Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/sitepress-multilingual-cms/menu/languages.php
<?php /* var WPML_Language_Switcher $wpml_language_switcher */ global $sitepress, $sitepress_settings, $wpdb, $wpml_language_switcher; use WPML\Core\WP\App\Resources; if ( ! is_plugin_active( WPML_PLUGIN_BASENAME ) ) { ?> <h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Setup WPML', 'sitepress' ); ?></h2> <div class="updated fade"> <p style="line-height:1.5"><?php esc_html_e( 'The WPML Multilingual CMS plugin is not currently enabled.', 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <p style="line-height:1.5"> <?php echo sprintf( esc_html__( 'Please go to the %1$sPlugins%2$s page and enable the WPML Multilingual CMS plugin before trying to configure the plugin.', 'sitepress' ), '<a href="plugins.php">', '</a>' ) ?> </p> </div> <?php return; } if ( isset( $_GET['trop'] ) ) { require_once dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/edit-languages.php'; global $icl_edit_languages; $flags_factory = new WPML_Flags_Factory( $wpdb ); $icl_edit_languages = new SitePress_EditLanguages( $flags_factory->create() ); $icl_edit_languages->render(); return; } $sitepress_settings = get_option( 'icl_sitepress_settings' ); $active_languages = $sitepress->get_active_languages(); $hidden_languages = $sitepress->get_setting( 'hidden_languages' ); $show_untranslated_blog_posts = $sitepress->get_setting( 'show_untranslated_blog_posts' ); $automatic_redirect = $sitepress->get_setting( 'automatic_redirect' ); $setting_urls = $sitepress->get_setting( 'urls' ); $existing_content_language_verified = $sitepress->get_setting( 'existing_content_language_verified' ); $language_negotiation_type = $sitepress->get_setting( 'language_negotiation_type' ); $seo = $sitepress->get_setting( 'seo' ); $default_language = $sitepress->get_default_language(); $all_languages = $sitepress->get_languages( $sitepress->get_admin_language() ); $sample_lang = false; $default_language_details = false; $wp_api = $sitepress->get_wp_api(); $should_hide_admin_language = $wp_api->version_compare_naked( get_bloginfo( 'version' ), '4.7', '>=' ); $encryptor = new WPML_Data_Encryptor(); $inactive_content = null; if ( ! $existing_content_language_verified ) { // try to determine the blog language $blog_current_lang = 0; if ( $blog_lang = get_option( 'WPLANG' ) ) { $exp = explode( '_', $blog_lang ); $blog_current_lang = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE code= %s", $exp[0] ) ); } if ( ! $blog_current_lang && defined( 'WPLANG' ) && WPLANG != '' ) { $blog_current_lang = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE default_locale=%s", WPLANG ) ); if ( ! $blog_current_lang ) { $blog_lang = WPLANG; $exp = explode( '_', $blog_lang ); $blog_current_lang = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT code FROM {$wpdb->prefix}icl_languages WHERE code= %s", $exp[0] ) ); } } if ( ! $blog_current_lang ) { $blog_current_lang = 'en'; } $languages = $sitepress->get_languages( $blog_current_lang, false, true, false, 'display_name' ); } else { $languages = $sitepress->get_languages( $sitepress->get_admin_language(), false, true, false, 'display_name' ); foreach ( $active_languages as $lang ) { if ( $lang['code'] != $default_language ) { $sample_lang = $lang; break; } } $default_language_details = $sitepress->get_language_details( $default_language ); $inactive_content = new WPML_Inactive_Content( $wpdb, $sitepress->get_current_language() ); } global $language_switcher_defaults, $language_switcher_defaults_alt; $theme_wpml_config_file = WPML_Config::get_theme_wpml_config_file(); $resource = Resources::enqueueApp( 'wpmlLanguageSettings' ); $resource( [ 'name' => 'wpmlLanguageSettings', 'data' => [ 'endpoints' => [ 'setFileType' => \WPML\TM\Settings\Flags\Endpoints\SetFormat::class, ], 'loaderImage' => esc_url( ICL_PLUGIN_URL ) . '/res/img/ajax-loader.gif', 'flagsDefaultType' => [ 'selectedFormat' => \WPML\TM\Settings\Flags\Options::getFormat(), 'allowedFormats' => \WPML\TM\Settings\Flags\Options::getAllowedFormats(), ], ], ] ); ?> <?php $sitepress->noscript_notice(); ?> <div class="wrap wpml-settings-container"> <h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Setup WPML', 'sitepress' ) ?></h2> <?php $compatibility_reports_args = array( 'plugin_name' => 'WPML', 'plugin_uri' => 'http://wpml.org', 'plugin_site' => 'wpml.org', 'use_styles' => true, 'privacy_policy_url' => 'https://wpml.org/documentation/privacy-policy-and-gdpr-compliance/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=gui&utm_campaign=wpmlcore', 'plugin_repository' => 'wpml', ); if ( count( $active_languages ) > 1 ): ?> <p> <strong><?php esc_html_e( 'This screen contains the language settings for your site.', 'sitepress' ); ?></strong> </p> <ul class="wpml-navigation-links js-wpml-navigation-links"> <?php $navigation_items = array( '#lang-sec-1' => __( 'Site Languages', 'sitepress' ), '#lang-sec-2' => __( 'Language URL format', 'sitepress' ), '#lang-sec-4' => __( 'Admin language', 'sitepress' ), '#lang-sec-7' => __( 'Hide languages', 'sitepress' ), '#lang-sec-8' => __( 'Make themes work multilingual', 'sitepress' ), '#lang-sec-9' => __( 'Browser language redirect', 'sitepress' ), '#lang-sec-9-5' => __( 'SEO Options', 'sitepress' ), '#lang-sec-9-6' => __( 'Theme and plugins reporting', 'sitepress' ), '#cookie' => __( 'Language filtering for AJAX operations', 'sitepress' ), '#lang-sec-10' => __( 'WPML love', 'sitepress' ), ); if ( $should_hide_admin_language && array_key_exists( '#lang-sec-4', $navigation_items ) ) { unset( $navigation_items['#lang-sec-4'] ); } /** * @param array $navigation_items */ $navigation_items = apply_filters( 'wpml_admin_languages_navigation_items', $navigation_items ); foreach ( $navigation_items as $link => $text ) { echo '<li><a href="' . esc_attr( $link ) . '">' . esc_html( $text ) . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ul> <?php endif; ?> <div id="lang-sec-1" class="wpml-section wpml-section-languages"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php _e( 'Site Languages', 'sitepress' ); ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content"> <div class="wpml-section-content-inner"> <h4><?php _e('These languages are enabled for this site:','sitepress'); ?></h4> <?php do_action( 'wpml_before_active_languages_display' ); ?> <ul id="icl_enabled_languages" class="enabled-languages"> <?php foreach ( $active_languages as $lang ) : $is_default = ( $default_language == $lang['code'] ); ?> <?php if ( ! empty( $hidden_languages ) && in_array( $lang['code'], $hidden_languages ) ) { $hidden = ' <strong style="color:#f00">(' . esc_html__( 'hidden', 'sitepress' ) . ')</strong>'; } else { $hidden = ''; } ?> <li <?php if ( $is_default ) : ?> class="selected"<?php endif; ?>> <input id="default_language_<?php echo esc_attr( $lang['code'] ); ?>" name="default_language" type="radio" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $lang['code'] ); ?>" <?php checked( $is_default ); ?> /> <label for="default_language_<?php echo esc_attr( $lang['code'] ); ?>"> <?php echo esc_html( $lang['display_name'] ) . $hidden; ?> <?php if ( $is_default ) : ?> (<?php esc_html_e( 'default', 'sitepress' ); ?>)<?php endif ?> </label> </li> <?php endforeach ?> </ul> <?php do_action( 'wpml_after_active_languages_display' ); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field('wpml_set_default_language', 'set_default_language_nonce'); ?> <p class="buttons-wrap"> <button id="icl_cancel_default_button" class="button-secondary action"><?php esc_html_e( 'Cancel', 'sitepress' ); ?></button> <button id="icl_save_default_button" class="button-primary action"><?php esc_html_e( 'Save', 'sitepress' ); ?></button> </p> <p> <button id="icl_change_default_button" class="button-secondary action <?php if ( count( $active_languages ) < 2 ): ?>hidden<?php endif ?>"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Change default language', 'sitepress' ) ?> </button> <button id="icl_add_remove_button" class="button-secondary action"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Add / Remove languages', 'sitepress' ) ?> </button> </p> <p class="icl_ajx_response" id="icl_ajx_response"></p> <div id="icl_avail_languages_picker" class="hidden"> <ul class="available-languages"> <?php foreach ( $languages as $lang ) { $checked = checked( '1', $lang['active'], false ); $disabled = disabled( $default_language, $lang['code'], false ); $language_item_classes = array(); if ( (bool) $lang['active'] ) { $language_item_classes[] = 'wpml-selected'; } ?> <li class="<?php echo implode( ' ', $language_item_classes ); ?>"> <label for="wpml-language-<?php echo $lang['code']; ?>"> <input type="checkbox" id="wpml-language-<?php echo esc_attr( $lang['code'] ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $lang['code'] ); ?>" <?php echo $checked . ' ' . $disabled; ?>/> <?php echo $sitepress->get_flag_image($lang['code']) ?> <?php echo esc_html( $lang['display_name'] ); ?> </label> </li> <?php } ?> </ul> <div class="buttons-wrap"> <input id="icl_cancel_language_selection" type="button" class="button-secondary action" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Cancel', 'sitepress' ); ?>" /> <input id="icl_save_language_selection" type="button" class="button-primary action" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save', 'sitepress' ); ?>" style="display:none"/> <div id="wpml_language_selection_save" style="display: inline-block"></div> </div> <?php wp_nonce_field('wpml_set_active_languages', 'set_active_languages_nonce'); ?> </div> <p> <a href="admin.php?page=<?php echo WPML_PLUGIN_FOLDER ?>/menu/languages.php&trop=1"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Edit Languages', 'sitepress' ) ?> </a> </p> </div> <!-- wpml-section-content-inner --> <?php if ( $inactive_content && $inactive_content->has_entries() ) : ?> <div class="wpml-section-content-inner"> <?php $render_inactive_content = new WPML_Inactive_Content_Render( $inactive_content, array( WPML_PLUGIN_PATH . '/templates/languages/' ) ); echo $render_inactive_content->render(); ?> </div> <!-- wpml-section-content-inner --> <?php endif; ?> </div> <!-- .wcml-section-content --> </div> <!-- .wpml-section-languages --> <?php if ( ! class_exists( 'WP_Http' ) ) { include_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-http.php'; } /** * @var WPML_URL_Converter $wpml_url_converter * @var WPML_Request $wpml_request_handler */ global $wpml_url_converter, $wpml_request_handler; $validator = wpml_get_langs_in_dirs_val( $wpml_url_converter ); ?> <?php if ( count( $active_languages ) > 1 ) : ?> <div class="wpml-section wpml-section-url-format" id="lang-sec-2"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Language URL format', 'sitepress' ); ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content"> <h4><?php esc_html_e( 'Choose how to determine which language visitors see contents in', 'sitepress' ); ?></h4> <form id="icl_save_language_negotiation_type" name="icl_save_language_negotiation_type" action=""> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'save_language_negotiation_type', 'save_language_negotiation_type_nonce' ); ?> <ul> <?php $abs_home = $wpml_url_converter->get_abs_home(); $icl_folder_url_enabled = $validator->validate_langs_in_dirs(); ?> <li> <label> <input type="radio" name="icl_language_negotiation_type" value="1" <?php checked( 1 == $language_negotiation_type ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'Different languages in directories', 'sitepress' ); ?> <span class="explanation-text"> ( <?php $root = ! empty( $setting_urls['directory_for_default_language'] ); echo $validator->print_explanation( $sample_lang['code'], $root ); ?> ) </span> </label> <div id="icl_use_directory_wrap" style=" <?php if ( $language_negotiation_type != 1 ) : ?> display:none;<?php endif; ?>" > <p class="sub-section"> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="use_directory" id="icl_use_directory" value="1" <?php checked( ! empty( $setting_urls['directory_for_default_language'] ) ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'Use directory for default language', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label> </p> <div id="icl_use_directory_details" class="sub-section" <?php if ( empty( $setting_urls['directory_for_default_language'] ) ) { echo ' style="display:none"';} ?> > <p><?php esc_html_e( 'What to show for the root url:', 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <ul> <li> <label for="wpml_show_on_root_html_file"> <input id="wpml_show_on_root_html_file" type="radio" name="show_on_root" value="html_file" <?php checked( 'html_file' === $setting_urls['show_on_root'] ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'HTML file', 'sitepress' ); ?> – <span class="explanation-text"> <?php esc_html_e( 'please enter path: absolute or relative to the WordPress installation folder', 'sitepress' ); ?> </span> </label> <p> <input type="text" id="root_html_file_path" name="root_html_file_path" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $setting_urls['root_html_file_path'] ); ?>" /> <label class="icl_error_text icl_error_1" for="root_html_file_path" style="display: none;"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Please select what to show for the root url.', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label> </p> </li> <li> <label> <input id="wpml_show_on_root_page" type="radio" name="show_on_root" value="page" <?php checked( 'page' === $setting_urls['show_on_root'] ); ?> <?php if ( $setting_urls['show_on_root'] === 'page' ) : ?> class="active"<?php endif; ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'A page', 'sitepress' ); ?> <span style="display: none;" id="wpml_show_page_on_root_x"><?php esc_html_e( 'Please save the settings first by clicking Save.', 'sitepress' ); ?></span> <span id="wpml_show_page_on_root_details" <?php if ( $setting_urls['show_on_root'] !== 'page' ) : ?> style="display:none"<?php endif; ?>> <?php $rp_exists = false; if ( ! empty( $setting_urls['root_page'] ) ) { $rp = get_post( $setting_urls['root_page'] ); if ( $rp && $rp->post_status !== 'trash' ) { $rp_exists = true; } } ?> <?php if ( $rp_exists ) : ?> <a href="<?php echo get_edit_post_link( $setting_urls['root_page'] ); ?>"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Edit root page.', 'sitepress' ); ?> </a> <?php else : ?> <a href="<?php echo admin_url( 'post-new.php?post_type=page&wpml_root_page=1' ); ?>"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Create root page.', 'sitepress' ); ?> </a> <?php endif; ?> </span> <p id="icl_hide_language_switchers" class="sub-section" <?php if ( $setting_urls['show_on_root'] !== 'page' ) : ?> style="display:none"<?php endif; ?>> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="hide_language_switchers" id="icl_hide_language_switchers" value="1" <?php checked( $setting_urls['hide_language_switchers'] ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'Hide language switchers on the root page', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label> </p> </label> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <?php if ( ! $icl_folder_url_enabled ): ?> <div class="icl_error_text" style="margin:10px;"> <p> <?php esc_html_e( 'It looks like languages per directories will not function.', 'sitepress' ); ?> <a href="#" onClick="jQuery(this).parent().parent().next().toggle();return false"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Details', 'sitepress' ); ?> </a> </p> </div> <div class="icl_error_text" style="display:none;margin:10px;"> <p><?php esc_html_e( 'This can be a result of either:', 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <ul> <li> <?php esc_html_e( "Your server settings do not allow for languages in directories.", 'sitepress' ); ?> <a href="https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/language-setup/cannot-activate-language-directories/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=gui&utm_campaign=wpmlcore"><?php esc_html_e( 'Learn more about the required server settings.', 'sitepress'); ?></a> </li> <li><?php esc_html_e( 'URL rewriting is not enabled in your web server.', 'sitepress' ); ?></li> <li><?php esc_html_e( 'The web server cannot write to the .htaccess file', 'sitepress' ); ?></li> </ul> <a href="https://wpml.org/?page_id=1010"><?php esc_html_e( 'How to fix', 'sitepress' ); ?></a> </div> <?php endif; ?> </li> <?php global $wpmu_version; if ( isset( $wpmu_version ) || ( function_exists( 'is_multisite' ) && is_multisite() && ( ! defined( 'WPML_SUNRISE_MULTISITE_DOMAINS' ) || ! WPML_SUNRISE_MULTISITE_DOMAINS ) ) ) { $icl_lnt_disabled = 'disabled="disabled" '; } else { $icl_lnt_disabled = ''; } ?> <li> <label> <input <?php echo $icl_lnt_disabled; ?>id="icl_lnt_domains" type="radio" name="icl_language_negotiation_type" value="2" <?php checked( 2 == $language_negotiation_type ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'A different domain per language', 'sitepress' ); ?> <?php if ( $icl_lnt_disabled ) : ?> <span class="icl_error_text"><?php esc_html_e( 'This option is not yet available for Multisite installs', 'sitepress' ); ?></span> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ( defined( 'WPML_SUNRISE_MULTISITE_DOMAINS' ) && WPML_SUNRISE_MULTISITE_DOMAINS ) : ?> <span class="icl_error_text"><?php esc_html_e( 'Experimental', 'sitepress' ); ?></span> <?php endif; ?> </label> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'language_domains_nonce', '_icl_nonce_ldom', false ); ?> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'validate_language_domain', 'validate_language_domain_nonce', false ); ?> <div id="icl_lnt_domains_box"> <?php if ( (int) $language_negotiation_type === 2 ) : $domains_box = new WPML_Lang_Domains_Box( $sitepress ); echo $domains_box->render(); endif; ?> </div> <div id="language_domain_xdomain_options" class="sub-section" <?php if ( $language_negotiation_type != 2 ) { echo ' style="display:none"';} ?> > <p><?php esc_html_e( 'Pass session arguments between domains through the language switcher', 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <p> <label> <input type="radio" name="icl_xdomain_data" value="<?php echo WPML_XDOMAIN_DATA_GET; ?>" <?php checked( WPML_XDOMAIN_DATA_GET === (int) $sitepress_settings['xdomain_data'] ); ?>/> <?php esc_html_e( 'Pass arguments via GET (the url)', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label> </p> <p> <label> <input type="radio" name="icl_xdomain_data" value="<?php echo WPML_XDOMAIN_DATA_POST; ?>" <?php checked( WPML_XDOMAIN_DATA_POST === (int) $sitepress_settings['xdomain_data'] ); ?>/> <?php esc_html_e( 'Pass arguments via POST', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label> </p> <p> <label> <input type="radio" name="icl_xdomain_data" value="<?php echo WPML_XDOMAIN_DATA_OFF; ?>" <?php checked( WPML_XDOMAIN_DATA_OFF === (int) $sitepress_settings['xdomain_data'] ); ?>/> <?php esc_html_e( 'Disable this feature', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label> </p> <?php $encryptor_library = $encryptor->get_crypt_library(); ?> <?php if ( $encryptor_library === 'mcrypt' || $encryptor_library === 'openssl' ) : ?> <p> <?php printf( esc_html__( 'The data will be encrypted with the %s algorithm.', 'sitepress' ), $encryptor_library === 'mcrypt' ? 'MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256' : 'AES-256-CTR' ) ?> </p> <?php else : ?> <p><?php esc_html_e( 'Because encryption is not supported on your host, the data will only have a basic encoding with the bse64 algorithm.', 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <?php endif; ?> <p><a href="https://wpml.org/?page_id=693147" target="_blank"><?php esc_html_e( 'Learn more about passing data between domains', 'sitepress' ); ?></a></p> </div> </li> <li> <label> <input type="radio" name="icl_language_negotiation_type" value="3" <?php checked( 3 == $language_negotiation_type ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'Language name added as a parameter', 'sitepress' ); ?> <span class="explanation-text"> <?php echo sprintf( '(%s?lang=%s - %s)', get_home_url(), esc_html( $sample_lang['code'] ), esc_html( $sample_lang['display_name'] ) ); ?> </span> </label> </li> </ul> <div class="wpml-form-message" style="display:none;"></div> <div class="wpml-form-errors icl_form_errors" style="display: none;"></div> <p class="buttons-wrap"> <span class="icl_ajx_response" id="icl_ajx_response2"></span> <input class="button button-primary" name="save" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Save', 'sitepress' ); ?>" type="submit" /> </p> </form> </div> </div> <!-- .wpml-section-url-format --> <?php endif; ?> <div class="wpml-section wpml-section-url-format" id="lang-sec-2-1" style="margin-top: 0"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Default flag format', 'sitepress' ); ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content" id="wpml-default-flag-format"> </div> </div> <?php do_action( 'wpml_admin_after_languages_url_format' ); ?> <?php if ( count( $all_languages ) > 1 && ! $should_hide_admin_language ): ?> <div class="wpml-section wpml-section-admin-language" id="lang-sec-4"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Admin language', 'sitepress' ); ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content"> <form id="icl_admin_language_options" name="icl_admin_language_options" action=""> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'icl_admin_language_options_nonce', '_icl_nonce' ); ?> <?php if ( is_admin() ) : ?> <p> <label> <?php _e( 'Default admin language: ', 'sitepress' ); ?> <?php $default_language_details = $sitepress->get_language_details( $default_language ); ?> <select name="icl_admin_default_language"> <option value="_default_"><?php printf( esc_html__( 'Default language (currently %s)', 'sitepress' ), $default_language_details['display_name'] ); ?></option> <?php foreach ( $all_languages as $al ) : ?> <?php if ( $al['active'] ) : ?> <option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $al['code'] ); ?>" <?php selected( $sitepress->get_setting( 'admin_default_language' ) == $al['code'] ); ?>> <?php echo esc_html( $al['display_name'] ); if ( $sitepress->get_admin_language() != $al['code'] ) { echo ' (' . esc_html( $al['native_name'] ) . ')'; } ?> </option> <?php endif; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> <?php foreach ( $all_languages as $al ) : ?> <?php if ( ! $al['active'] ) : ?> <option value="<?php echo esc_attr( $al['code'] ); ?>" <?php selected( $sitepress->get_setting( 'admin_default_language' ) == $al['code'] ); ?>> <?php echo esc_html( $al['display_name'] ); if ( $sitepress->get_admin_language() != $al['code'] ) { echo ' (' . esc_html( $al['native_name'] ) . ')'; } ?> </option> <?php endif; ?> <?php endforeach; ?> </select> </label> </p> <?php endif; ?> <p><?php printf( __( 'Each user can choose the admin language. You can edit your language preferences by visiting your <a href="%s">profile page</a>.', 'sitepress' ), 'profile.php#wpml' ); ?></p> <p class="buttons-wrap"> <span class="icl_ajx_response" id="icl_ajx_response_al"></span> <input class="button button-primary" name="save" value="<?php esc_html_e( 'Save', 'sitepress' ); ?>" type="submit" /> </p> </form> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ( count( $active_languages ) > 1 ): ?> <div class="wpml-section wpml-section-hide-languages" id="lang-sec-7"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Hide languages', 'sitepress' ); ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content"> <p><?php esc_html_e( 'You can completely hide content in specific languages from visitors and search engines, but still view it yourself. This allows reviewing translations that are in progress.', 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <form id="icl_hide_languages" name="icl_hide_languages" action=""> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'icl_hide_languages_nonce', '_icl_nonce' ); ?> <?php foreach ( $active_languages as $l ) : ?> <?php if ( isset( $default_language_details['code'] ) && $l['code'] === $default_language_details['code'] ) { continue;} ?> <p> <label> <input type="checkbox" name="icl_hidden_languages[]" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $l['code'] ); ?>" <?php checked( ! empty( $hidden_languages ) && in_array( $l['code'], $hidden_languages ) ); ?> /> <?php echo esc_html( $l['display_name'] ); ?> </label> </p> <?php endforeach; ?> <p id="icl_hidden_languages_status"> <?php if ( ! empty( $hidden_languages ) ) { // While checking for hidden languages, it cleans any possible leftover from inactive or deleted languages if ( 1 == count( $hidden_languages ) ) { if ( isset( $active_languages[ $hidden_languages[0] ] ) ) { printf( esc_html__( '%s is currently hidden to visitors.', 'sitepress' ), esc_html( $active_languages[ $hidden_languages[0] ]['display_name'] ) ); $hidden_languages[] = $hidden_languages[0]; } } else { $_hlngs = array(); foreach ( $hidden_languages as $l ) { if ( isset( $active_languages[ $l ] ) ) { $_hlngs[] = $active_languages[ $l ]['display_name']; } } $hlangs = implode( ', ', $_hlngs ); printf( esc_html__( '%s are currently hidden to visitors.', 'sitepress' ), esc_html( $hlangs ) ); } $hidden_languages = array_unique( $hidden_languages ); $sitepress->set_setting( 'hidden_languages', $hidden_languages ); echo '<p>'; printf( __( 'You can enable its/their display for yourself, in your <a href="%s">profile page</a>.', 'sitepress' ), 'profile.php#wpml' ); echo '</p>'; } else { esc_html_e( 'All languages are currently displayed.', 'sitepress' ); } ?> </p> <p class="buttons-wrap"> <span class="icl_ajx_response" id="icl_ajx_response_hl"></span> <input class="button button-primary" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save', 'sitepress' ); ?>" type="submit" /> </p> </form> </div> </div> <div class="wpml-section wpml-section-ml-themes" id="lang-sec-8"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Make themes work multilingual', 'sitepress' ); ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content"> <form id="icl_adjust_ids" name="icl_adjust_ids" action=""> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'icl_adjust_ids_nonce', '_icl_nonce' ); ?> <p><?php esc_html_e( 'This feature turns themes into multilingual, without having to edit their PHP files.', 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <p> <label> <input type="checkbox" value="1" name="icl_adjust_ids" <?php checked( $sitepress->get_setting( 'auto_adjust_ids' ) ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'Adjust IDs for multilingual functionality', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label> </p> <p class="buttons-wrap"> <span class="icl_ajx_response" id="icl_ajx_response_ai"></span> <input class="button button-primary" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save', 'sitepress' ); ?>" type="submit" /> </p> </form> </div> </div> <div class="wpml-section wpml-section-redirect" id="lang-sec-9"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Browser language redirect', 'sitepress' ); ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content"> <p><?php esc_html_e( 'WPML can automatically redirect visitors according to browser language.', 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <p class="explanation-text"><?php esc_html_e( "This feature uses Javascript. Make sure that your site doesn't have JS errors.", 'sitepress' ); ?></p> <form id="icl_automatic_redirect" name="icl_automatic_redirect" action=""> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'icl_automatic_redirect_nonce', '_icl_nonce' ); ?> <ul> <li><label> <input type="radio" value="0" name="icl_automatic_redirect" <?php checked( empty( $automatic_redirect ) ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'Disable browser language redirect', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label></li> <li><label> <input type="radio" value="1" name="icl_automatic_redirect" <?php checked( 1, $automatic_redirect ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'Redirect visitors based on browser language only if translations exist', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label></li> <li><label> <input type="radio" value="2" name="icl_automatic_redirect" <?php checked( 2, $automatic_redirect ); ?> /> <?php esc_html_e( 'Always redirect visitors based on browser language (redirect to home page if translations are missing)', 'sitepress' ); ?> </label></li> </ul> <ul> <li> <label> <?php printf( esc_html__( "Remember visitors' language preference for %s hours (please enter 24 or multiples of it).", 'sitepress' ), '<input size="2" type="number" min="24" value="' . (int) $sitepress->get_setting( 'remember_language' ) . '" name="icl_remember_language" /> ' ); global $wpml_request_handler; if ( ! $wpml_request_handler->get_cookie_lang() ) { ?> <span class="icl_error_text"><?php esc_html_e( "Your browser doesn't seem to be allowing cookies to be set.", 'sitepress' ); ?></span> <?php } ?> </label> </li> </ul> <div class="wpml-form-message update-nag js-redirect-warning" <?php if ( empty( $automatic_redirect ) ) : ?> style="display: none;"<?php endif; ?>> <?php $redirect_warning_1 = esc_html__( "Browser language redirect may affect your site's indexing", 'sitepress' ); $redirect_warning_2 = esc_html__( 'learn more', 'sitepress' ); $url = 'https://wpml.org/documentation/getting-started-guide/language-setup/automatic-redirect-based-on-browser-language/how-browser-language-redirect-affects-google-indexing/?utm_source=plugin&utm_medium=gui&utm_campaign=wpmlcore'; echo $redirect_warning_1 . '- <a href="' . $url . '" target="_blank">' . $redirect_warning_2 . '</a>'; ?> </div> <p class="buttons-wrap"> <span class="icl_ajx_response" id="icl_ajx_response_ar"></span> <input class="button button-primary" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save', 'sitepress' ); ?>" type="submit" /> </p> </form> </div> </div> <?php endif; ?> <?php $request_get_page = filter_input( INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_SANITIZE_FULL_SPECIAL_CHARS, FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE ); do_action( 'icl_extra_options_' . $request_get_page ); $seo_ui = new WPML_SEO_HeadLangs( $sitepress ); $seo_ui->render_menu(); ?> <div class="wpml-section wpml-section-wpml-theme-and-plugins-reporting" id="lang-sec-9-6"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'Reporting to wpml.org', 'sitepress' ) ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content"> <?php $compatibility_reports_after_setup_args = $compatibility_reports_args; $compatibility_reports_after_setup_args['custom_heading'] = ''; $compatibility_reports_after_setup_args['use_radio'] = false; do_action( 'otgs_installer_render_local_components_setting', $compatibility_reports_after_setup_args ); ?> </div> </div> <div class="wpml-section wpml-section-wpml-love" id="lang-sec-10"> <div class="wpml-section-header"> <h3><?php esc_html_e( 'WPML love', 'sitepress' ) ?></h3> </div> <div class="wpml-section-content"> <form id="icl_promote_form" name="icl_promote_form" action=""> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'icl_promote_form_nonce', '_icl_nonce' ); ?> <p> <label><input type="checkbox" name="icl_promote" <?php checked( $sitepress->get_setting( 'promote_wpml' ) ) ?> value="1"/> <?php printf( __( "Tell the world your site is running multilingual with WPML (places a message in your site's footer) - <a href=\"%s\">read more</a>", 'sitepress' ), 'https://wpml.org/?page_id=4560' ); ?> </label> </p> <p class="buttons-wrap"> <span class="icl_ajx_response" id="icl_ajx_response_lv"></span> <input class="button button-primary" name="save" value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'Save', 'sitepress' ) ?>" type="submit"/> </p> </form> </div> </div> <?php do_action( 'wpml_after_settings', $theme_wpml_config_file ); /** * @deprecated use `wpml_after_settings` instead */ do_action( 'wpml_admin_after_wpml_love', $theme_wpml_config_file ); /** * @deprecated use `wpml_menu_footer` instead */ do_action( 'icl_menu_footer' ); do_action( 'wpml_menu_footer' ); ?> </div> <!-- .wrap --> <?php // Save any changed setting $sitepress->save_settings();
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