Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/elementor/modules/atomic-widgets/props-resolver/props-resolver.php
<?php namespace Elementor\Modules\AtomicWidgets\PropsResolver; use Elementor\Modules\AtomicWidgets\PropTypes\Prop_Type; use Exception; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; // Exit if accessed directly. } class Props_Resolver { /** * Each transformer can return a value that is also a transformable value, * which means that it can be transformed again by another transformer. * This constant defines the maximum depth of transformations to avoid infinite loops. */ const TRANSFORM_DEPTH_LIMIT = 3; const CONTEXT_SETTINGS = 'settings'; const CONTEXT_STYLES = 'styles'; /** * @var array<string, Props_Resolver> */ private static array $instances = []; private Transformers_Registry $transformers; private function __construct( Transformers_Registry $transformers ) { $this->transformers = $transformers; } public static function for_styles() { return self::instance( self::CONTEXT_STYLES ); } public static function for_settings() { return self::instance( self::CONTEXT_SETTINGS ); } private static function instance( string $context, bool $fresh = false ): self { if ( ! isset( self::$instances[ $context ] ) || $fresh ) { $registry = new Transformers_Registry(); do_action( "elementor/atomic-widgets/{$context}/transformers/register", $registry ); self::$instances[ $context ] = new self( $registry ); } return self::$instances[ $context ]; } public function resolve( array $schema, array $props ): array { $resolved_props = []; foreach ( $schema as $key => $prop_type ) { if ( ! ( $prop_type instanceof Prop_Type ) ) { continue; } if ( ! array_key_exists( $key, $props ) ) { $resolved_props[ $key ] = $prop_type->get_default(); continue; } $resolved_props[ $key ] = $props[ $key ]; // Merge the top-level defaults for transformable props. if ( $this->is_nested_transformable( $resolved_props[ $key ] ) && $this->is_nested_transformable( $prop_type->get_default() ) ) { $resolved_props[ $key ]['value'] = array_merge( $prop_type->get_default()['value'], $resolved_props[ $key ]['value'] ); } } return array_map( fn( $value ) => $this->transform( $value ), $resolved_props ); } private function transform( $value, int $depth = 0 ) { if ( ! $value || ! $this->is_transformable( $value ) ) { return $value; } if ( $depth >= self::TRANSFORM_DEPTH_LIMIT ) { return null; } if ( isset( $value['disabled'] ) && true === $value['disabled'] ) { return null; } // Transform nested transformable values recursively. if ( is_array( $value['value'] ) ) { $value['value'] = array_map( fn( $item ) => $this->transform( $item ), $value['value'] ); } $transformer = $this->transformers->get( $value['$$type'] ); if ( ! ( $transformer instanceof Transformer_Base ) ) { return null; } try { $transformed_value = $transformer->transform( $value['value'] ); return $this->transform( $transformed_value, $depth + 1 ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { return null; } } private function is_transformable( $value ): bool { return ( ! empty( $value['$$type'] ) && array_key_exists( 'value', $value ) ); } private function is_nested_transformable( $value ): bool { return ( $this->is_transformable( $value ) && is_array( $value['value'] ) ); } }
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