Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /usr/bin/webmin
#!/usr/bin/env perl # Webmin CLI - Allows performing a variety of common Webmin-related # functions on the command line. use strict; use warnings; BEGIN { $Pod::Usage::Formatter = 'Pod::Text::Color'; } use 5.010; # Version in CentOS 6 use Getopt::Long qw(:config permute pass_through); use Term::ANSIColor qw(:constants); use Pod::Usage; my $a0 = $ARGV[0]; sub main { my ( %opt, $subcmd ); GetOptions( 'help|h' => \$opt{'help'}, 'config|c=s' => \$opt{'config'}, 'list-commands|l' => \$opt{'list'}, 'describe|d' => \$opt{'describe'}, 'man|m' => \$opt{'man'}, 'version|v' => \$opt{'version'}, 'versions' => \$opt{'versions'}, '<>' => sub { # Handle unrecognized options, inc. subcommands. my($arg) = @_; if ($arg =~ m{^-}) { say "Usage error: Unknown option $arg."; pod2usage(0); } else { # It must be a subcommand. $subcmd = $arg; die "!FINISH"; } } ); # Set defaults $opt{'config'} ||= "/etc/webmin"; $opt{'commands'} = $a0; # Load libs loadlibs(\%opt); my @remain = @ARGV; # List commands? if ($opt{'list'}) { list_commands(\%opt); exit 0; } elsif ($opt{'version'} || $opt{'versions'}) { # Load libs my $ver_checked = sub { my ($ver_remote, $ver_curr) = @_; if ($ver_remote && $ver_curr && compare_version_numbers($ver_remote, $ver_curr) > 0 ) { return (BRIGHT_RED, $ver_curr, RESET, DARK, " (" . RESET, BRIGHT_GREEN, $ver_remote, RESET, DARK . " is available)", RESET); } else { return GREEN, $ver_curr, RESET; } }; my $print_mod_vers = sub { my ($module_type, $modules_list, $prod_root, $prod_ver, $versions_remote_local) = @_; my @minfo; if (ref($modules_list)) { my $head; my @modules_list = sort(@{$modules_list}); foreach my $mod (@modules_list) { my %mod_info; read_file($mod, \%mod_info); my $mod_ver = $mod_info{'version_actual'} || $mod_info{'version'}; my $mod_desc = $mod_info{'desc'}; if ($mod_ver && $prod_ver && $mod_desc && $prod_ver !~ /^$mod_ver/) { say CYAN, " $module_type: ", RESET if (!$head++); my ($mod_dir) = $mod =~ m/$prod_root\/(.*?)\//; push(@minfo, {'desc' => $mod_desc, 'ver' => $mod_ver, 'dir' => $mod_dir}); } } @minfo = sort { $a->{'desc'} cmp $b->{'desc'} } @minfo; foreach my $mod (@minfo) { say " $mod->{'desc'}: " , &$ver_checked($versions_remote_local->{$mod->{'dir'}}, $mod->{'ver'}), DARK " [$mod->{'dir'}]", RESET; } } }; my $root = root($opt{'config'}); if ($root && -d $root) { require("$root/web-lib-funcs.pl"); # Try to get remote versions first my %versions_remote; if ($opt{'versions'}) { my ($latest_known_versions_remote, $latest_known_versions_remote_error); http_download("virtualmin.com", 443, '/software-latest', \$latest_known_versions_remote, \$latest_known_versions_remote_error, undef, 1, undef, undef, 5); if ($latest_known_versions_remote && !$latest_known_versions_remote_error) { %versions_remote = map{split /=/, $_} (split(/\n/, $latest_known_versions_remote)); } elsif ($latest_known_versions_remote_error) { say BRIGHT_YELLOW, "Warning: ", RESET, "Cannot fetch remote packages versions list - $latest_known_versions_remote_error"; } } # Get Webmin version installed my $ver1 = "$root/version"; my $ver2 = "$opt{'config'}/version"; my $ver = read_file_contents($ver1) || read_file_contents($ver2); my $verrel_file = "$root/release"; my $verrel = -r $verrel_file ? read_file_contents($verrel_file) : ""; if ($verrel) { $verrel = ":@{[trim($verrel)]}"; } $ver = trim($ver); if ($ver) { if ($opt{'version'}) { say "$ver$verrel"; exit 0; } else { say CYAN, "Webmin: ", RESET, &$ver_checked($versions_remote{'webmin'}, "$ver$verrel"), DARK " [$root]", RESET; } } else { say RED, "Error: ", RESET, "Cannot determine Webmin version"; exit 1; } # Get other Webmin themes/modules versions if available my ($dir, @themes, @mods); if (opendir($dir, $root)) { while (my $file = readdir($dir)) { my $theme_info_file = "$root/$file/theme.info"; push(@themes, $theme_info_file) if (-r $theme_info_file); my $mod_info_file = "$root/$file/module.info"; push(@mods, $mod_info_file) if (-r $mod_info_file); } } closedir($dir); &$print_mod_vers('Themes', \@themes, $root, $ver, \%versions_remote); &$print_mod_vers('Modules', \@mods, $root, $ver, \%versions_remote); # Check for Usermin my $wmumconfig = "$opt{'config'}/usermin/config"; if (-r $wmumconfig) { my %wmumconfig; read_file($wmumconfig, \%wmumconfig); # Usermin config dir $wmumconfig = $wmumconfig{'usermin_dir'}; if ($wmumconfig) { my %uminiserv; read_file("$wmumconfig/miniserv.conf", \%uminiserv); my $uroot = $uminiserv{'root'}; # Get Usermin version installed if ($uroot && -d $uroot) { my $uver1 = "$uroot/version"; my $uver2 = "$wmumconfig/version"; my $uver = read_file_contents($uver1) || read_file_contents($uver2); my $uverrel_file = "$uroot/release"; my $uverrel = -r $uverrel_file ? read_file_contents($uverrel_file) : ""; if ($uverrel) { $uverrel = ":@{[trim($uverrel)]}"; } $uver = trim($uver) . $uverrel; if ($uver) { say CYAN, "Usermin: ", RESET, &$ver_checked($versions_remote{'usermin'}, $uver), DARK " [$uroot]", RESET; my ($udir, @uthemes, @umods); if (opendir($udir, "$uroot")) { while (my $file = readdir($udir)) { my $theme_info_file = "$uroot/$file/theme.info"; push(@uthemes, $theme_info_file) if (-r $theme_info_file); my $mod_info_file = "$uroot/$file/module.info"; push(@umods, $mod_info_file) if (-r $mod_info_file); } } closedir($udir); &$print_mod_vers('Themes', \@uthemes, $uroot, $uver, \%versions_remote); &$print_mod_vers('Modules', \@umods, $uroot, $uver, \%versions_remote); } } } } } exit 0; } elsif ($opt{'man'} || $opt{'help'} || !defined($remain[0])) { # Show the full manual page man_command(\%opt, $subcmd); exit 0; } elsif ($subcmd) { run_command( \%opt, $subcmd, \@remain ); } exit 0; } exit main( \@ARGV ) if !caller(0); # run_command - Run a subcommand # $optref is a reference to an options object passed down from global options # like --help or a --config path. sub run_command { my ( $optref, $subcmd, $remainref ) = @_; # Load libs loadlibs($optref); # Figure out the Webmin root directory my $root = root($optref->{'config'}); my (@commands) = list_commands($optref); if (! grep( /^$subcmd$/, @commands ) ) { say RED, "Error: ", RESET, "Command \`$subcmd\` doesn't exist", RESET; exit 1; } my $command_path = get_command_path($root, $subcmd, $optref); # Merge the options # Only handling config, right now... # XXX Should we do this with libraries instead of commands? # Maybe detect .pm for that possibility. my @allopts = ("--config", "$optref->{'config'}", @$remainref); # Run that binch system($command_path, @allopts); # Try to exit with the passed through exit code (rarely used, but # why not?) if ($? == -1) { say RED, "Error: ", RESET, "Failed to execute \`$command_path\`: $!"; exit 1; } else { exit $? >> 8; } } sub get_command_path { my ($root, $subcmd, $optref) = @_; # Load libs loadlibs($optref); # Check for a root-level command (in "$root/bin") my $command_path; if ($subcmd) { $command_path = File::Spec->catfile($root, 'bin', $subcmd); } else { $command_path = File::Spec->catfile($root, 'bin', 'webmin'); } my $module_name; my $command; if ( -x $command_path) { $command = $command_path; } else { # Try to extract a module name from the command # Get list of directories opendir (my $DIR, $root); my @module_dirs = grep { -d "$root/$_" } readdir($DIR); # See if any of them are a substring of $subcmd for my $dir (@module_dirs) { if (index($subcmd, $dir) == 0) { $module_name = $dir; my $barecmd = substr($subcmd, -(length($subcmd)-length($module_name)-1)); $command = File::Spec->catfile($root, $dir, 'bin', $barecmd); # Could be .pl or no extension if ( -x $command ) { last; } elsif ( -x $command . ".pl" ) { $command = $command . ".pl"; last; } } } } if ($optref->{'commands'} && $optref->{'commands'} =~ /^(status|start|stop|restart|reload|force-restart|force-reload|kill)$/) { exit system("$0 server $optref->{'commands'}"); } elsif ($command) { return $command; } else { die RED, "Unrecognized subcommand: $subcmd", RESET , "\n"; } } sub list_commands { my ($optref) = @_; my $root = root($optref->{'config'}); my @commands; # Find and list global commands for my $command (glob ("$root/bin/*")) { my ($bin, $path) = fileparse($command); if ($bin =~ "webmin") { next; } if ($optref->{'describe'}) { # Display name and description say YELLOW, "$bin", RESET; pod2usage( -verbose => 99, -sections => [ qw(DESCRIPTION) ], -input => $command, -exitval => "NOEXIT"); } else { if (wantarray) { push(@commands, $bin); } else { # Just list the names say "$bin"; } } } my @modules; # Find all module directories with something in bin for my $command (glob ("$root/*/bin/*")) { my ($bin, $path) = fileparse($command); my $module = (split /\//, $path)[-2]; if ($optref->{'describe'}) { # Display name and description say YELLOW, "$module-$bin", RESET; pod2usage( -verbose => 99, -sections => [ qw(DESCRIPTION) ], -input => $command, -exitval => "NOEXIT"); } else { if (wantarray) { push(@modules, "$module-$bin"); } else { # Just list the names say "$module-$bin"; } } } if (wantarray) { return (@commands, @modules); } } # Display either a short usage message (--help) or a full manual (--man) sub man_command { my ($optref, $subcmd) = @_; my $root = root($optref->{'config'}); my $command_path = get_command_path($root, $subcmd, $optref); $ENV{'PAGER'} ||= "more"; open(my $PAGER, "|-", "$ENV{'PAGER'}"); if ($optref->{'help'}) { pod2usage( -input => $command_path ); } else { pod2usage( -verbose => 99, -input => $command_path, -output => $PAGER); } } sub root { my ($config) = @_; open(my $CONF, "<", "$config/miniserv.conf") || die RED, "Failed to open $config/miniserv.conf", RESET , "\n"; my $root; while (<$CONF>) { if (/^root=(.*)/) { $root = $1; } } close($CONF); # Does the Webmin root exist? if ( $root ) { die "$root is not a directory. Is --config correct?\n" unless (-d $root); } else { die "Unable to determine Webmin installation directory from $ENV{'WEBMIN_CONFIG'}\n"; } return $root; } # loadlibs - Load libraries from the Webmin vendor dir # as those may not be installed as dependency, because # Webmin already provides them from package manager # perspective. sub loadlibs { my ($optref) = @_; $optref->{'config'} ||= "/etc/webmin"; my $root = root($optref->{'config'}); my $libroot = "$root/vendor_perl"; eval "use lib '$libroot'"; eval "use File::Basename"; eval "use File::Spec"; } 1; =pod =head1 NAME webmin =head1 DESCRIPTION Webmin CLI command to perform many common Webmin tasks from the command line or from scripts. =head1 SYNOPSIS webmin [options] subcommand [subcommand options] =head1 OPTIONS =over =item --help, -h Print this usage summary and exit. Subcommands may also have a usage summary. =item --config <path>, -c <path> Specify the full path to the Webmin configuration directory. Defaults to C</etc/webmin>. =item --list-commands, -l List available subcommands. =item --describe, -d When listing commands, briefly describe what they do. =item --man <command>, -m <command> Display the manual page for the given subcommand. =item --version, -v Returns current Webmin version installed =item --versions Returns Webmin and other modules and themes versions installed (only those for which version is available) =back =head1 EXIT CODES 0 on success ; non-0 on error =head1 LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2018 Jamie Cameron <jcameron@webmin.com> Joe Cooper <joe@virtualmin.com> Ilia Rostovtsev <ilia@virtualmin.com>
| ver. 1.4 |
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