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Fleckenstein\'s evocative imagery, Strand\'s groundbreaking modernist approach, and Kōno\'s meticulous documentation of Japanese life come together in a harmonious blend that celebrates the art of photography.'=>'这本精美的合集展示了一系列不同的摄影作品,捕捉了不同时代和文化的精髓,反映了每位艺术家的唯一样式和视角。弗莱肯斯坦令人回味的图像、斯特兰德开创性的现代主义手法,以及光野对日本生活细致入微的记录,三者和谐地融为一体,共同颂扬了摄影艺术。','Question in the FAQs pattern.What is The Stories Book about?'=>'《故事集》讲述了什么?','Heading of the FAQs pattern.Frequently Asked Questions'=>'常见问题','Pattern descriptionA FAQs section with a FAQ heading and list of toggle questions and answers.'=>'常问问题部分包含一个常问问题标题和列表,可切换问题和答案。','Pattern titleFAQs'=>'常问问题','Alt text for testimonial image.Picture of a person typing on a typewriter.'=>'一个人在打字机上打字的图片。','Testimonial heading.What people are saying'=>'人们的评价','Pattern descriptionA testimonial with a large image on the right.'=>'右边带有大图片的推荐。','Pattern titleReview with large image on right'=>'右边带有大图片的评论','Testimonial section heading.What people are saying'=>'人们的评价','Pattern descriptionA section with three columns and two rows, each containing a testimonial and citation.'=>'三栏两行的版面,每行包含推荐和引文。','Pattern title3 column layout with 6 testimonials'=>'3 栏布局,包含 6 篇推荐文章','Sample testimonial citation.Otto Reid <br><sub>Springfield, IL</sub>'=>'奥托-里德 <br><sub>伊利诺伊州斯普林菲尔德</sub>','Sample testimonial.“Amazing quality and care. I love all your products.”'=>'「令人惊叹的质量和关怀。我喜欢你们的所有产品。」','Sample testimonial citation.Jo Mulligan <br /><sub>Atlanta, GA</sub>'=>'乔-穆里根<br /><sub>亚特兰大,佐治亚州</sub>','Sample testimonial.“Superb product and customer service!”'=>'「一流的产品和客户服务!」','Alt text for testimonial image.Picture of a person'=>'人物图片','Pattern descriptionTwo columns with testimonials and avatars.'=>'两栏推荐和头像。','Pattern title2 columns with avatar'=>'带头像的 2 栏','Pattern titleRight-aligned single post'=>'右对齐的单篇文章','Pattern titleText-only blog, single post'=>'纯文字博客,单篇文章','Next Photo'=>'下一张照片','Previous Photo'=>'上一张照片','Prefix before one or more tags. The tags are displayed in a separate block on the next line.Tagged:'=>'已标记:','Prefix before one or more categories. The categories are displayed in a separate block on the next line.Categories:'=>'分类:','Prefix before the author name. The post author name is displayed in a separate block on the next line.Posted by'=>'发布者','Pattern titlePhoto blog single post'=>'照片博客单篇文章','Prefix before the post date block.Published on'=>'发表于','Pattern titleOffset post without featured image'=>'无特色图片的偏移文章','Pattern titleNews blog single post with sidebar'=>'带侧边栏的新闻博客单篇文章','Separator between date and categories.·'=>'·','Prefix before the author name. The post author name is displayed in a separate block.by'=>'由','Pattern titlePost with left-aligned content'=>'带左对齐内容的文章','Pattern titleRight-aligned blog, search'=>'右对齐博客,搜索','Pattern titleText-only blog, search'=>'纯文字博客,搜索','Pattern titlePhoto blog search results'=>'照片博客搜索结果','Pattern titleNews blog search results'=>'新闻博客搜索结果','Pattern descriptionA list of posts, 1 column, with featured image and post date.'=>'一个列表文章,1 栏,有特色图片和文章日期。','Pattern titleList of posts, 1 column'=>'职位列表,1 栏','Message explaining that there are no results returned from a searchSorry, but nothing was found. Please try a search with different keywords.'=>'很抱歉,没有找到任何结果。请尝试使用不同的关键字进行搜索。','Pattern titleRight-aligned posts'=>'右对齐文章','Pattern titleText-only blog, posts'=>'纯文字博客,文章','Pattern descriptionA list of posts, 3 columns, with only featured images.'=>'一个列表文章,3 栏,只有精选图片。','Pattern titlePhoto blog posts'=>'图片博客文章','Older Posts'=>'旧文章','Newer Posts'=>'较新文章','Prefix before the author name. The post author name is displayed in a separate block.Written by'=>'作者','Pattern titleNews blog query loop'=>'新闻博客查询循环','Pattern titlePage template for the right-aligned blog'=>'右对齐博客的页面模板','Pattern titlePhoto blog page'=>'照片博客页面','Separator between date and categories·'=>'·','The Latest'=>'最新','Pattern titleNews blog with sidebar'=>'新闻博客侧边栏','Pattern titleHomepage for right-aligned blog'=>'右对齐博客首页','Pattern titleText-only blog, home'=>'纯文字博客首页','Architecture'=>'建筑','Pattern titleNews blog with featured posts grid'=>'新闻博客文章精选网格','Pattern titlePhoto blog home'=>'图片博客首页','Pattern titleNews blog home'=>'新闻博客首页','Pattern titleArchive for the right-aligned blog'=>'右对齐博客存档','Pattern titleText-only blog, archive'=>'纯文字博客归档','Pattern titlePhoto blog archive'=>'图片博客归档','Pattern titleNews blog archive'=>'新闻博客归档','Pattern titleRight-aligned blog, 404'=>'右对齐博客,404','Man in hat, standing in front of a building.'=>'戴帽子的男子,站在建筑物前。','Picture of a person typing on a typewriter.'=>'一个人在打字机上打字的图片。','Portrait of a nurse'=>'护士肖像','Our small team is a group of driven, detail-oriented people who are passionate about their customers.'=>'我们的小团队由一群积极进取、注重细节、对客户充满热情的人组成。','Pattern descriptionDisplay team photos in a services section with grid layout.'=>'在网格布局的服务版块中展示团队照片。','Pattern titleServices, team photos'=>'服务、团队照片','Smartphones capturing a scenic wildflower meadow with trees'=>'用智能手机拍摄风景优美的野花草地和树木','View plans'=>'查看计划','Join our IRL event.'=>'加入我们的 IRL 事件。','Subscribe to get unlimited access'=>'订阅即可无限制访问','Pattern descriptionA subscriber-only section highlighting exclusive services and offerings.'=>'订阅者专区,重点介绍独家服务和产品。','Pattern titleServices, subscriber only section'=>'服务,订阅者专区','Deliver'=>'交付','Assemble'=>'组合','Like flowers that bloom in unexpected places, every story unfolds with beauty and resilience'=>'就像花朵在意想不到的地方绽放,每个故事都在美丽和坚韧中展开','Collect'=>'收集','Image for service'=>'服务图片','Our services'=>'我们的服务','Pattern descriptionThree columns with images and text to showcase services.'=>'三栏图片和文字展示服务。','Pattern titleServices, 3 columns'=>'服务,3 栏','40€'=>'40€','Get access to our paid newsletter and an unlimited pass.'=>'获得我们的付费时事通讯和无限通行证。','Name of membership package.Expert'=>'专家','Month'=>'月','20€'=>'20€','Get access to our paid newsletter and a limited pass for one event.'=>'获取我们的付费时事通讯和一个事件的有限通行证。','Get access to our free articles and weekly newsletter.'=>'获取我们的免费文章和每周时事通讯。','Choose your membership'=>'选择您的会员资格','Pattern descriptionA three-column boxed pricing table designed to showcase services, descriptions, and pricing options.'=>'三栏式定价表,用于展示服务、描述和定价选项。','Pattern titlePricing, 3 columns'=>'定价,3 栏','20€/month'=>'20€ /月','Name of membership package.Single'=>'单个','Button text, refers to joining a community. Verb.Join'=>'加入','Join our forums.'=>'加入我们的论坛。','An elegant addition of home decor collection.'=>'为家居装饰系列增添一份优雅。','Get a free tote bag.'=>'免费获得一个手提袋。','Join our IRL events.'=>'加入我们的 IRL 事件。','Get access to our paid articles and weekly newsletter.'=>'获取我们的付费文章和每周时事通讯。','0€'=>'0€','Free'=>'免费','Cancel or pause anytime.'=>'随时取消或暂停。','Pricing'=>'定价','Pattern descriptionPricing section with two columns, pricing plan, description, and call-to-action buttons.'=>'定价部分有两栏,包括定价计划、说明和「按钮动作」。','Pattern titlePricing, 2 columns'=>'定价,两栏','Post navigation'=>'文章导航','Pattern descriptionNext and previous post links.'=>'下一页和上一页文章链接。','Pattern titlePost navigation'=>'文章导航','Pattern descriptionA shop homepage pattern.'=>'商店主页样板。','Pattern titleShop homepage'=>'商店主页','Phone number.+1 555 349 1806'=>'+1 555 349 1806','email@example.com'=>'email@example.com','My name is Anna Möller and these are some of my photo projects.'=>'我叫安娜-莫勒(Anna Möller),这些是我的一些照片项目。','Pattern descriptionA portfolio homepage pattern.'=>'作品集主页样板。','Pattern titlePortfolio homepage'=>'作品集主页','I’m Asahachi Kōno, a Japanese photographer, a member of Los Angeles’s Japanese Camera Pictorialists of California. Before returning to Japan, I worked as a photo retoucher.'=>'我是 Asahachi Kōno,一名日本摄影师,洛杉矶加利福尼亚日本相机画报摄影师协会会员。回国前,我是一名照片修图师。','Black and white photo focusing on a woman and a child from afar.'=>'黑白照片,从远处聚焦一个女人和一个孩子。','Pattern descriptionA full-width, full-height link in bio section with an image, a paragraph and social links.'=>'带有图像、段落和社交链接的全宽、全高链接的个人简介部分','Pattern titleLink in bio with tight margins'=>'生物链接中的紧边距','Pattern placeholder text.I’m Nora, a dedicated public interest attorney based in Denver. I’m a graduate of Stanford University.'=>'我是诺拉(Nora),丹佛的一名专职公益律师。我毕业于斯坦福大学。','Nora Winslow Keene'=>'诺拉-温斯洛-基恩','Pattern descriptionA link in bio landing page with social links, a profile photo and a brief description.'=>'包含社交链接、个人资料照片和简短描述的个人简介着陆页链接。','Pattern titleLink in bio with profile, links and wide margins'=>'个人简介中的链接,带有简介、链接和宽边距','Photo of a woman worker.'=>'一位女工的照片。','Lewis W. Hine studied sociology before moving to New York in 1901 to work at the Ethical Culture School, where he took up photography to enhance his teaching practices'=>'刘易斯-W-海涅曾学习社会学,1901 年移居纽约,在伦理文化学校工作,并在那里学习摄影以提高教学水平。','Lewis Hine'=>'刘易斯-海涅','Pattern descriptionA link in bio landing page with a heading, paragraph, links and a full height image.'=>'带有标题、段落、链接和全高图片的个人简介着陆页链接。','Pattern titleLink in bio heading, paragraph, links and full-height image'=>'个人简介标题、段落、链接和全高图像中的链接','Pattern descriptionA landing page for the podcast with a hero section, description, logos, grid with videos and newsletter signup.'=>'包含主人公部分、描述、徽标、带视频的网格和时事通讯注册的播客着陆页面。','Pattern titleLanding page for podcast'=>'播客着陆页面','Pattern descriptionA landing page for the event with a hero section, description, FAQs and call to action.'=>'活动着陆页面,包括主人公部分、说明、常见问题和行动号召。','Pattern titleLanding page for event'=>'活动着陆页面','Pattern descriptionA landing page for the book with a hero section, pre-order links, locations, FAQs and newsletter signup.'=>'该书的着陆页面,包括主人公部分、预购链接、地点、常问问题和电子报订阅。','Pattern titleLanding page for book'=>'图书着陆页面','Link to a page with information about what the person is working on right now.Now'=>'现在','LinkedIn'=>'链接','Woman on beach, splashing water.'=>'海滩上的女子,水花四溅。','Pattern placeholder text.My name is Nora Winslow Keene, and I’m a committed public interest attorney. Living in Denver, Colorado, I’ve spent years championing the rights of underrepresented workers. A graduate of Stanford University, I played a key role in securing critical protections for agricultural laborers, ensuring better wages and access to healthcare. My work has focused on advocating for environmental justice and improving the quality of life for rural communities. Every case I take on is driven by the belief that everyone deserves dignity and fair treatment in the workplace.'=>'我叫诺拉-温斯洛-基恩(Nora Winslow Keene),是一名坚定的公益律师。我居住在科罗拉多州丹佛市,多年来一直致力于维护代表性不足的工人的权利。我毕业于斯坦福大学,在为农业工人争取关键保护、确保提高工资和获得医疗保健方面发挥了关键作用。我的工作重点是倡导环境正义和改善农村社区的生活质量。我接手的每一个案件都是出于这样一个信念:每个人都应该在工作场所获得尊严和公平待遇。','Example heading in pattern.Hey,'=>'嘿,','Pattern descriptionA pattern for a CV/Bio landing page.'=>'简历 / 生物着陆页面的样板。','Pattern titleCV/bio'=>'简历 / 简介','Subscribe to get notified when our website is ready.'=>'订阅,以便在我们的网站准备就绪时收到通知。','Something great is coming soon'=>'精彩即将呈现','Event'=>'事件','Pattern descriptionA full-width cover banner that can be applied to a page or it can work as a single landing page.'=>'一个完整的宽度封面横幅,可以申请成为一个页面,也可以作为一个单独的着陆页面。','Pattern titleComing soon'=>'即将推出','Pattern descriptionA business homepage pattern.'=>'企业主页样板。','Pattern titleBusiness homepage'=>'企业主页','Pattern descriptionA section with overlapping images, and a description.'=>'带有重叠图片和说明的部分。','Pattern titleOverlapping images and paragraph on right'=>'重叠的图片和右侧的段落','More posts'=>'更多文章','Pattern descriptionDisplays a list of posts with title and date.'=>'显示带有标题和日期的标题列表。','Pattern titleMore posts'=>'更多文章','Close up of two flowers on a dark background.'=>'深色背景上两朵花的特写。','Portrait of an African Woman dressed in traditional costume, wearing decorative jewelry.'=>'身着传统服装、佩戴装饰珠宝的非洲妇女肖像。','Profile portrait of a native person.'=>'一个当地人的侧面肖像。','Example username for social media account.@example'=>'@ 示例','Pattern descriptionA grid section with photos and a link to an Instagram profile.'=>'带有照片的网格部分和 Instagram 个人资料的链接。','Pattern titleInstagram grid'=>'Instagram 网格','The Stories Podcast is sponsored by'=>'故事播客由以下赞助商赞助','Pattern descriptionShowcasing the podcast\'s clients with a heading and a series of client logos.'=>'用标题和一系列客户 Logos 展示播客的客户。','Pattern titleLogos'=>'Logos','in'=>'在','Written by '=>'作者:','Pattern titleWritten by'=>'作者','Message explaining that there are no results returned from a search.Sorry, but nothing was found. Please try a search with different keywords.'=>'抱歉,未找到任何内容。请尝试使用不同的关键字进行搜索。','Add text or blocks that will display when a query returns no results.'=>'添加查询无结果时显示的文本或区块。','Other Posts'=>'其他文章','Pattern titleSidebar'=>'侧边栏','Button text. Verb.Search'=>'搜索','Search input field placeholder textType here...'=>'在此输入...','Pattern titleSearch'=>'搜索','Pattern descriptionHidden heading for the home page and index template.'=>'隐藏首页标题和索引模板。','Pattern titleHidden blog heading'=>'隐藏的博客标题','404 error messageThe page you are looking for doesn\'t exist, or it has been moved. Please try searching using the form below.'=>'您要查找的页面不存在,或已被移动。请尝试使用下面的表格进行搜索。','404 error messagePage not found'=>'页面未找到','image descriptionSmall totara tree on ridge above Long Point'=>'长角山脊上的小图塔拉树','Pattern title404'=>'404','Button textRSS'=>'RSS','Button textPocket Casts'=>'袖珍播放器','Button textSpotify'=>'Spotify','Button textApple Podcasts'=>'苹果播客','Button textYoutube'=>'Youtube','Subscribe on your favorite platform'=>'在您喜欢的平台上订阅','Podcast descriptionStorytelling, expert analysis, and vivid descriptions. The Stories Podcast brings history to life, making it accessible and engaging for a global audience.'=>'故事讲述、专家分析和生动描述。故事播客将历史变得栩栩如生,让全球受众都能了解历史、参与历史。','The Stories Podcast'=>'故事播客','Alt text for hero image.Picture of a person'=>'人物图片','Pattern titleHero podcast'=>'主人公播客','Book Image'=>'图书图片','Hero - Overlapped book cover pattern subline textA fine collection of moments in time featuring photographs from Louis Fleckenstein, Paul Strand and Asahachi Kōno.'=>'这本精美的时光集收录了 Louis Fleckenstein 、 Paul Strand 和 Asahachi Kōno 的摄影作品。','Hero - Overlapped book cover pattern headline textThe Stories Book'=>'《故事集》','Pattern descriptionA hero with an overlapped book cover and links.'=>'一个拥有重叠书皮和链接的主人公。','Pattern titleHero, overlapped book cover with links'=>'主人公,带链接的重叠书皮','Sample hero buttonLearn More'=>'了解更多','Sample hero paragraphLike flowers that bloom in unexpected places, every story unfolds with beauty and resilience, revealing hidden wonders.'=>'就像花朵在意想不到的地方绽放,每个故事都以美丽和坚韧的姿态展开,展现出不为人知的奇迹。','Sample hero headingTell your story'=>'讲述您的故事','Alt text for cover image.Picture of a flower'=>'花朵图片','Pattern descriptionA hero with a full width image, heading, short paragraph and button.'=>'一个带有全宽图片、标题、简短段落和按钮的主人公。','Pattern titleHero, full width image'=>'Hero, full 宽度图片','CTA text of the hero section.Available for pre-order now.'=>'现已接受预订。','Content of the hero section.A fine collection of moments in time featuring photographs from Louis Fleckenstein, Paul Strand and Asahachi Kōno.'=>'路易斯-弗莱肯施泰因、保罗-斯特兰德和浅八光之的摄影作品,展现了时间的精彩瞬间。','Heading of the hero section.The Stories Book'=>'《故事集》','Image of the book'=>'本书图片','Pattern descriptionA hero section for the book with a description and pre-order link.'=>'本书的主人公部分,附有说明和预购链接。','Pattern titleHero book'=>'主人公之书','Alt text for Overview picture.Cliff Palace, Colorado'=>'科罗拉多州悬崖宫殿','Event Overview Text.Held over a weekend, the event is structured around a series of exhibitions, workshops, and panel discussions. The exhibitions showcase a curated selection of photographs that tell compelling stories from various corners of the globe, each image accompanied by detailed narratives that provide context and deeper insight into the historical significance of the scenes depicted. These photographs are drawn from the archives of renowned photographers, as well as emerging talents, ensuring a blend of both classical and contemporary perspectives.'=>'活动在周末举行,围绕一系列展览、研讨会和小组讨论展开。展览展示了经过精心策划的精选摄影作品,这些作品讲述了来自世界各个角落的引人入胜的故事,每张图片都配有详细的解说,提供了背景资料,让人们更深入地了解所描绘场景的历史意义。这些照片来自知名摄影师和新秀的档案,确保了古典和现代视角的融合。','About the event'=>'关于活动','Pattern descriptionA two-column section with a heading and paragraph on the left, and an image on the right.'=>'标题和段落位于左侧,图片位于右侧。','Pattern titleHeading and paragraph with image on the right'=>'标题和段落右侧有图片','Pattern descriptionHeader with site title and navigation.'=>'标题带网站标题和导航。','Pattern titleHeader'=>'标题','Pattern descriptionHeader with large site title and right-aligned navigation.'=>'带有大标题的标题和右对齐导航。','Pattern titleHeader with large title'=>'带大标题的页眉','Pattern descriptionHeader with site title and navigation in columns.'=>'带网站标题和分栏导航的页眉。','Pattern titleHeader with columns'=>'带列的页眉','Pattern descriptionHeader with centered site title and navigation.'=>'标题居中的标题和导航。','Pattern titleCentered header'=>'居中标题','Sunflowers'=>'向日葵','Cactus'=>'仙人掌','Anthuriums'=>'红掌','Write title…'=>'撰写标题...','Close up of a red anthurium.'=>'红掌特写','Top Categories'=>'顶级分类','Pattern descriptionA grid section with different categories.'=>'带有不同分类的网格部分。','Pattern titleGrid with categories'=>'带有分类的网格','Podcast'=>'播客','Explore the episodes'=>'探索剧集','Pattern descriptionA grid with videos.'=>'带视频的网格','Pattern titleGrid with videos'=>'带视频的网格','https://example.com'=>'https://example.com','The Stories Book, a fine collection of moments in time featuring photographs from Louis Fleckenstein, Paul Strand and Asahachi Kōno, is available for pre-order'=>'由路易斯-弗莱肯斯坦(Louis Fleckenstein)、保罗-斯特兰德(Paul Strand)和旭八郎(Asahachi Kōno)拍摄的《故事集》(The Stories Book)是一本时间瞬间的精美合集,现已接受预订。','Pattern descriptionA link post format with a description and an emphasized link for key content.'=>'链接文章格式,包含关键内容的描述和强调的链接。','Pattern titleLink format'=>'链接格式','Acoma Pueblo, in New Mexico, stands as a testament to the resilience and cultural heritage of the Acoma people'=>'新墨西哥州的阿科马普韦布洛见证了阿科马人坚韧不拔的精神和文化遗产。','Episode 1: Acoma Pueblo with Prof. Fiona Presley'=>'第 1 集:阿科马普韦布洛与菲奥娜-普雷斯利教授的对话','Pattern descriptionAn audio post format with an image, title, audio player, and description.'=>'音频文章格式,附带图片、标题、音频播放器和说明。','Pattern titleAudio format'=>'音频格式','Pattern descriptionFooter columns with logo, title, tagline and links.'=>'带有徽标、标题、网站标语和链接的页脚栏。','Pattern titleFooter'=>'页脚','Pattern descriptionFooter with centered site title and social links.'=>'带居中网站标题和社交链接的页脚。','Pattern titleCentered footer with social links'=>'以页脚为中心的社交链接','Receive our articles in your inbox.'=>'在您的收件箱中接收我们的文章。','Pattern descriptionFooter with large site title and newsletter signup.'=>'带有大型网站标题和时事通讯注册的页脚。','Pattern titleFooter with newsletter signup'=>'带电子报注册的页脚','Themes'=>'主题','Patterns'=>'样板','Shop'=>'商店','Featured'=>'精选','Authors'=>'作者','FAQs'=>'常见问题','About'=>'关于','Blog'=>'博客','Pattern descriptionFooter columns with title, tagline and links.'=>'带有标题,网站标语和链接的页脚列。','Pattern titleFooter with columns'=>'带列的页脚','Designed with %s'=>'以 %s 设计','Pattern descriptionFooter with centered site title and tagline.'=>'带有居中网站标题和网站标语的页脚。','Pattern titleCentered footer'=>'中心页脚','An introduction to African dialects'=>'非洲方言简介','Black and white photo of an african woman.'=>'非洲妇女的黑白照片。','Ancient buildings and symbols'=>'古代建筑和标志','The acropolis in Athens.'=>'雅典卫城','Things you didn’t know about the deep ocean'=>'你不知道的深海趣事','View of the deep ocean.'=>'深海景观。','Pattern placeholder text with link.Lecture by <a href="#">Prof. Fiona Presley</a>'=>'<a href="#">菲奥娜-普雷斯利(Fiona Presley)</a>教授的讲座','Example event time in pattern.9 AM — 11 AM'=>'上午 9 时至 11 时','Fauna from North America and its characteristics'=>'北美洲的动物及其特征','Birds on a lake.'=>'湖上的鸟类','Agenda'=>'日程安排','Pattern descriptionA section with specified dates and times for an event.'=>'为事件指定日期和时间的部分。','Pattern titleEvent schedule'=>'活动日程','Close up photo of white flowers on a grey background'=>'灰色背景上白色花朵的照片特写','Abbreviation for "Please respond".RSVP'=>'回复','This immersive event celebrates the universal human experience through the lenses of history and ancestry, featuring a diverse array of photographers whose works capture the essence of different cultures and historical moments.'=>'这个身临其境的事件通过历史记录和祖先的镜头来颂扬人类的经验,展示不同摄影师的作品,他们的作品捕捉了不同文化和历史时刻的精髓。','Free Workshop'=>'免费工作坊','Pattern descriptionRSVP for an upcoming event with a cover image and event details.'=>'为即将举行的事件 RSVP,请提供封面图片和事件详情。','Pattern titleEvent RSVP'=>'事件 RSVP','Event details'=>'事件详情','Event image'=>'事件图片','These are some of the upcoming events.'=>'这些是一些即将发生的事件。','Events'=>'事件','Pattern descriptionA header with title and text and three columns that show 3 events with their images and titles.'=>'标题和文字,三栏显示 3 个事件及其图片和标题。','Pattern titleEvents, 3 columns with event images and titles'=>'事件,3 栏,含事件图片和标题','Subscribe'=>'订阅','Get access to a curated collection of moments in time featuring photographs from historical relevance.'=>'访问由历史相关照片组成的「时间瞬间」精选集。','Sign up to get daily stories'=>'注册获取每日故事','Pattern titleNewsletter sign-up'=>'订阅电子报','Button text. VerbSearch'=>'搜索','Search input field placeholder text.Type here...'=>'在此输入...','Search form label.Search'=>'搜索','What are you looking for?'=>'您在寻找什么?','Pattern descriptionLarge heading with a search form for quick navigation.'=>'大标题带搜索表单,用于快速导航。','Pattern titleHeading and search form'=>'标题和搜索表单','Shop now'=>'现在购物','Botany flowers'=>'植物花卉','Cancel anytime'=>'随时取消','Free shipping'=>'免费送货','Tailored to your needs'=>'根据您的需求量身定制','Flora of Akaka Falls State Park'=>'阿卡卡瀑布州立公园的植物','30€'=>'30€','Starting at%s/month'=>'起价 %s/月','Closeup of plantlife in the Malibu Canyon area'=>'马里布峡谷地区的植物特写','Delivered every week'=>'每周发送','Black and white flower'=>'黑白花','Our online store.'=>'我们的网上商店。','Pattern descriptionA call to action featuring product images.'=>'以产品为特色的行动号召图片.','Pattern titleCall to action with grid layout with products and link'=>'以产品和链接为特色的网格布局行动号召','Thornville, OH, USA'=>'美国俄亥俄州索恩维尔','Mexico City, Mexico'=>'墨西哥墨西哥城','Buy Tickets'=>'购买门票','Example event date in pattern.Mon, Jan 1'=>'1月1日,周一','Atlanta, GA, USA'=>'美国佐治亚州亚特兰大','These are some of the upcoming events'=>'这些是即将举行的部分事件','Upcoming events'=>'即将举行的活动','Pattern descriptionA list of events with call to action.'=>'带行动号召的事件列表','Pattern titleEvents list'=>'活动列表','Learn more'=>'了解更多','Like flowers that bloom in unexpected places, every story unfolds with beauty and resilience, revealing hidden wonders.'=>'就像花朵在意想不到的地方绽放,每一个故事都以美丽和坚韧的姿态展开,揭示隐藏的奇迹。','Tell your story'=>'讲述你的故事','Pattern descriptionA hero with a centered heading, paragraph and button.'=>'一个有居中标题、段落和按钮的主人公。','Pattern titleCentered heading'=>'居中的标题','United Kingdom'=>'英国','United States'=>'美国','Switzerland'=>'新西兰','New Zealand'=>'新西兰','Japan'=>'日本','Canada'=>'加拿大','Brazil'=>'巴西','Book Store'=>'书店','Australia'=>'澳大利亚','The Stories Book will be available from these international retailers.'=>'《故事集》将在这些国际零售商处发售。','International editions'=>'国际版本','Pattern descriptionA call to action section with links to get the book in the most popular locations.'=>'附有「链接」的「行动号召」部分,可在最受欢迎的地点获取此书。','Pattern titleCall to action with locations'=>'带地点的行动号召','Pattern placeholder text with link.Outside Europe? View <a href="#" rel="nofollow">international editions</a>.'=>'欧洲以外?查看<a href="#" rel="nofollow">国际版本</a>。','Example brand name.Simon & Schuster'=>'西蒙与舒斯特','Example brand name.BAM!'=>'BAM!','Example brand name.Spotify'=>'Spotify','Example brand name.Bookshop.org'=>'Bookshop.org','Example brand name.Apple Books'=>'苹果图书','Example brand name.Barnes & Noble'=>'巴诺书店','Example brand name.Audible'=>'有声读物','Example brand name.Amazon'=>'亚马逊','Buy your copy of The Stories Book'=>'购买《故事集》','Pattern descriptionA call to action section with links to get the book in different websites.'=>'附有行动呼吁的链接部分,可在不同网站获取此书。','Pattern titleCall to action with book links'=>'与书链接的行动号召','The business location'=>'业务地点','Get directions'=>'获取路线','Visit us at 123 Example St. Manhattan, NY 10300, United States'=>'地址:美国纽约州曼哈顿示例街 123 号 10300','Pattern descriptionContact section with a location address, a directions link, and an image of the location.'=>'联系部分包括地址、方向链接和位置图片。','Pattern titleContact location and link'=>'联系地点和链接','Portland'=>'波特兰','Salt Lake City'=>'盐湖城','San Diego'=>'圣地亚哥','123 Example St. Manhattan, NY 10300 United States'=>'美国纽约州曼哈顿示例街 123 号 10300','New York'=>'纽约','example@example.com'=>'example@example.com','Email'=>'邮箱','TikTok'=>'TikTok','Facebook'=>'Facebook','Instagram'=>'Instagram','Refers to the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.X'=>'X','Social media'=>'社交媒体','How to get in touch with us'=>'如何与我们联系','Pattern descriptionContact section with social media links, email, and multiple location details.'=>'联系方式部分包含社交媒体链接, 邮箱和多个地点的详细信息。','Pattern titleContact, info and locations'=>'联系方式、信息和地点','Heading of the Contact social link patternGot questions? <br><a href="#" rel="nofollow">Feel free to reach out.</a>'=>'有问题吗?<br><a href="#" rel="nofollow">请随时联系我们。</a>','Pattern descriptionCentered contact section with a prominent message and social media links.'=>'居中的联系部分,带有醒目的信息和社交媒体链接。','Pattern titleCentered link and social links'=>'中心链接和社会链接','Comments'=>'评论','Pattern descriptionComments area with comments list, pagination, and comment form.'=>'带有评论列表、分页和评论表单的评论区。','Pattern titleComments'=>'评论','Pattern descriptionPrints the name of the post format with the help of the Block Bindings API.'=>'借助区块绑定 API 打印文章格式名称。','Pattern titlePost format name'=>'文章格式名称','Black and white photography close up of a flower.'=>'一朵花的黑白摄影特写。','Photography close up of a red flower.'=>'红色花朵的摄影特写。','%s is a flower delivery and subscription business. Based in the EU, our mission is not only to deliver stunning flower arrangements across but also foster knowledge and enthusiasm on the beautiful gift of nature: flowers.'=>'%s 是一家鲜花配送和订购公司。我们的总部位于欧盟,我们的使命不仅是向全世界提供精美的鲜花,还致力于培养人们对大自然馈赠的美好礼物——鲜花的了解和热情。','About Us'=>'关于我们','Pattern descriptionA banner with a short paragraph, and two images displayed in a grid layout.'=>'一个带有简短段落的横幅和两个图片显示在一个网格布局中。','Pattern titleBanner with description and images grid'=>'带有说明和图片网格的横幅','#stories'=>'# 故事','Let’s hear them.'=>'让我们听听他们的故事。','Fuego Bar, Mexico City'=>'墨西哥城 Fuego 酒吧','Example event date in pattern.Aug 08—10 2025'=>'2025年8月8日—10日','Placeholder heading in four languages.“Stories, <span lang="es">historias</span>, <span lang="uk">iсторії</span>, <span lang="el">iστορίες</span>”'=>'「故事、<span lang="es">历史</span>、<span lang="uk">ictorії</span>、<span lang="el">iστορίες</span>」','Picture of a historical building in ruins.'=>'废墟中的历史建筑图片。','Pattern descriptionA section that can be used as a banner or a landing page to announce an event.'=>'可用作横幅或着陆页面以宣布事件的部分。','Pattern titlePoster-like section'=>'类似海报的部分','Example brand name.Fleurs'=>'花','Pattern placeholder text.We\'re %s, our mission is to deliver exquisite flower arrangements that not only adorn living spaces but also inspire a deeper appreciation for natural beauty.'=>'我们是 %s,我们的使命是提供精致的插花作品,不仅点缀生活空间,而且激发人们对自然美更深刻的欣赏。','Pattern descriptionA large left-aligned heading with a brand name emphasized in bold.'=>'左对齐的大标题,用粗体字强调品牌名称。','Pattern titleIntro with left-aligned description'=>'左对齐的介绍说明','Button text of intro section.Learn More'=>'了解更多','Sample description for banner with flower.Like flowers that bloom in unexpected places, every story unfolds with beauty and resilience, revealing hidden wonders.'=>'就像花朵在意想不到的地方绽放一样,每个故事都以美丽和坚韧的姿态展开,揭示隐藏的奇迹。','Heading for banner pattern.New arrivals'=>'新到产品','Alt text for intro picture.Picture of a flower'=>'花卉图片','Pattern descriptionA Intro pattern with Short heading, paragraph and image on the left.'=>'带短标题、段落和图片的介绍样板位于左侧。','Pattern titleShort heading and paragraph and image on the left'=>'左侧为短标题、段落和图片','Stories'=>'故事','Photo of a field full of flowers, a blue sky and a tree.'=>'一张开满鲜花、蓝天和大树的字段照片。','Pattern descriptionA full-width cover section with a large background image and an oversized heading.'=>'全幅封面,大背景图片和超大标题。','Pattern titleCover with big heading'=>'带有大标题的封面','Image of a book'=>'一本书的图片','Pattern placeholder text.This exquisite compilation showcases a diverse array of photographs that capture the essence of different eras and cultures, reflecting the unique styles and perspectives of each artist. Fleckenstein’s evocative imagery, Strand’s groundbreaking modernist approach, and Kōno’s meticulous documentation of Japanese life come together in a harmonious blend that celebrates the art of photography. Each image in “The Stories Book” is accompanied by insightful commentary, providing historical context and revealing the stories behind the photographs. This collection is not only a visual feast but also a tribute to the power of photography to preserve and narrate the multifaceted experiences of humanity.'=>'这本精美的合集展示了一系列不同的照片,捕捉了不同时代和文化的精髓,反映了每位艺术家的唯一样式和视角。弗莱肯斯坦令人回味的图像、斯特兰德开创性的现代主义手法,以及弘野对日本生活细致入微的记录,三者和谐地融合在一起,弘扬了摄影艺术。《故事集》中的每张图片都配有深刻的评论,提供历史背景并揭示照片背后的故事。这套书不仅是一场视觉盛宴,也是对摄影保存和叙述人类多方面经历的力量的致敬。','About the book'=>'关于本书','Pattern descriptionBanner with book description and accompanying image for promotion.'=>'带有图书介绍和附图的横幅,用于宣传。','Pattern titleBanner with book description'=>'横幅与图书介绍','Label for the block binding placeholder in the editorPost format name'=>'文章格式名称','A collection of post format patterns.'=>'文章格式样板集。','Post format'=>'文章格式','A collection of full page layouts.'=>'全部页面布局集合','Pages'=>'页面','Checkmark'=>'复选标记','https://wordpress.org'=>'https://cn.wordpress.org','the WordPress team'=>'WordPress 团队','Twenty Twenty-Five emphasizes simplicity and adaptability. It offers flexible design options, supported by a variety of patterns for different page types, such as services and landing pages, making it ideal for building personal blogs, professional portfolios, online magazines, or business websites. Its templates cater to various blog styles, from text-focused to image-heavy layouts. Additionally, it supports international typography and diverse color palettes, ensuring accessibility and customization for users worldwide.'=>'二〇二五强调简洁性和适应性。它提供灵活的设计选项,并为不同的页面类型(如服务和着陆页面)提供多种样板支持,使其成为建立个人博客、专业作品集、在线杂志或商业网站的理想之选。它的模板可满足各种博客风格的需要,从注重文字的布局到注重图片的布局。此外,它还支持国际化的排版和多样化的调色板,确保全球用户的可访问性和可定制性。','https://wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentyfive/'=>'https://cn.wordpress.org/themes/twentytwentyfive/','Twenty Twenty-Five'=>'二〇二五']];
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