the %s channel of %s.", '%CHANNEL%', WP_Installer()->get_generic_product_name( $repository_id ) ) ) ?>"> </span> <span class="installer-channel-update-fail" data-text-unstable="<?php $support_url = $repository_id ==='toolset' ? 'https://toolset.com/forums/forum/professional-support/' : 'https://wpml.org/forums/forum/english-support/'; $download_url = $repository_id ==='toolset' ? 'https://toolset.com/account/downloads/' : 'https://wpml.org/account/downloads/'; echo esc_attr( sprintf( __( "Something went wrong and we could not install all updates from the %s channel. Click here to %stry again%s. If the errors persist, please switch back to the Production channel and contact the %s%s support%s.", 'installer' ), '%CHANNEL%', '<a href="#" class="installer-channel-retry"><strong>', '</strong></a>', '<a href="' . $support_url . '">', WP_Installer()->get_generic_product_name( $repository_id ), '</a>' ) ); ?>" data-text-stable="<?php echo esc_attr( sprintf( esc_attr__( "There was a problem switching to the %s channel. You can %sretry%s. If the problem continues, please %sdownload %s%s and install again manually", 'installer' ), '%CHANNEL%', '<a href="#" class="installer-channel-retry"><strong>', '</strong></a>', '<a href="' . $download_url . '">', WP_Installer()->get_generic_product_name( $repository_id ), '</a>' ) ); ?>"> </span> <input type="hidden" class="nonce" value="<?php echo $nonce ?>" /> </label> <?php if( !$no_prompt ): ?> <div class="installer-warn-box installer-switch-confirmation" style="margin-top: 10px; display: none"> <p class="alignright"> <button class="button-secondary js-cancel"><?php _e("Cancel", 'installer') ?></button> <button class="button-primary js-proceed"><?php _e("Switch", 'installer') ?></button> </p> <p> <?php _e( 'The plugins will update to the most recent version in the channel that you selected.', 'installer') ?> </p> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="1" class="js-remember"/> <?php _e( 'Remember my preference.', 'installer') ?><br /> </label> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="installer-warn-text" <?php if( WP_Installer_Channels()->get_channel( $repository_id ) === WP_Installer_Channels::CHANNEL_PRODUCTION ): ?>style="display:none" <?php endif; ?>> <?php printf( __("You are using a potentially less stable channel for %s. If you didn't enable this on purpose, you should switch to the 'Production' channel.", 'installer'), WP_Installer()->get_generic_product_name( $repository_id ) ); ?> </div> </div>
| ver. 1.4 |
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