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class-wpml-st-tm-jobs.php 0000644 00000010437 14721577551 0011357 0 ustar 00 <?php class WPML_ST_TM_Jobs extends WPML_WPDB_User { /** * @param wpdb $wpdb * WPML_ST_TM_Jobs constructor. */ public function __construct( &$wpdb ) { parent::__construct( $wpdb ); add_filter( 'wpml_tm_jobs_union_table_sql', array( $this, 'jobs_union_table_sql_filter', ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpml_post_translation_original_table', array( $this, 'filter_tm_post_job_table', ), 10, 1 ); add_filter( 'wpml_st_job_state_pending', array( $this, 'tm_external_job_in_progress_filter', ), 10, 2 ); } /** * @param bool $in_progress_status * @param array|object $job_arr * * @return bool true if a job is in progress for the given arguments */ public function tm_external_job_in_progress_filter( $in_progress_status, $job_arr ) { $job_arr = (array) $job_arr; if ( isset( $job_arr['batch'] ) ) { $job_arr['batch'] = (array) $job_arr['batch']; } return isset( $job_arr['batch']['id'] ) && empty( $job_arr['cms_id'] ) && ! empty( $job_arr['id'] ) && ! empty( $job_arr['job_state'] ) && $job_arr['job_state'] === 'delivered' && $this->wpdb->get_var( $this->wpdb->prepare( " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_core_status ct JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_string_status st ON ct.rid = st.rid JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations t ON st.string_translation_id = t.id WHERE ct.rid = %d AND t.status < %d ", $job_arr['id'], ICL_TM_COMPLETE ) ) ? true : $in_progress_status; } public function jobs_union_table_sql_filter( $sql_statements, $args ) { return $this->get_jobs_table_sql_part( $sql_statements, $args ); } /** * @param string $table * * @return string */ public function filter_tm_post_job_table( $table ) { return " (SELECT ID, post_type FROM {$table} UNION ALL SELECT ID, NULL as post_type FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_string_packages) "; } private function get_jobs_table_sql_part( $sql_statements, $args ) { $sql_statements[] = "SELECT st.translator_id, st.id AS job_id, 'string' AS element_type_prefix, NULL AS post_type, st.batch_id FROM {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_string_translations st JOIN {$this->wpdb->prefix}icl_strings s ON s.id = st.string_id " . $this->build_string_where( $args ); return $sql_statements; } /** * @param array $args * string_where * translator_id * from * to * status * service * * @return string */ private function build_string_where( $args ) { if ( isset( $args['overdue'] ) && $args['overdue'] ) { // We do not save "deadline" for string jobs so we just want to exclude them in such case return 'WHERE 1 = 0'; } $string_where = isset( $args['string_where'] ) ? $args['string_where'] : ''; $translator_id = isset( $args['translator_id'] ) ? $args['translator_id'] : ''; $from = isset( $args['from'] ) ? $args['from'] : ''; $to = isset( $args['to'] ) ? $args['to'] : ''; $status = isset( $args['status'] ) ? $args['status'] : ''; $service = isset( $args['service'] ) ? $args['service'] : false; $wheres = array(); $where_args = array(); if ( true === (bool) $from ) { $wheres[] = 's.language = %s'; $where_args[] = $from; } if ( true === (bool) $to ) { $wheres[] = 'st.language = %s'; $where_args[] = $to; } if ( $status ) { $wheres[] = 'st.status = %d'; $where_args[] = ICL_TM_IN_PROGRESS === (int) $status ? ICL_TM_WAITING_FOR_TRANSLATOR : $status; } $service = ! $service && is_numeric( $translator_id ) ? 'local' : $service; $service = 'local' !== $service && false !== strpos( $translator_id, 'ts-' ) ? substr( $translator_id, 3 ) : $service; if ( 'local' === $service ) { $wheres[] = 'st.translator_id = %s'; $where_args[] = $translator_id; } if ( false !== $service ) { $wheres[] = 'st.translation_service = %s'; $where_args[] = $service; } if ( count( $wheres ) > 0 && count( $wheres ) === count( $where_args ) ) { $where_sql = implode( ' AND ', $wheres ); /** @var string $sql */ $sql = $this->wpdb->prepare( $where_sql, $where_args ); $string_where = 'WHERE ' . $sql; } return $string_where; } }
| ver. 1.4 |
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