Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/image-optimization/modules/stats/classes/optimization-stats.php
<?php namespace ImageOptimization\Modules\Stats\Classes; use ImageOptimization\Classes\Image\{ Image, Image_Meta, Image_Query_Builder, WP_Image_Meta, Exceptions\Invalid_Image_Exception }; use ImageOptimization\Classes\Async_Operation\{ Async_Operation, Async_Operation_Hook, Async_Operation_Queue, Exceptions\Async_Operation_Exception, Queries\Operation_Query, }; use ImageOptimization\Classes\File_System\{ Exceptions\File_System_Operation_Error, File_System, }; use ImageOptimization\Classes\Logger; use ImageOptimization\Modules\Optimization\Classes\Exceptions\Image_Validation_Error; use ImageOptimization\Modules\Optimization\Classes\Validate_Image; use ImageOptimization\Modules\Settings\Classes\Settings; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Optimization_Stats { const PAGING_SIZE = 25000; const STATS_CALCULATION_DELAY = 60 * 15; /** * Returns image stats. * If the library is too big, it queries images in chunks. * * @return array{total_image_count: int, optimized_image_count: int, current_image_size: int, initial_image_size: * int} */ public static function get_image_stats( ?int $image_id = null, ?bool $no_cache = false ): array { // No caching needed if we check a specific image. if ( $image_id ) { $output = self::get_image_stats_chunk( 1, $image_id ); unset( $output['pages'] ); return $output; } // Look at the stored data first. If it's still valid -- use it. $stats = self::get_stored_stats(); if ( ! $no_cache && ( time() - $stats['updated_at'] ) <= self::STATS_CALCULATION_DELAY ) { unset( $stats['updated_at'] ); return $stats; } // Otherwise, recalculate the stats. $output = self::get_image_stats_chunk( 1, $image_id ); $pages_count = $output['pages']; if ( $pages_count <= 1 ) { unset( $output['pages'] ); return $output; } if ( $pages_count > 1 && Async_Operation::OPERATION_STATUS_NOT_STARTED === self::get_stats_calculation_status() ) { try { Async_Operation::create( Async_Operation_Hook::CALCULATE_OPTIMIZATION_STATS, [ 'page' => 2, 'pages_count' => $pages_count, 'output' => $output, ], Async_Operation_Queue::STATS ); } catch ( Async_Operation_Exception $aoe ) { Logger::log( Logger::LEVEL_ERROR, 'Error while creating a stats calculation task: ' . $aoe->getMessage() ); } } unset( $stats['updated_at'] ); return $stats; } /** * @return array{pages: int, total_image_count: int, optimized_image_count: int, current_image_size: int, * initial_image_size: int} */ public static function get_image_stats_chunk( int $paged = 1, ?int $image_id = null ): array { $output = [ 'pages' => 1, 'total_image_count' => 0, 'optimized_image_count' => 0, 'current_image_size' => 0, 'initial_image_size' => 0, ]; $query = ( new Image_Query_Builder() ) ->set_paging_size( self::PAGING_SIZE ) ->set_current_page( $paged ); if ( $image_id ) { $query->set_image_ids( [ $image_id ] ); } $query = $query->execute(); $output['pages'] = (int) $query->max_num_pages; foreach ( $query->posts as $attachment_id ) { try { Validate_Image::is_valid( $attachment_id ); $wp_meta = new WP_Image_Meta( $attachment_id ); } catch ( Invalid_Image_Exception | Image_Validation_Error $ie ) { continue; } $meta = new Image_Meta( $attachment_id ); $image_sizes = $wp_meta->get_size_keys(); $current_sizes = self::filter_only_enabled_sizes( $image_sizes ); $optimized_sizes = self::filter_only_enabled_sizes( $meta->get_optimized_sizes() ); $output['total_image_count'] += count( $current_sizes ); $output['optimized_image_count'] += count( $optimized_sizes ); foreach ( $image_sizes as $image_size ) { $output['current_image_size'] += self::calculate_current_image_file_size( $attachment_id, $wp_meta, $image_size ); $output['initial_image_size'] += self::calculate_initial_image_file_size( $attachment_id, $meta, $wp_meta, $image_size ); } } return $output; } private static function calculate_current_image_file_size( int $image_id, WP_Image_Meta $wp_meta, string $image_size ): int { $size_from_meta = $wp_meta->get_file_size( $image_size ); if ( $size_from_meta ) { return $size_from_meta; } try { return File_System::size( ( new Image( $image_id ) )->get_file_path( $image_size ) ); } catch ( File_System_Operation_Error $e ) { return 0; } } private static function calculate_initial_image_file_size( int $image_id, Image_Meta $meta, WP_Image_Meta $wp_meta, string $image_size ): int { $size_from_meta = $meta->get_original_file_size( $image_size ) ?? $wp_meta->get_file_size( $image_size ); if ( $size_from_meta ) { return $size_from_meta; } try { return File_System::size( ( new Image( $image_id ) )->get_file_path( $image_size ) ); } catch ( File_System_Operation_Error $e ) { return 0; } } private static function filter_only_enabled_sizes( array $size_keys ): array { $enabled_sizes = Settings::get( Settings::CUSTOM_SIZES_OPTION_NAME ); if ( 'all' === $enabled_sizes ) { return array_filter( $size_keys, fn( string $size_key ) => ! str_starts_with( $size_key, 'elementor_' ) ); } return array_filter($size_keys, function( string $size ) use ( $enabled_sizes ) { if ( Image::SIZE_FULL === $size ) { return true; } if ( in_array( $size, $enabled_sizes, true ) ) { return true; } return false; }); } /** * Retrieves stats data. * * @return array{total_image_count: ?int, optimized_image_count: ?int, current_image_size: ?int, initial_image_size: * ?int, updated_at: ?int} */ public static function get_stored_stats(): array { $default = [ 'total_image_count' => null, 'optimized_image_count' => null, 'current_image_size' => null, 'initial_image_size' => null, 'updated_at' => null, ]; return json_decode( get_option( 'image_optimizer_optimization_stats', json_encode( $default ) ), ARRAY_A ); } /** * Updates the optimization stats with fresh values. * * @param array $stats * * @return bool */ public static function set_stored_stats( array $stats ) { $stats['updated_at'] = time(); return update_option( 'image_optimizer_optimization_stats', json_encode( $stats ) ); } private static function get_stats_calculation_status(): string { $active_query = ( new Operation_Query() ) ->set_hook( Async_Operation_Hook::CALCULATE_OPTIMIZATION_STATS ) ->set_status( [ Async_Operation::OPERATION_STATUS_PENDING, Async_Operation::OPERATION_STATUS_RUNNING, ] ) ->set_limit( 1 ); $active_operations = Async_Operation::get( $active_query ); return ! empty( $active_operations ) ? Async_Operation::OPERATION_STATUS_RUNNING : Async_Operation::OPERATION_STATUS_NOT_STARTED; } }
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