Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/image-optimization/modules/optimization/classes/optimize-image.php
<?php namespace ImageOptimization\Modules\Optimization\Classes; use ImageOptimization\Classes\File_System\{ Exceptions\File_System_Operation_Error, File_System, }; use ImageOptimization\Classes\File_Utils; use ImageOptimization\Classes\Image\{ Exceptions\Image_Backup_Creation_Error, Exceptions\Invalid_Image_Exception, Image, Image_Backup, Image_Conversion, Image_DB_Update, Image_Dimensions, Image_Meta, Image_Status, WP_Image_Meta }; use ImageOptimization\Classes\Logger; use ImageOptimization\Classes\Utils; use ImageOptimization\Classes\Exceptions\Quota_Exceeded_Error; use ImageOptimization\Modules\Optimization\Classes\{ Exceptions\Image_File_Already_Exists_Error, Exceptions\Image_Optimization_Error, Exceptions\Bulk_Token_Expired_Error, Exceptions\Image_Already_Optimized_Error, }; use ImageOptimization\Modules\Settings\Classes\Settings; use Throwable; use ImageOptimization\Plugin; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } /** * The class is responsible for the optimization logic itself. It gets an image file, runs * backup process if needed, sends a file to the service, stores the result and updates image meta. * * This class is used by manual, bulk and on-upload optimization flows. */ class Optimize_Image { private const IMAGE_OPTIMIZE_ENDPOINT = 'image/optimize'; protected ?Image $image; protected WP_Image_Meta $wp_meta; protected string $initiator; protected ?string $bulk_token; private string $current_image_path; private string $current_image_size; private bool $keep_backups; private array $current_size_duplicates; protected Image_Conversion $image_conversion; private bool $is_reoptimize; /** * @throws Quota_Exceeded_Error|Bulk_Token_Expired_Error|Image_File_Already_Exists_Error|Image_Optimization_Error */ public function optimize(): void { $sizes_enabled = Settings::get( Settings::CUSTOM_SIZES_OPTION_NAME ); $sizes_exist = $this->wp_meta->get_size_keys(); Logger::log( Logger::LEVEL_INFO, "Start optimization of {$this->image->get_id()}" ); foreach ( $sizes_exist as $size_exist ) { // If some image sizes optimization is disabled in settings, we check if the current one is still enabled if ( 'all' !== $sizes_enabled && Image::SIZE_FULL !== $size_exist && ! in_array( $size_exist, $sizes_enabled, true ) ) { continue; } // Elementor editor generates thumbnails we don't need to optimize. if ( str_starts_with( $size_exist, 'elementor_' ) ) { continue; } $image_meta = new Image_Meta( $this->image->get_id() ); // If the current size was already optimized -- ignore it. if ( ! $this->is_reoptimize && in_array( $size_exist, $image_meta->get_optimized_sizes(), true ) ) { Logger::log( Logger::LEVEL_INFO, "Size `$size_exist` is already optimized" ); continue; } if ( ! file_exists( $this->image->get_file_path( $size_exist ) ) ) { Logger::log( Logger::LEVEL_ERROR, "Can't access file for size `$size_exist`" ); throw new Image_Optimization_Error( esc_html__( 'File is missing. Verify the upload', 'image-optimization' ) ); } $this->current_image_size = $size_exist; $this->current_size_duplicates = $this->wp_meta->get_size_duplicates( $size_exist ); $this->current_image_path = $this->image->get_file_path( $size_exist ); $this->optimize_current_size(); $this->current_image_size = ''; $this->current_size_duplicates = []; $this->current_image_path = ''; } $this->mark_as_optimized(); if ( ! $this->keep_backups ) { Image_Backup::remove( $this->image->get_id() ); } Logger::log( Logger::LEVEL_INFO, "End optimization of {$this->image->get_id()}" ); } private function optimize_current_size(): void { try { $original_path = $this->current_image_path; $response = $this->send_file(); $optimized_size = (int) $response->optimizedSize; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase $optimized_image_binary = base64_decode( $response->image, true ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.obfuscation_base64_decode $this->replace_image_file( $optimized_image_binary ); $this->update_attachment_meta( $optimized_size ); if ( $original_path !== $this->current_image_path ) { $this->update_posts( $original_path, $this->current_image_path ); } // This should only be updated after meta $this->update_attachment_post(); } catch ( Image_Already_Optimized_Error $iao ) { // If we can't optimize it further, just update the meta $original_size = $this->wp_meta->get_file_size( $this->current_image_size ) ?? File_System::size( $this->image->get_file_path( $this->current_image_size ) ); $this->update_attachment_meta( $original_size, true ); $this->update_attachment_post( true ); } catch ( Bulk_Token_Expired_Error | Quota_Exceeded_Error | Image_File_Already_Exists_Error $e ) { throw $e; } catch ( Throwable $t ) { // In case of anything else throw new Image_Optimization_Error( $t->getMessage() ); } } private function send_file() { $connect_status = Plugin::instance()->modules_manager->get_modules( 'connect-manager' )->connect_instance->get_connect_status(); $headers = [ 'access_token' => $connect_status->access_token ?? '', ]; if ( $this->bulk_token ) { $headers['x-elementor-bulk-token'] = $this->bulk_token; } $optimization_options = [ 'compression_level' => Settings::get( Settings::COMPRESSION_LEVEL_OPTION_NAME ), 'convert_to_format' => $this->image_conversion->get_current_conversion_option(), 'strip_exif' => Settings::get( Settings::STRIP_EXIF_METADATA_OPTION_NAME ), ]; if ( Settings::get( Settings::RESIZE_LARGER_IMAGES_OPTION_NAME ) ) { $optimization_options['resize'] = Settings::get( Settings::RESIZE_LARGER_IMAGES_SIZE_OPTION_NAME ); } $image_key = wp_generate_password( 15, false ); $response = Utils::get_api_client()->make_request( 'POST', self::IMAGE_OPTIMIZE_ENDPOINT, [ 'initiator' => $this->initiator, 'image_url' => $this->image->get_url( $this->current_image_size ), 'image_key' => $image_key, 'checksum' => md5_file( $this->current_image_path ), 'attachment_id' => $this->image->get_id(), 'attachment_parent_id' => Image::SIZE_FULL === $this->current_image_size ? 0 : $this->image->get_id(), 'image_optimization_settings' => base64_encode( wp_json_encode( $optimization_options ) ), // phpcs:ignore WordPress.PHP.DiscouragedPHPFunctions.obfuscation_base64_encode ], $headers, $this->current_image_path, 'image' ); if ( isset( $response->stats ) ) { Plugin::instance()->modules_manager->get_modules( 'connect-manager' )->connect_instance->update_usage_data( $response->stats ); } if ( ! isset( $response->imageKey ) || $image_key !== $response->imageKey ) { // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.ValidVariableName.UsedPropertyNotSnakeCase Logger::log( Logger::LEVEL_ERROR, "Image key must be $image_key, instead got $response->imageKey" ); throw new Image_Optimization_Error( esc_html__( 'Service response is incorrect', 'image-optimization' ) ); } $received_file_hash = md5( base64_decode( $response->image, true ) ); if ( ! isset( $response->checksum ) || $received_file_hash !== $response->checksum ) { Logger::log( Logger::LEVEL_ERROR, "Image key must be $response->checksum, instead calculated $received_file_hash" ); throw new Image_Optimization_Error( esc_html__( 'Service response is incorrect', 'image-optimization' ) ); } return $response; } /** * @throws File_System_Operation_Error|Image_Backup_Creation_Error|Image_File_Already_Exists_Error */ private function replace_image_file( string $file_data ): void { $path = $this->current_image_path; // If we have backups disabled, we want to make sure we can download and save new file before we // remove an existing one. $tmp_path = File_Utils::replace_extension( $path, 'tmp' ); File_System::put_contents( $tmp_path, $file_data ); if ( $this->image_conversion->is_enabled() ) { $converted_path = File_Utils::replace_extension( $tmp_path, $this->image_conversion->get_current_file_extension() ); $original_is_already_converted = strtolower( $path ) === strtolower( $converted_path ); if ( ! $original_is_already_converted && File_System::exists( $converted_path ) ) { throw new Image_File_Already_Exists_Error(); } // We want to keep both original as a fallback and optimized webp to prevent 404s if ( ! $original_is_already_converted ) { $this->keep_backups = true; ( new Image_Meta( $this->image->get_id() ) ) ->set_image_backup_path( $this->current_image_size, $this->current_image_path ) ->save(); } if ( $original_is_already_converted ) { Image_Backup::create( $this->image->get_id(), $this->current_image_size, $this->current_image_path ); } File_System::move( $tmp_path, $converted_path, true ); $path = $converted_path; } else { Image_Backup::create( $this->image->get_id(), $this->current_image_size, $this->current_image_path ); File_System::move( $tmp_path, $path, true ); } if ( Image::SIZE_FULL === $this->current_image_size ) { // Drop WP caches update_attached_file( $this->image->get_id(), $path ); } // Updating to the correct value $this->current_image_path = $path; } /** * Updates attachment records in the `wp_posts` table. * * @return void */ private function update_attachment_post( ?bool $is_fully_optimized = false ) { $update_query = []; if ( $this->image_conversion->is_enabled() && ! $is_fully_optimized ) { $attachment_object = $this->image->get_attachment_object(); $update_query['guid'] = File_Utils::replace_extension( $attachment_object->guid, $this->image_conversion->get_current_file_extension() ); $update_query['post_mime_type'] = $this->image_conversion->get_current_mime_type(); } $update_query['post_modified'] = current_time( 'mysql' ); $update_query['post_modified_gmt'] = current_time( 'mysql', true ); $this->image->update_attachment( $update_query ); } /** * Updates attachment records in the `wp_postmeta` table. * * @param int $optimized_size * @param bool|null $is_fully_optimized * * @return void */ private function update_attachment_meta( int $optimized_size, ?bool $is_fully_optimized = false ) { $meta = new Image_Meta( $this->image->get_id() ); $dimensions = Image_Dimensions::get_by_path( $this->current_image_path ); $sizes_to_update = [ $this->current_image_size, ...$this->current_size_duplicates ]; foreach ( $sizes_to_update as $size ) { $meta ->set_compression_level( Settings::get( Settings::COMPRESSION_LEVEL_OPTION_NAME ) ) ->add_optimized_size( $size ) ->add_original_data( $size, $this->wp_meta->get_size_data( $size ) ); $this->wp_meta ->set_width( $size, $dimensions->width ) ->set_height( $size, $dimensions->height ) ->set_file_size( $size, $optimized_size ); if ( $this->image_conversion->is_enabled() && ! $is_fully_optimized ) { $this->wp_meta ->set_file_path( $size, $this->current_image_path ) ->set_mime_type( $size, $this->image_conversion->get_current_mime_type() ); } } $meta->save(); $this->wp_meta->save(); } /** * If we change an image extension, we should walk through the wp_posts table and update all the * hardcoded image links to prevent 404s. * * @param string $old_path Previous image path * @param string $new_path Current image path * * @return void */ private function update_posts( string $old_path, string $new_path ) { Image_DB_Update::update_posts_table_urls( File_Utils::get_url_from_path( $old_path ), File_Utils::get_url_from_path( $new_path ) ); } /** * Changes image status after all image sizes were optimized. * * @return void */ private function mark_as_optimized() { ( new Image_Meta( $this->image->get_id() ) ) ->set_status( Image_Status::OPTIMIZED ) ->set_error_type( null ) ->save(); } /** * @throws Invalid_Image_Exception */ public function __construct( int $image_id, string $initiator, ?string $bulk_token = null, ?bool $is_reoptimize = false ) { $this->image = new Image( $image_id ); $this->wp_meta = new WP_Image_Meta( $image_id, $this->image ); $this->initiator = $initiator; $this->bulk_token = $bulk_token; $this->is_reoptimize = $is_reoptimize; $this->image_conversion = new Image_Conversion(); $this->keep_backups = Settings::get( Settings::BACKUP_ORIGINAL_IMAGES_OPTION_NAME ); } }
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