Файловый менеджер - Редактировать - /var/www/xthruster/html/wp-content/uploads/flags/wpml-lib-dependencies.tar
src/dependencies/class-wpml-dependencies.php 0000644 00000027025 14721577627 0015230 0 ustar 00 <?php /* Module Name: WPML Dependency Check Module Description: This is not a plugin! This module must be included in other plugins (WPML and add-ons) to handle compatibility checks Author: OnTheGoSystems Author URI: http://www.onthegosystems.com/ Version: 2.1 */ /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedClassInspection */ class WPML_Dependencies { protected static $instance; private $admin_notice; private $current_product; private $current_version = array(); private $expected_versions = array(); private $installed_plugins = array(); private $invalid_plugins = array(); private $valid_plugins = array(); private $validation_results = array(); public $data_key = 'wpml_dependencies:'; public $needs_validation_key = 'wpml_dependencies:needs_validation'; private function __construct() { if ( null === self::$instance ) { $this->remove_old_admin_notices(); $this->init_hooks(); } } private function collect_data() { $active_plugins = wp_get_active_and_valid_plugins(); $this->init_bundle( $active_plugins ); foreach ( $active_plugins as $plugin ) { $this->add_installed_plugin( $plugin ); } } protected function remove_old_admin_notices() { if ( class_exists( 'WPML_Bundle_Check' ) ) { global $WPML_Bundle_Check; remove_action( 'admin_notices', array( $WPML_Bundle_Check, 'admin_notices_action' ) ); } } private function init_hooks() { add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init_plugins_action' ) ); add_action( 'extra_plugin_headers', array( $this, 'extra_plugin_headers_action' ) ); add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'admin_notices_action' ) ); add_action( 'activated_plugin', array( $this, 'activated_plugin_action' ) ); add_action( 'deactivated_plugin', array( $this, 'deactivated_plugin_action' ) ); add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', array( $this, 'upgrader_process_complete_action' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'load-plugins.php', array( $this, 'run_validation_on_plugins_page' ) ); } public function run_validation_on_plugins_page() { $this->reset_validation(); } public function activated_plugin_action() { $this->reset_validation(); } public function deactivated_plugin_action() { $this->reset_validation(); } public function upgrader_process_complete_action( $upgrader_object, $options ) { if ( 'update' === $options['action'] && 'plugin' === $options['type'] ) { $this->reset_validation(); } } private function reset_validation() { update_option( $this->needs_validation_key, true ); $this->validate_plugins(); } private function flag_as_validated() { update_option( $this->needs_validation_key, false ); } private function needs_validation() { return get_option( $this->needs_validation_key ); } public function admin_notices_action() { $this->maybe_init_admin_notice(); if ( $this->admin_notice && ( is_admin() && ! $this->is_doing_ajax_cron_or_xmlrpc() ) ) { echo $this->admin_notice; } } private function is_doing_ajax_cron_or_xmlrpc() { return ( $this->is_doing_ajax() || $this->is_doing_cron() || $this->is_doing_xmlrpc() ); } private function is_doing_ajax() { return ( defined( 'DOING_AJAX' ) && DOING_AJAX ); } private function is_doing_cron() { return ( defined( 'DOING_CRON' ) && DOING_CRON ); } private function is_doing_xmlrpc() { return ( defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' ) && XMLRPC_REQUEST ); } public function extra_plugin_headers_action( array $extra_headers = array() ) { $new_extra_header = array( 'PluginSlug' => 'Plugin Slug', ); return array_merge( $new_extra_header, (array) $extra_headers ); } /** * @return WPML_Dependencies */ public static function get_instance() { if ( null === self::$instance ) { self::$instance = new WPML_Dependencies(); } return self::$instance; } public function get_plugins() { return $this->installed_plugins; } public function init_plugins_action() { if ( $this->needs_validation() && is_admin() && ! $this->is_doing_ajax_cron_or_xmlrpc() ) { $this->init_plugins(); $this->validate_plugins(); $this->flag_as_validated(); } } private function init_plugins() { if ( ! $this->installed_plugins ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'get_plugin_data' ) ) { /** @noinspection PhpIncludeInspection */ include_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'; } if ( function_exists( 'get_plugin_data' ) ) { $this->collect_data(); } } update_option( $this->data_key . 'installed_plugins', $this->installed_plugins ); } private function init_bundle( array $active_plugins ) { foreach ( $active_plugins as $plugin_file ) { $filename = dirname( $plugin_file ) . '/wpml-dependencies.json'; if ( file_exists( $filename ) ) { $data = file_get_contents( $filename ); $bundle = json_decode( $data, true ); $this->set_expected_versions( $bundle ); } } } private function add_installed_plugin( $plugin ) { $data = get_plugin_data( $plugin ); $plugin_dir = realpath( dirname( $plugin ) ); $wp_plugin_dir = realpath( WP_PLUGIN_DIR ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; if ( false !== $plugin_dir && $wp_plugin_dir !== $plugin_dir ) { $plugin_folder = str_replace( $wp_plugin_dir, '', $plugin_dir ); $plugin_slug = $this->guess_plugin_slug( $data, $plugin_folder ); if ( $this->is_valid_plugin( $plugin_slug ) ) { $this->installed_plugins[ $plugin_slug ] = $data['Version']; } } } private function set_expected_versions( array $bundle ) { foreach ( $bundle as $plugin => $version ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $plugin, $this->expected_versions ) ) { $this->expected_versions[ $plugin ] = $version; } else { if ( version_compare( $this->expected_versions[ $plugin ], $version, '<' ) ) { $this->expected_versions[ $plugin ] = $version; } } } } private function guess_plugin_slug( $plugin_data, $plugin_folder ) { $plugin_slug = null; $plugin_slug = $plugin_folder; if ( array_key_exists( 'Plugin Slug', $plugin_data ) && $plugin_data['Plugin Slug'] ) { $plugin_slug = $plugin_data['Plugin Slug']; } return $plugin_slug; } private function validate_plugins() { $validation_results = $this->get_plugins_validation(); $this->valid_plugins = array(); $this->invalid_plugins = array(); foreach ( $validation_results as $plugin => $validation_result ) { if ( true === $validation_result ) { $this->valid_plugins[] = $plugin; } else { $this->invalid_plugins[] = $plugin; } } update_option( $this->data_key . 'valid_plugins', $this->valid_plugins ); update_option( $this->data_key . 'invalid_plugins', $this->invalid_plugins ); update_option( $this->data_key . 'expected_versions', $this->expected_versions ); } public function get_plugins_validation() { foreach ( $this->installed_plugins as $plugin => $version ) { $this->current_product = $plugin; if ( $this->is_valid_plugin() ) { $this->current_version = $version; $validation_result = $this->is_plugin_version_valid(); $this->validation_results[ $plugin ] = $validation_result; } } return $this->validation_results; } private function is_valid_plugin( $product = false ) { $result = false; if ( ! $product ) { $product = $this->current_product; } if ( $product ) { $versions = $this->get_expected_versions(); $result = array_key_exists( $product, $versions ); } return $result; } public function is_plugin_version_valid() { $expected_version = $this->filter_version( $this->get_expected_product_version() ); return $expected_version ? version_compare( $this->filter_version( $this->current_version ), $expected_version, '>=' ) : null; } private function filter_version( $version ) { return preg_replace( '#[^\d.].*#', '', $version ); } public function get_expected_versions() { return $this->expected_versions; } private function get_expected_product_version( $product = false ) { $result = null; if ( ! $product ) { $product = $this->current_product; } if ( $product ) { $versions = $this->get_expected_versions(); $result = isset( $versions[ $product ] ) ? $versions[ $product ] : null; } return $result; } private function maybe_init_admin_notice() { $this->admin_notice = null; $this->installed_plugins = get_option( $this->data_key . 'installed_plugins', [] ); $this->invalid_plugins = get_option( $this->data_key . 'invalid_plugins', [] ); $this->expected_versions = get_option( $this->data_key . 'expected_versions', [] ); $this->valid_plugins = get_option( $this->data_key . 'valid_plugins', [] ); if ( $this->has_invalid_plugins() ) { $notice_paragraphs = array(); $notice_paragraphs[] = $this->get_invalid_plugins_report_header(); $notice_paragraphs[] = $this->get_invalid_plugins_report_list(); $notice_paragraphs[] = $this->get_invalid_plugins_report_footer(); $this->admin_notice = '<div class="error wpml-admin-notice">'; $this->admin_notice .= '<h3>' . __( 'WPML Update is Incomplete', 'sitepress' ) . '</h3>'; $this->admin_notice .= '<p>' . implode( '</p><p>', $notice_paragraphs ) . '</p>'; $this->admin_notice .= '</div>'; } } public function has_invalid_plugins() { return count( $this->invalid_plugins ); } private function get_invalid_plugins_report_header() { if ( $this->has_valid_plugins() ) { if ( count( $this->valid_plugins ) === 1 ) { $paragraph = __( 'You are running updated %s, but the following component is not updated:', 'sitepress' ); $paragraph = sprintf( $paragraph, '<strong>' . $this->valid_plugins[0] . '</strong>' ); } else { $paragraph = __( 'You are running updated %s and %s, but the following components are not updated:', 'sitepress' ); $first_valid_plugins = implode( ', ', array_slice( $this->valid_plugins, 0, - 1 ) ); $last_valid_plugin = array_slice( $this->valid_plugins, - 1 ); $paragraph = sprintf( $paragraph, '<strong>' . $first_valid_plugins . '</strong>', '<strong>' . $last_valid_plugin[0] . '</strong>' ); } } else { $paragraph = __( 'The following components are not updated:', 'sitepress' ); } return $paragraph; } private function get_invalid_plugins_report_list() { /* translators: %s: Version number */ $required_version = __( 'required version: %s', 'sitepress' ); $invalid_plugins_list = '<ul class="ul-disc">'; foreach ( $this->invalid_plugins as $invalid_plugin ) { $plugin_name_html = '<li data-installed-version="' . $this->installed_plugins[ $invalid_plugin ] . '">'; $required_version_string = ''; if ( isset( $this->expected_versions[ $invalid_plugin ] ) ) { $required_version_string = ' (' . sprintf( $required_version, $this->expected_versions[ $invalid_plugin ] ) . ')'; } $plugin_name_html .= $invalid_plugin . $required_version_string; $plugin_name_html .= '</li>'; $invalid_plugins_list .= $plugin_name_html; } $invalid_plugins_list .= '</ul>'; return $invalid_plugins_list; } private function get_invalid_plugins_report_footer() { $wpml_org_url = '<a href="https://wpml.org/account/" title="WPML.org account">' . __( 'WPML.org account', 'sitepress' ) . '</a>'; $notice_paragraph = __( 'Your site will not work as it should in this configuration', 'sitepress' ); $notice_paragraph .= ' '; $notice_paragraph .= __( 'Please update all components which you are using.', 'sitepress' ); $notice_paragraph .= ' '; $notice_paragraph .= sprintf( __( 'For WPML components you can receive updates from your %s or automatically, after you register WPML.', 'sitepress' ), $wpml_org_url ); return $notice_paragraph; } private function has_valid_plugins() { return $this->valid_plugins && count( $this->valid_plugins ); } } src/dependencies/class-wpml-core-version-check.php 0000644 00000001236 14721577627 0016264 0 ustar 00 <?php class WPML_Core_Version_Check { public static function is_ok( $package_file_path ) { $is_ok = false; /** @var array $bundle */ $bundle = json_decode( file_get_contents( $package_file_path ), true ); if ( defined( 'ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION' ) && is_array( $bundle ) ) { $core_version_stripped = ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION; $dev_or_beta_pos = strpos( ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION, '-' ); if ( $dev_or_beta_pos > 0 ) { $core_version_stripped = substr( ICL_SITEPRESS_VERSION, 0, $dev_or_beta_pos ); } if ( version_compare( $core_version_stripped, $bundle['sitepress-multilingual-cms'], '>=' ) ) { $is_ok = true; } } return $is_ok; } } src/dependencies/class-wpml-php-version-check.php 0000644 00000004772 14721577627 0016133 0 ustar 00 <?php /** * WPML_PHP_Version_Check class file. * * @package WPML\LibDependencies */ if ( ! class_exists( 'WPML_PHP_Version_Check' ) ) { /** * Class WPML_PHP_Version_Check */ class WPML_PHP_Version_Check { /** * Required php version. * * @var string */ private $required_php_version; /** * Plugin name. * * @var string */ private $plugin_name; /** * Plugin file. * * @var string */ private $plugin_file; /** * Text domain. * * @var string */ private $text_domain; /** * WPML_PHP_Version_Check constructor. * * @param string $required_version Required php version. * @param string $plugin_name Plugin name. * @param string $plugin_file Plugin file. * @param string $text_domain Text domain. */ public function __construct( $required_version, $plugin_name, $plugin_file, $text_domain ) { $this->required_php_version = $required_version; $this->plugin_name = $plugin_name; $this->plugin_file = $plugin_file; $this->text_domain = $text_domain; } /** * Check php version. * * @return bool */ public function is_ok() { if ( version_compare( $this->required_php_version, phpversion(), '>' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'php_requirement_message' ) ); return false; } return true; } /** * Show notice with php requirement. */ public function php_requirement_message() { load_plugin_textdomain( $this->text_domain, false, dirname( plugin_basename( $this->plugin_file ) ) . '/locale' ); $errata_page_link = 'https://wpml.org/errata/parse-error-syntax-error-unexpected-t_class-and-other-errors-when-using-php-versions-older-than-5-6/'; // phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralDomain /* translators: 1: Current PHP version number, 2: Plugin version, 3: Minimum required PHP version number */ $message = sprintf( __( 'Your server is running PHP version %1$s but %2$s requires at least %3$s.', $this->text_domain ), phpversion(), $this->plugin_name, $this->required_php_version ); $message .= '<br>'; /* translators: Link to errata page */ $message .= sprintf( __( 'You can find version of the plugin suitable for your environment <a href="%s">here</a>.', $this->text_domain ), $errata_page_link ); // phpcs:enable WordPress.WP.I18n.NonSingularStringLiteralDomain ?> <div class="message error"> <p> <?php echo wp_kses_post( $message ); ?> </p> </div> <?php } } }
| ver. 1.4 |
| PHP 7.4.3-4ubuntu2.24 | Генерация страницы: 0.01 |