Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/plugins/cookie-law-info/lite/frontend/js/script.js
/** * WordPress localize object mapped to a constant. */ const _ckyStore = window._ckyConfig; const _ckyStyle = window._ckyStyles; _ckyStore._backupNodes = []; _ckyStore._resetConsentID = false; _ckyStore._bannerState = false; _ckyStore._preferenceOriginTag = false; window.cookieyes = window.cookieyes || {}; const ref = window.cookieyes; ref._ckyConsentStore = new Map(); ref._ckyGetCookieMap = function () { const cookieMap = {}; try { document.cookie.split(";").map((cookie) => { const [key, value] = cookie.split("="); if (!key) return; cookieMap[key.trim()] = value; }); } catch (error) { } return cookieMap; }; const currentCookieMap = ref._ckyGetCookieMap(); ref._ckyGetFromStore = function (key) { return ref._ckyConsentStore.get(key) || ""; }; ref._ckySetInStore = function (key, value) { ref._ckyConsentStore.set(key, value); let cookieStringArray = []; for (const [key, value] of ref._ckyConsentStore) { cookieStringArray.push(`${key}:${value}`); } const scriptExpiry = _ckyStore && _ckyStore._expiry ? _ckyStore._expiry : 365; ref._ckySetCookie( "cookieyes-consent", cookieStringArray.join(","), scriptExpiry ); }; const cookieyesConsentMap = (currentCookieMap["cookieyes-consent"] || "") .split(",") .reduce((prev, curr) => { if (!curr) return prev; const [key, value] = curr.split(":"); prev[key] = value; return prev; }, {}); ["consentid", "consent", "action"] .concat(_ckyStore._categories.map(({ slug }) => slug)) .map((item) => ref._ckyConsentStore.set(item, cookieyesConsentMap[item] || "") ); /** * Get the value of cookie by it's name. * * @param {string} name Name of the cookie * @returns {string} */ ref._ckyGetCookie = function (name) { const value = new RegExp(`${name}=([^;]+)`).exec(document.cookie); return value && Array.isArray(value) && value[1] ? unescape(value[1]) : null; } /** * Set a cookie on document.cookie object. * * @param {*} name Name of the cookie. * @param {*} value Value to be set. * @param {*} days Expiry in days. * @param {*} domain Cookie domain. */ ref._ckySetCookie = function (name, value, days = 0, domain = _ckyStore._rootDomain) { const date = new Date(); if (!!domain) { domain = `domain=${domain}`; } const toSetTime = days === 0 ? 0 : date.setTime(date.getTime() + days * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000); document.cookie = `${name}=${value}; expires=${new Date( toSetTime ).toUTCString()}; path=/;${domain}; SameSite=Strict;`; } function _ckySetConsentID() { const cookieyesID = ref._ckyGetFromStore("consentid"); if (cookieyesID) return; const consentID = ref._ckyRandomString(32); ref._ckySetInStore("consentid", consentID); _ckyStore._resetConsentID = true; } _revisitCkyConsent = function () { const type = _ckyGetType(); if (type === 'classic') { _ckyShowBanner(); } _ckySetPreferenceAction(); _ckyToggleRevisit(); }; /** * Search an element by it's data-cky-tag attribute * * @param {string} tag data-cky-tag of an element. * @returns {object} */ function _ckyGetElementByTag(tag) { const item = document.querySelector('[data-cky-tag=' + tag + ']'); return item ? item : false; } function _ckyEscapeRegex(literal) { return literal.replace(/[.*+?^${}()[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); } /** * Bind click event to banner elements. * * @param {string} tag data-cky-tag of the element * @param {function} fn callback function */ function _ckyAttachListener(selector, fn) { const item = _ckyFindElement(selector); item && item.addEventListener("click", fn); } function _ckyClassAdd() { return _ckyClassAction("add", ...arguments); } function _ckyClassRemove() { return _ckyClassAction("remove", ...arguments); } function _ckyClassToggle() { return _ckyClassAction("toggle", ...arguments); } function _ckyClassAction(action, selector, className, forParent = true) { const item = _ckyFindElement(selector, forParent); return item && item.classList[action](className); } function _ckyFindElement(selector, forParent) { let createdSelector = selector; switch (true) { case selector.startsWith("="): createdSelector = `[data-cky-tag="${selector.substring(1)}"]`; default: break; } const element = document.querySelector(createdSelector); if (!element || (forParent && !element.parentElement)) return null; return forParent ? element.parentElement : element; } /** * Remove an element from the DOM. * * @param {string} tag data-cky-tag of the element. */ function _ckyRemoveElement(tag) { const item = _ckyGetElementByTag(tag); item && item.remove(); } function _ckyFireEvent(responseCategories) { const consentUpdate = new CustomEvent("cookieyes_consent_update", { detail: responseCategories }); document.dispatchEvent(consentUpdate); } /** * Remove styles by it's id. */ function _ckyRemoveStyles() { const item = document.getElementById('cky-style-inline'); item && item.remove(); } /** * Generate a random string for logging purposes. * * @param {integer} length Length of the string to be generated. * @returns */ ref._ckyRandomString = function (length, allChars = true) { const chars = `${allChars ? `0123456789` : "" }ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz`; const response = []; for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) response.push(chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)]); if (!allChars) return response.join(""); return btoa(response.join("")).replace(/\=+$/, ""); } /** * Remove banner if necessary. */ function _ckyRemoveBanner() { _ckyHideBanner(); if (_ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.revisitConsent.status === true) { _ckyShowRevisit(); } } /** * Initialize the plugin front-end operations. * * @returns {boolean} */ function _ckyInitOperations() { _ckyAttachNoticeStyles(); _ckyAttachShortCodeStyles(); _ckyRenderBanner(); _ckySetShowMoreLess(); if (!ref._ckyGetFromStore("action") || _ckyPreviewEnabled()) { _ckyShowBanner(); _ckySetInitialState(); _ckySetConsentID(); } else { _ckyRemoveBanner(); } } function _ckyPreviewEnabled() { let params = (new URL(document.location)).searchParams; return params.get("cky_preview") && params.get("cky_preview") === 'true'; } function _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus(selector, forceDefault = null) { const element = _ckyFindElement(selector); if (!element) return; if (forceDefault) return element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", forceDefault); const toggleFinalValue = element.getAttribute("aria-expanded") === "true" ? "false" : "true"; element.setAttribute("aria-expanded", toggleFinalValue); } /** * Sets the initial state of the plugin. */ function _ckySetInitialState() { const activeLaw = _ckyGetLaw() ref._ckySetInStore("consent", "no"); const ccpaCheckBoxValue = _ckyFindCheckBoxValue(); const responseCategories = { accepted: [], rejected: [] }; let valueToSet = "yes"; for (const category of _ckyStore._categories) { if ( (activeLaw === "gdpr" && !category.isNecessary && !category.defaultConsent[activeLaw]) || (activeLaw === "ccpa" && ccpaCheckBoxValue && !category.defaultConsent.ccpa) ) { valueToSet = "no"; } if (valueToSet === "no") responseCategories.rejected.push(category.slug); else responseCategories.accepted.push(category.slug); ref._ckySetInStore(`${category.slug}`, valueToSet); } _ckyUnblock(); _ckyFireEvent(responseCategories); } /** * Add a class based on the banner type and position. Eg: 'cky-banner-top' * * @returns {boolean} */ function _ckyAddPositionClass() { const notice = _ckyGetElementByTag('notice'); if (!notice) return false; const container = notice.closest('.cky-consent-container'); if (!container) return false; const type = _ckyStore._bannerConfig.settings.type; let position = _ckyStore._bannerConfig.settings.position; let bannerType = type; if (bannerType === 'popup') { position = 'center'; } bannerType = (_ckyGetPtype() === "pushdown") ? 'classic' : bannerType; const noticeClass = `cky-${bannerType}-${position}`; container.classList.add(noticeClass); const revisitConsent = _ckyGetElementByTag('revisit-consent'); if (!revisitConsent) return false; const revisitPosition = 'cky-revisit-' + _ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.revisitConsent.position; revisitConsent.classList.add(revisitPosition); } /** * Add a class based on the preference center type and position. Eg: 'cky-sidebar-left' * * @returns {boolean} */ function _ckyAddPreferenceCenterClass(){ const detail = _ckyGetLaw() === 'ccpa' ? _ckyGetElementByTag("optout-popup") : _ckyGetElementByTag("detail"); if (!detail) return false; const modal = detail.closest('.cky-modal'); if (!modal) return false; if (_ckyGetPtype() !== "pushdown" && _ckyGetPtype() !== "popup"){ const pType = _ckyStore._bannerConfig.settings.preferenceCenterType; const modalClass = `cky-${pType}`; modal.classList.add(modalClass); } } /** * Initialize the plugin operations. */ async function _ckyInit() { try { _ckyInitOperations(); _ckyRemoveAllDeadCookies(); _ckyWatchBannerElement(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } } /** * Domready event, alternative to jQuery(document).ready() function * * @param {function} callback * @returns */ function _ckyDomReady(callback) { if (typeof document === 'undefined') { return; } if (document.readyState === 'complete' || /** DOMContentLoaded + Images/Styles/etc loaded, so we call directly. */ document.readyState === 'interactive' /** DOMContentLoaded fires at this point, so we call directly. */ ) { return void callback(); } /** DOMContentLoaded has not fired yet, delay callback until then. */ document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', callback); } /** * Callback function to Domready event. */ _ckyDomReady(async function () { try { await _ckyInit(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } }); /** * Register event handler for all the action elements. */ function _ckyRegisterListeners() { for (const { slug } of _ckyStore._categories) { _ckyAttachListener('detail-category-title', () => document .getElementById(`ckyCategory${slug}`) .classList.toggle("cky-tab-active") ); } _ckyAttachListener("=settings-button", () => _ckySetPreferenceAction('settings-button')); _ckyAttachListener("=detail-close", () => _ckyHidePreferenceCenter()); _ckyAttachListener("=optout-cancel-button", () => _ckyHidePreferenceCenter()); _ckyAttachListener("=close-button", () => _ckyActionClose()); _ckyAttachListener("=donotsell-button", () => _ckySetPreferenceAction('donotsell-button')); _ckyAttachListener("=reject-button", _ckyAcceptReject("reject")); _ckyAttachListener("=accept-button", _ckyAcceptReject("all")); _ckyAttachListener("=detail-accept-button", _ckyAcceptReject("all")); _ckyAttachListener("=detail-save-button", _ckyAcceptReject()); _ckyAttachListener("=detail-category-preview-save-button", _ckyAcceptReject()); _ckyAttachListener("=optout-confirm-button", _ckyAcceptReject()); _ckyAttachListener("=detail-reject-button", _ckyAcceptReject("reject")); _ckyAttachListener("=revisit-consent", () => _revisitCkyConsent()); _ckyAttachListener("=optout-close", () => _ckyHidePreferenceCenter()); } function _ckyAttachCategoryListeners() { if (!_ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.auditTable.status) return; const categoryNames = _ckyStore._categories.map(({ slug }) => slug); categoryNames.map((category) => { const selector = `#ckyDetailCategory${category}`; const accordionButtonSelector = `${selector} .cky-accordion-btn`; _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus(accordionButtonSelector, "false"); _ckyAttachListener(selector, ({ target: { id } }) => { if ( id === `ckySwitch${category}` || !_ckyClassToggle(selector, "cky-accordion-active", false) ) { _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus(accordionButtonSelector, "false"); return; } _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus(accordionButtonSelector, "true"); categoryNames .filter((categoryName) => categoryName !== category) .map(filteredName => { _ckyClassRemove( `#ckyDetailCategory${filteredName}`, "cky-accordion-active", false ); _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus( `#ckyDetailCategory${filteredName} .cky-accordion-btn`, "false" ); }); }); }); } /** * Add support for accordion tabs on the privacy overview screen. */ function _ckyInitiAccordionTabs() { document.querySelectorAll(".cky-accordion").forEach((item) => ( item.addEventListener('click', function (event) { if (event.target.type === 'checkbox') return; this.classList.toggle('cky-accordion-active'); }) )); } function _ckyToggleBanner(force = false) { const notice = _ckyGetElementByTag('notice'); const container = notice && notice.closest('.cky-consent-container') || false; if (container) { force === true ? container.classList.add('cky-hide') : container.classList.toggle('cky-hide'); } } function _ckyToggleRevisit(force = false) { const revisit = _ckyGetRevisit(); if (revisit) { force === true ? _ckyRevisitHide() : revisit.classList.toggle('cky-revisit-hide'); } } function _ckyGetLaw() { return _ckyStore._bannerConfig.settings.applicableLaw; } function _ckyGetType() { return _ckyStore._bannerConfig.settings.type; } function _ckyGetPtype(){ if (_ckyGetType() === 'classic') { return 'pushdown'; } return _ckyStore._bannerConfig.settings.preferenceCenterType; } function _ckyGetBanner() { const notice = _ckyGetElementByTag('notice'); const container = notice && notice.closest('.cky-consent-container') || false; return container && container || false; } function _ckyHideBanner() { const notice = _ckyGetBanner(); notice && notice.classList.add('cky-hide'); } function _ckyShowBanner() { const notice = _ckyGetBanner(); notice && notice.classList.remove('cky-hide'); } function _ckyHideOverLay() { const overlay = document.querySelector('.cky-overlay'); overlay && overlay.classList.add('cky-hide'); } function _ckyShowOverLay() { const overlay = document.querySelector('.cky-overlay'); overlay && overlay.classList.remove('cky-hide'); } function _ckyToggleOverLay() { const overlay = document.querySelector('.cky-overlay'); overlay && overlay.classList.toggle('cky-hide'); } function _ckyGetPreferenceCenter() { if (_ckyGetType() === 'classic') { return _ckyGetBanner(); } let element = _ckyGetLaw() === 'ccpa' ? _ckyGetElementByTag("optout-popup") : _ckyGetElementByTag("detail"); return element && element.closest('.cky-modal') || false; } function _ckyHidePreferenceCenter() { const element = _ckyGetPreferenceCenter(); element && element.classList.remove(_ckyGetPreferenceClass()); if (_ckyGetType() !== 'classic') { _ckyHideOverLay(); if (!ref._ckyGetFromStore("action")) _ckyShowBanner(); } else { _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus("=settings-button", "false"); _ckyClassRemove("=notice", "cky-consent-bar-expand"); } if (ref._ckyGetFromStore("action")) _ckyShowRevisit(); const origin = _ckyStore._preferenceOriginTag; origin && _ckySetFocus(origin) } function _ckyShowPreferenceCenter() { const element = _ckyGetPreferenceCenter(); element && element.classList.add(_ckyGetPreferenceClass()); if (_ckyGetType() !== 'classic') { _ckyShowOverLay(); _ckyHideBanner(); } else { _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus("=settings-button"); _ckyClassAdd("=notice", "cky-consent-bar-expand"); } } function _ckyTogglePreferenceCenter() { const element = _ckyGetPreferenceCenter(); element && element.classList.toggle(_ckyGetPreferenceClass()); if (_ckyGetPtype() !== 'pushdown') _ckyToggleOverLay(); } function _ckyGetPreferenceClass() { return _ckyGetPtype() === 'pushdown' ? 'cky-consent-bar-expand' : 'cky-modal-open'; } function _ckyGetRevisit() { const revisit = _ckyGetElementByTag('revisit-consent'); return revisit && revisit || false; } function _ckyHideRevisit() { const revisit = _ckyGetRevisit(); revisit && revisit.classList.add('cky-revisit-hide') } function _ckyShowRevisit() { const revisit = _ckyGetRevisit(); revisit && revisit.classList.remove('cky-revisit-hide') } function _ckySetPreferenceAction(tagName = false) { _ckyStore._preferenceOriginTag = tagName; if (_ckyGetType() === 'classic') { _ckyTogglePreferenceCenter(); _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus("=settings-button"); } else { _ckyShowPreferenceCenter(); } } function _ckyGetFocusableElements(element) { const wrapperElement = document.querySelector(`[data-cky-tag="${element}"]`); if (!wrapperElement) return []; const focussableElements = Array.from( wrapperElement.querySelectorAll( 'a:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), [tabindex]:not([disabled]):not([tabindex="-1"])' ) ).filter((element) => element.style.display !== "none"); if (focussableElements.length <= 0) return []; return [ focussableElements[0], focussableElements[focussableElements.length - 1], ]; } function _ckyLoopFocus() { const activeLaw = _ckyGetLaw(); const bannerType = _ckyGetType(); if (bannerType === "classic") return; if (bannerType === "popup") { const [firstElementBanner, lastElementBanner] = _ckyGetFocusableElements("notice"); _ckyAttachFocusLoop(firstElementBanner, lastElementBanner, true); _ckyAttachFocusLoop(lastElementBanner, firstElementBanner); } const [firstElementPopup, lastElementPopup] = _ckyGetFocusableElements( activeLaw === "ccpa" ? "optout-popup" : "detail" ); _ckyAttachFocusLoop(firstElementPopup, lastElementPopup, true); _ckyAttachFocusLoop(lastElementPopup, firstElementPopup); } function _ckyAttachFocusLoop(element, targetElement, isReverse = false) { if (!element || !targetElement) return; element.addEventListener("keydown", (event) => { if ( event.which !== 9 || (isReverse && !event.shiftKey) || (!isReverse && event.shiftKey) ) return; event.preventDefault(); targetElement.focus(); }); } /** * Replace footer shadow with current preference center background. * * @param {object} $doc Dom node. * @returns */ function _ckySetFooterShadow($doc) { const footer = $doc.querySelector('[data-cky-tag="detail"] .cky-footer-shadow'); const preference = $doc.querySelector('[data-cky-tag="detail"]'); if (!footer) return; const background = preference && preference.style.backgroundColor || '#ffffff'; footer.style.background = `linear-gradient(180deg, rgba(255, 255, 255, 0) 0%, ${background } 100%)`; } /** * Remove all the rejected cookies. * * @param {object} cookies Cookies list. */ function _ckyRemoveDeadCookies({ cookies }) { const currentCookieMap = ref._ckyGetCookieMap(); for (const { cookieID, domain } of cookies) if (currentCookieMap[cookieID]) [domain, ""].map((cookieDomain) => ref._ckySetCookie(cookieID, "", 0, cookieDomain) ); } function _ckySetPreferenceCheckBoxStates(revisit = false) { for (const category of _ckyStore._categories) { const cookieValue = ref._ckyGetFromStore(category.slug); const checked = cookieValue === "yes" || (!cookieValue && category.defaultConsent[_ckyGetLaw()]) || category.isNecessary; const disabled = category.isNecessary; const shortCodeData = _ckyStore._shortCodes.find( (code) => code.key === 'cky_category_toggle_label' ); const toggleTextFormatted = shortCodeData.content.replace( `[cky_preference_{{category_slug}}_title]`, category.name ); _ckySetCheckboxes( category, checked, disabled, toggleTextFormatted, revisit ); _ckySetPreferenceState(category); } } function _ckySetCheckboxes( category, checked, disabled, formattedLabel, revisit = false ) { const toggle = _ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.preferenceCenter.toggle; const activeColor = toggle.states.active.styles['background-color']; const inactiveColor = toggle.states.inactive.styles['background-color']; [`ckyCategoryDirect`, `ckySwitch`].map((key) => { const boxElem = document.getElementById(`${key}${category.slug}`); if (!boxElem) return; _ckySetCategoryToggle( boxElem, category, revisit); boxElem.checked = checked; boxElem.disabled = disabled; boxElem.style.backgroundColor = checked ? activeColor : inactiveColor; _ckySetCheckBoxAriaLabel(boxElem, checked, formattedLabel); if (revisit) return; boxElem.addEventListener("change", ({ currentTarget: elem }) => { const isChecked = elem.checked; elem.style.backgroundColor = isChecked ? activeColor : inactiveColor; _ckySetCheckBoxAriaLabel(boxElem, isChecked, formattedLabel); }); }); } function _ckySetCategoryToggle(element, category = {}, revisit = false) { if (revisit) return; if (element.parentElement.getAttribute('data-cky-tag') === 'detail-category-toggle') { _ckySetCategoryPreferenceToggle(element, category); } else if (element.parentElement.getAttribute('data-cky-tag') === 'detail-category-preview-toggle') { _ckySetCategoryPreview(element, category); } if(!category.isNecessary){ const categoryName = category.name; const categoryTitle = document.querySelector(`[data-cky-tag="detail-category-title"][aria-label="${categoryName}"]`); if(categoryTitle){ const toggleContainer = categoryTitle.closest('.cky-accordion-item'); const necessaryText = toggleContainer.querySelector('.cky-always-active'); necessaryText && necessaryText.remove(); } } } function _ckySetCategoryPreferenceToggle(element, category) { let toggleContainer = element.closest('.cky-accordion-item'); if (!toggleContainer) return; const toggleSwitch = toggleContainer.querySelector('.cky-switch'); if (category.isNecessary) { toggleSwitch && toggleSwitch.remove(); } else { if (_ckyGetType() === 'classic' && _ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.categoryPreview.status || (category.cookies && category.cookies.length === 0)) { toggleSwitch && toggleSwitch.remove(); } } } function _ckySetPreferenceState(category) { if (_ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.auditTable.status === false) { const tableElement = document.querySelector( `#ckyDetailCategory${category.slug} [data-cky-tag="audit-table"]` ); tableElement && tableElement.remove(); const chevronElement = document.querySelector( `#ckyDetailCategory${category.slug} .cky-accordion-chevron` ); chevronElement && chevronElement.classList.add("cky-accordion-chevron-hide"); } } function _ckySetCategoryPreview(element, category) { if ((category.cookies && category.cookies.length === 0) && !category.isNecessary) element.parentElement.parentElement.remove(); } function _ckySetCheckBoxAriaLabel(boxElem, isChecked, formattedLabel, isCCPA = false) { if (!boxElem) return; const keyName = isChecked ? "disable" : "enable"; const textCode = `cky_${keyName}_${isCCPA ? "optout" : "category"}_label`; const shortCodeData = _ckyStore._shortCodes.find( (code) => code.key === textCode ); if (!shortCodeData) return; const labelText = formattedLabel .replace(/{{status}}/g, keyName) .replace(`[${textCode}]`, shortCodeData.content); boxElem.setAttribute("aria-label", labelText); } /** * Render banner after processing. */ function _ckyRenderBanner() { const template = document.getElementById('ckyBannerTemplate'); const templateHtml = template.innerHTML; const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(templateHtml, 'text/html'); _ckySetFooterShadow(doc); document.body.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterbegin", doc.body.innerHTML ); if (_ckyGetType() === "classic") _ckyToggleAriaExpandStatus("=settings-button", "false"); _ckySetPreferenceCheckBoxStates(); _ckyAttachCategoryListeners(); _ckyRegisterListeners(); _ckySetCCPAOptions(); _ckySetPlaceHolder(); _ckyAttachReadMore(); _ckyRemoveStyles(); _ckyAddPositionClass(); _ckyAddRtlClass(); _ckySetPoweredBy(); _ckyLoopFocus(); _ckyAddPreferenceCenterClass(); } /** * Accept or reject the consent based on the option. * * @param {string} option Type of consent. * @returns {void} */ function _ckyAcceptReject(option = "custom") { return () => { _ckyAcceptCookies(option); _ckyRemoveBanner(); _ckyHidePreferenceCenter(); _ckyAfterConsent(); }; } function _ckyActionClose() { ref._ckySetInStore("action", "yes"); _ckyRemoveBanner(); } /** * Consent accept callback. * * @param {string} choice Type of consent. */ function _ckyAcceptCookies(choice = "all") { const activeLaw = _ckyGetLaw(); const ccpaCheckBoxValue = _ckyFindCheckBoxValue(); ref._ckySetInStore("action", "yes"); if (activeLaw === 'gdpr') { ref._ckySetInStore("consent", choice === "reject" ? "no" : "yes"); } else { ref._ckySetInStore("consent", ccpaCheckBoxValue ? "yes" : "no"); } const responseCategories = { accepted: [], rejected: [] }; for (const category of _ckyStore._categories) { let valueToSet = "no"; if (activeLaw === 'gdpr') { valueToSet = !category.isNecessary && (choice === "reject" || (choice === "custom" && !_ckyFindCheckBoxValue(category.slug))) ? "no" : "yes"; } else { valueToSet = ccpaCheckBoxValue && !category.defaultConsent.ccpa ? "no" : "yes"; } ref._ckySetInStore(`${category.slug}`, valueToSet); if (valueToSet === "no") { responseCategories.rejected.push(category.slug); _ckyRemoveDeadCookies(category); } else responseCategories.accepted.push(category.slug); } _ckyUnblock(); _ckyFireEvent(responseCategories); } function _ckySetShowMoreLess() { const activeLaw = _ckyGetLaw(); const showCode = _ckyStore._shortCodes.find( (code) => code.key === "cky_show_desc" ); const hideCode = _ckyStore._shortCodes.find( (code) => code.key === "cky_hide_desc" ); if (!showCode || !hideCode) return; const hideButtonContent = hideCode.content; const showButtonContent = showCode.content; const contentLimit = window.innerWidth < 376 ? 150 : 300; const element = document.querySelector( `[data-cky-tag="${activeLaw === "gdpr" ? "detail" : "optout"}-description"]` ); const content = element.textContent; if (content.length < contentLimit) return; const contentHTML = element.innerHTML; const htmlDoc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(contentHTML, "text/html"); const innerElements = htmlDoc.querySelectorAll("body > p"); if (innerElements.length <= 1) return; let strippedContent = ``; for (let index = 0; index < innerElements.length; index++) { if (index === innerElements.length - 1) return; const element = innerElements[index]; if (`${strippedContent}${element.outerHTML}`.length > contentLimit) element.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", `... ${showButtonContent}`); strippedContent = `${strippedContent}${element.outerHTML}`; if (strippedContent.length > contentLimit) break; } function showMoreHandler() { element.innerHTML = `${contentHTML}${hideButtonContent}`; _ckyAttachListener("=hide-desc-button", showLessHandler); } function showLessHandler() { element.innerHTML = strippedContent; _ckyAttachListener("=show-desc-button", showMoreHandler); } showLessHandler(); } /** * Toggle show more or less on click event. * * @param {object} object Object containing toggle buttons and texts. * @param {*} element Target element. */ function _ckyToggleMoreLess(object, element) { let { currentTarget, target } = element; if (target && target.tagName.toUpperCase() !== 'BUTTON') return; const ariaExpanded = currentTarget.getAttribute('aria-expanded'); const trimmed = ariaExpanded === 'false'; let btn = object.btnTrim; let text = object.originalText; if (!trimmed) { btn = object.btnExpand; text = object.truncatedText; } currentTarget.innerHTML = `${text}${btn}`; currentTarget.ariaExpanded = trimmed; } /** * Add styles to the shortcode HTML rendered outside of the banner. * * @returns {void} */ function _ckyAttachShortCodeStyles() { const shortCodes = _ckyStore._tags; Array.prototype.forEach.call(shortCodes, function (shortcode) { document.querySelectorAll('[data-cky-tag=' + shortcode.tag + ']').forEach(function (item) { let styles = ''; for (const key in shortcode.styles) { styles += `${key}: ${shortcode.styles[key]};`; } item.style.cssText = styles; }); }); } /** Script blocker Version 2 */ const _ckyCreateElementBackup = document.createElement; document.createElement = (...args) => { const createdElement = _ckyCreateElementBackup.call(document, ...args); if (createdElement.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "script") return createdElement; const originalSetAttribute = createdElement.setAttribute.bind(createdElement); Object.defineProperties(createdElement, { src: { get: function () { return createdElement.getAttribute("src"); }, set: function (value) { if (_ckyShouldChangeType(createdElement, value)) originalSetAttribute("type", "javascript/blocked"); originalSetAttribute("src", value); return true; }, }, type: { get: function () { return createdElement.getAttribute("type"); }, set: function (value) { value = _ckyShouldChangeType(createdElement) ? "javascript/blocked" : value; originalSetAttribute("type", value); return true; }, }, }); createdElement.setAttribute = (name, value) => { if (name === "type" || name === "src") return (createdElement[name] = value); originalSetAttribute(name, value); if (name === "data-cookieyes" && !_ckyShouldChangeType(createdElement)) originalSetAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); }; return createdElement; }; function _ckyMutationObserver(mutations) { for (const { addedNodes } of mutations) { for (const node of addedNodes) { if ( !node.src || !node.nodeName || !["script", "iframe"].includes(node.nodeName.toLowerCase()) ) continue; try { const urlToParse = node.src.startsWith("//") ? `${window.location.protocol}${node.src}` : node.src; const { hostname, pathname } = new URL(urlToParse); const cleanedHostname = _ckyCleanHostName(`${hostname}${pathname}`); _ckyAddProviderToList(node, cleanedHostname); if (!_ckyShouldBlockProvider(cleanedHostname)) continue; const uniqueID = ref._ckyRandomString(8, false); if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "iframe") _ckyAddPlaceholder(node, uniqueID); else { node.type = "javascript/blocked"; const scriptEventListener = function (event) { event.preventDefault(); node.removeEventListener( "beforescriptexecute", scriptEventListener ); }; node.addEventListener("beforescriptexecute", scriptEventListener); } const position = document.head.compareDocumentPosition(node) & Node.DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY ? "head" : "body"; node.remove(); _ckyStore._backupNodes.push({ position: position, node: node.cloneNode(), uniqueID, }); } catch (error) { } } } } function _ckyUnblock() { if (navigator.doNotTrack === 1) return; const ckyconsent = ref._ckyGetFromStore("consent"); if ( _ckyGetLaw() === "gdpr" && (!ckyconsent || ckyconsent !== "yes") ) return; _ckyStore._backupNodes = _ckyStore._backupNodes.filter( ({ position, node, uniqueID }) => { try { if (_ckyShouldBlockProvider(node.src)) return true; if (node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "script") { const scriptNode = document.createElement("script"); scriptNode.src = node.src; scriptNode.type = "text/javascript"; document[position].appendChild(scriptNode); } else { const frame = document.getElementById(uniqueID); if (!frame) return false; const iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = node.src; iframe.width = frame.offsetWidth; iframe.height = frame.offsetHeight; frame.parentNode.insertBefore(iframe, frame); frame.parentNode.removeChild(frame); } return false; } catch (error) { console.error(error); return false; } } ); } function _ckyClearListeners() { _nodeListObserver.disconnect(); document.createElement = _ckyCreateElementBackup; } function _ckyAddProviderToList(node, cleanedHostname) { const nodeCategory = node.hasAttribute("data-cookieyes") && node.getAttribute("data-cookieyes"); if (!nodeCategory) return; const categoryName = nodeCategory.replace("cookieyes-", ""); for (const category of _ckyStore._categories) if (category.isNecessary && category.slug === categoryName) return; const provider = _ckyStore._providersToBlock.find( ({ re }) => re === cleanedHostname ); if (!provider) _ckyStore._providersToBlock.push({ re: cleanedHostname, categories: [categoryName], fullPath: false, }); else if (!provider.isOverridden) { provider.categories = [categoryName]; provider.isOverridden = true; } else if (!provider.categories.includes(categoryName)) provider.categories.push(categoryName); } const _nodeListObserver = new MutationObserver(_ckyMutationObserver); _nodeListObserver.observe(document.documentElement, { childList: true, subtree: true, }); function _ckyCleanHostName(name) { return name.replace(/^www./, ""); } function _ckyIsCategoryToBeBlocked(category) { const cookieValue = ref._ckyGetFromStore(category); return ( cookieValue === "no" || (!cookieValue && _ckyStore._categories.some( (cat) => cat.slug === category && !cat.isNecessary )) ); } function _ckyShouldBlockProvider(formattedRE) { const provider = _ckyStore._providersToBlock.find(({ re }) => new RegExp(_ckyEscapeRegex(re)).test(formattedRE) ); return ( provider && provider.categories.some((category) => _ckyIsCategoryToBeBlocked(category)) ); } function _ckyShouldChangeType(element, src) { return ( (element.hasAttribute("data-cookieyes") && _ckyIsCategoryToBeBlocked( element.getAttribute("data-cookieyes").replace("cookieyes-", "") )) || _ckyShouldBlockProvider(src ? src : element.src) ); } /** * Add readmore button to consent notice. * * @returns void */ function _ckyAttachReadMore() { const readMoreButton = _ckyStore._shortCodes.find( (code) => code.key === "cky_readmore" ); if (!readMoreButton.status) return; const content = readMoreButton.content; const styles = _ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.readMore.styles; const readMoreElement = document.querySelector( '[data-cky-tag="description"]' ); if (!readMoreElement) return; if (readMoreElement.childNodes.length > 1) { const innerElement = document.querySelector( '[data-cky-tag="description"] p:last-child' ); innerElement && innerElement.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", ` ${content}` ); } else { readMoreElement.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", ` ${content}` ); } const placeHolders = document.querySelectorAll( `[data-cky-tag="readmore-button"]` ); if (placeHolders.length < 1) return; Array.from(placeHolders).forEach((placeHolder) => { for (const style in styles) { if (!styles[style]) continue; placeHolder.style[style] = styles[style]; } }); } function _ckyAfterConsent() { if (_ckyGetLaw() === 'gdpr') _ckySetPreferenceCheckBoxStates(true); if (_ckyStore._bannerConfig.behaviours.reloadBannerOnAccept === true) { window.location.reload(); } } function _ckyAttachNoticeStyles() { if (document.getElementById("cky-style") || !_ckyStyle) return; document.head.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", ` <style id="cky-style">${_ckyStyle.css}</style>` ); } function _ckyFindCheckBoxValue(id = "") { const elementsToCheck = id ? [`ckySwitch`, `ckyCategoryDirect`] : [`ckyCCPAOptOut`]; return elementsToCheck.some((key) => { const checkBox = document.getElementById(`${key}${id}`); return checkBox && checkBox.checked; }); } function _ckyAddPlaceholder(htmlElm, uniqueID) { const shortCodeData = _ckyStore._shortCodes.find( (code) => code.key === 'cky_video_placeholder' ); const videoPlaceHolderDataCode = shortCodeData.content; const { offsetWidth, offsetHeight } = htmlElm; if (offsetWidth === 0 || offsetHeight === 0) return; htmlElm.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforebegin", `${videoPlaceHolderDataCode}`.replace("[UNIQUEID]", uniqueID) ); const addedNode = document.getElementById(uniqueID); addedNode.style.width = `${offsetWidth}px`; addedNode.style.height = `${offsetHeight}px`; const innerTextElement = document.querySelector( `#${uniqueID} .video-placeholder-text-normal` ); innerTextElement.style.display = "none"; const youtubeID = _ckyGetYoutubeID(htmlElm.src); if (!youtubeID) return; addedNode.classList.replace( "video-placeholder-normal", "video-placeholder-youtube" ); addedNode.style.backgroundImage = `linear-gradient(rgba(76,72,72,.7),rgba(76,72,72,.7)),url('https://img.youtube.com/vi/${youtubeID}/maxresdefault.jpg')`; innerTextElement.classList.replace( "video-placeholder-text-normal", "video-placeholder-text-youtube" ); } function _ckyGetYoutubeID(src) { const match = src.match( /^.*(youtu\.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/ ); if (match && Array.isArray(match) && match[2] && match[2].length === 11) return match[2]; return false; } function _ckySetPlaceHolder() { const status = _ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.videoPlaceholder.status; const styles = _ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.videoPlaceholder.styles; if (!status) return; if (!status) return; const placeHolders = document.querySelectorAll( `[data-cky-tag="placeholder-title"]` ); if (placeHolders.length < 1) return; Array.from(placeHolders).forEach((placeHolder) => { placeHolder.style.display = "block"; placeHolder.addEventListener("click", () => { if (ref._ckyGetFromStore("action")) _revisitCkyConsent(); }); for (const style in styles) { if (!styles[style]) continue; placeHolder.style[style] = styles[style]; } }); } function _ckyAddRtlClass() { if (!_ckyStore._rtl) return; const rtlElements = ['notice', 'detail', 'optout-popup', 'revisit-consent', 'video-placeholder'] rtlElements.forEach(function (item) { _ckyGetElementByTag(item) && _ckyGetElementByTag(item).classList.add('cky-rtl'); }); } function _ckySetFocus(tagName) { const element = _ckyGetElementByTag(tagName); if (!element) return; element.focus(); } function _ckySetPoweredBy() { let position = 'flex-end'; ['detail-powered-by', 'optout-powered-by'].map((key) => { const element = document.querySelector( `[data-cky-tag="${key}"]` ); if (!element) return; element.style.display = "flex"; element.style.justifyContent = position; element.style.alignItems = "center"; }); } function _ckyWatchBannerElement() { document.querySelector("body").addEventListener("click", (event) => { const selector = ".cky-banner-element, .cky-banner-element *"; if ( event.target.matches ? event.target.matches(selector) : event.target.msMatchesSelector(selector) ) _revisitCkyConsent(); }); } function _ckyRemoveAllDeadCookies() { for (const category of _ckyStore._categories) { if (ref._ckyGetFromStore(category.slug) !== "yes") _ckyRemoveDeadCookies(category); } } function _ckySetCCPAOptions() { const toggle = _ckyStore._bannerConfig.config.optOption.toggle; const activeColor = toggle.states.active.styles['background-color']; const inactiveColor = toggle.states.inactive.styles['background-color']; _ckyClassRemove("=optout-option", "cky-disabled", false); const toggleDataCode = _ckyStore._shortCodes.find( (code) => code.key === "cky_optout_toggle_label" ); const optOutTitle = _ckyStore._shortCodes.find( (code) => code.key === "cky_optout_option_title" ); const formattedLabel = toggleDataCode.content.replace( `[cky_optout_option_title]`, optOutTitle.content ); const checked = ref._ckyGetFromStore("consent") === "yes"; _ckySetCheckBoxInfo( document.getElementById(`ckyCCPAOptOut`), formattedLabel, { checked, disabled: false, addListeners: true, }, { activeColor, inactiveColor }, true ); } function _ckySetCheckBoxInfo( boxElem, formattedLabel, { checked, disabled, addListeners }, { activeColor, inactiveColor }, isCCPA = false ) { if (!boxElem) return; if (isCCPA && addListeners) _ckyAttachListener("=optout-option-title", () => boxElem.click()); boxElem.checked = checked; boxElem.disabled = disabled; boxElem.style.backgroundColor = checked ? activeColor : inactiveColor; _ckySetCheckBoxAriaLabel(boxElem, checked, formattedLabel, isCCPA); if (!addListeners) return; boxElem.addEventListener("change", ({ currentTarget: elem }) => { const isChecked = elem.checked; elem.style.backgroundColor = isChecked ? activeColor : inactiveColor; _ckySetCheckBoxAriaLabel(boxElem, isChecked, formattedLabel, isCCPA); }); } window.revisitCkyConsent = () => _revisitCkyConsent(); window.getCkyConsent = function () { const cookieConsent = { activeLaw: "", categories: {}, isUserActionCompleted: false, consentID: "", languageCode: "" }; try { cookieConsent.activeLaw = _ckyGetLaw(); _ckyStore._categories.forEach(category => { cookieConsent.categories[category.slug] = ref._ckyGetFromStore(category.slug) === "yes"; }); cookieConsent.isUserActionCompleted = ref._ckyGetFromStore("action") === "yes"; cookieConsent.consentID = ref._ckyGetFromStore("consentid") || ""; cookieConsent.languageCode = _ckyStore._language || ""; } catch (e) {} return cookieConsent; };
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.24 | Генерация страницы: 0 |